Eating More Raw and Organic Foods for Health

What percentage of one’s diet should be eaten in raw state? Is 70 percent too much?

Is eating pesticides, herbicides, hormones, and man-made chemicals radical or stupid?

What a dilemma … and yet, most people do not eat a raw food diet of fresh fruits and vegetables grown in the ground and eat manufactured foods full of toxic chemicals every day instead, although there are sites online that offer great diets such as that help with this.

How did we get to the place (as a society) where we see ingesting deadly poisons as perfectly acceptable?

Mike Adams, one of the world’s leading consumer advocates on health and well-being, sat down with Alex Ortner, producer of the film “Simply Raw” to discuss this topic.

The interview is yet another installment in the Simply Raw Video Series that has been released over the last week.

If you want to understand where we need to look for solutions to the health problems facing us, then please watch this video.