Wayne Rowland Tesla Silver Water, Nano Silver Water, Silver Water Colloidal

Down through the ages the benefits if any from drinking “silver water” using silver goblets and placing silver coins in a liter of milk has a preventive measure to keep down the growth of bacteria. It is well known that Bacteria breeding in large quantities in live tissue may cause inflammation and is often found in diseases as reported by vet. and medical journals. There are studies pro and con on this subject on the Internet. I suggest you study and make up your own mind about inflammation and bacteria.

The healing property of water when activated to colloidal silver was known in the depths of unrecorded time. In 1893 Swiss K. Negeli discovered: the silver dissolved in water kills bacteria. Further his breakthrough was affirmed by many world scientific researchers and is common knowledge in some older cultures. That is the reason for putting a silver coin into a pale of milk — to kill the bacteria and keep the milk fresh longer. Fable or fact? You do the research.

Sorry for the lack of information on silver water, but if a person sells Silver Water they may not give testimonials. We apologize, but several of us with silver information have been informed by the FTC that the same web sites can no longer give out any information on what colloidal silver does, what nano silver water does, what it is good for, testimonials, or possible problems it may cause, or healing it could cause. We suggest that you use the tools at your disposal, such as search engines, to determine what you need to know about colloidal silver. We sell no silver water at this website. There are other websites where you can become a member and buy church sacraments and products.

Our silver water product contain no measurable silver because it is so small of particles, nano silver water and is crystal clear. We can say that it is a refreshing drink and it is inexpensive for what it is and how it may be used. You might even consider that our silver water product is a holy sacrament to the life that our Creator designed us to live.

The “silver water” products is a brand name and these products have been produced in an inspected clean room for 18 years and there are thousands of happy customers all over.

For information on the history of the Blue man and the ancient’s silver water: www.colloidal-silver-water.com

Silver water is a religious sacrament created by Wayne Rowland and protected by the authority of God under the rights and regulations of the Church of God and the Apostles (CGAM).

Silver Water Sacrament: Each ounce has over 9 billion electrically charged, anti-microbial particles. Each particle is less than 0.002 microns in size, made of 99.999% pure silver, and permanently bound to the unique frequency enhanced structure of pure de-ionized water.

These products are the carefully selected for dependability, long standing track record, purity, wholeness, and easy pricing on your pocket book by The Assembly of CEH, a not for profit spiritual and wellness association and it support the Reiki Ranch through sales. Blue Man made his own silver water on the kitchen table. You must sign in and become a member to purchase any natural product from us.

Link on this website where you, a member of this natural church association, can buy Silver Water brand products…

Links on this website where you can Read More About the Wayne Silver Water

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

14 thoughts on “Wayne Rowland Tesla Silver Water, Nano Silver Water, Silver Water Colloidal

  1. Buying silver is just one way to prepare for the future!
    Ultimate Survival Skills Guide
    This guide stresses the importance of pre-planning for survival. Three Full Survival scenarios are covered. Wilderness, Open Water, Natural Disasters. Very comprehensive! Fully explains survival strategies, tactics. This one will keep you alive!

  2. do you ship the 2 gallon silver water to Canada?

    I have a UPS account, so would it be possible for me to use that?


    ANSWER: YES WE ship it to Canada.
    Call us 360-748-4426.
    I imagine it would be OK to use your UPS account.

  3. Is the silver in the SilverWater in an ionized form or a colloidal form. What is the exact measurement of the silver particle in this brand in Nano measurement. Isn’t a a Nano smaller than a Micron?


  4. I read that the silver water was killing Ebola bacteria. I would like to stock up on the Colloidal silver water.

  5. Answer: Colloidal Silver Water (9 Billion electrically charged, anti-microbial particles to oz.) Superior to regular “colloidal” silver bottles. This is a certified food grade 99.99% Silver. This is the original small molecule Silver Water designed by Wayne Roland. Each ounce over 9 billion charged anti-microbial particles. 3ppm silver.

    The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

    The history of Colloidal silver — A 1914 study by Simpson & Hewlett showed that it could kill typhoid at only 5 ppm, and a 1918 study by Culver showed it to be effective against gonorrhea.has been used for over a century for its ability to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. In the 1960s it was commonly used for burn victims, especially against a form of pseudomonas bacteria. With the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s, use of colloidal silver and research into its benefits dropped off.

  6. I’d like to order 2 gals. of colloidal sliver. Do you ship to Sultan Kudarat Philippines? Is it possible for Cash on delivery via FedEx? I’m afraid to do prepaid since there are a lot of online scam businesses right now. Thanks

    ANSWER: THERE IS NO CASH ON DELIVERY. You can wire the money through Western Union, bank wire, etc. You must pay for the product plus shipping first. After payment shipping is secured. We have been in business many years.

  7. Looking to be a distributor. Please let me know how it would be possible.

    Thank you

    ANSWER: You need to prove that you are serious about helping others and becoming a business.
    Can you buy $3000 worth of inventory?

  8. I would like to reorder the silver water 2qrt. Silver gel special.

    Answer: We have a special on the 3 quarts of silver water!
    or you can call 360-748-4426 to order over the phone.

    The silver water gel comes in 8 ounce bottles.

  9. Are you still doing the MMS ? I am very interested.
    ANSWER: yes we are still doing MMS. It is now called and has always been called a water purifier. On our website you will find it as in NACS water purifier. http://www.buy1a.com

  10. Hi, i hope this chat is still active.

    I live in Sweden and would like to order the wayne silver water and some other products. Is that possible in anyway? i tried through your website but it when i choose shipping to Sweden it writes shipping is not possible.

    Please i would really want to try this and if it works for me and my family, i would later want to be a distributor if.

    Looking forward for your answer.

    With Love
    Donya Rohani

    ANSWER: currently we are not shipping to Switzerland

  11. Hiya! I’m in Australia and wondering if you ship here or if Wayne Dowland has a book?

    Thank you!

  12. I have recently discovered a video of Wayne Rowland and would like to speak with someone who knew him, worked with him or attended the conferences he spoke at and who sold the products he recommended. I am stunned that there is absolutely no information on the internet regarding him, his mission and his claims. It is as if he has been scrubbed.

  13. Hi I’ve been searching Information on how to use the vermox that Wayne Rowland recommends. I’m wondering if it might help clear up my eyes.
    I’m in Canada can you send me some links I can share with my friends?

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