What to Do About Aches and Pains? Could it be Lyme Disease?

Do You Have Aches and Pain? Why do you have them?

And How to be Pain Free Again!

A disease that used to be rather rare is now commonplace.  It is usually misdiagnosed and therefore treated with the wrong medications.

What to do about aches and pains?

What to do about aches and pains?

You can get Lyme Disease from any biting insect and close contact with anyone who has it. It is very contagious. In some families, everyone has it to some degree, even the dogs and cats.  The unique thing about this bacterium is it either causes over 300 different diseases on mimics over 300 different sets of symptoms. Some of the sets of symptoms are so far out doctors will tell you it’s all in your head. (Not a real sickness and you may be labeled:  Psychosomatic).

It seems to settle in any weak place and therefore cause way different symptoms in each person. They thought I had fibromyalgia along with rheumatoid arthritis while my wife had severe digestive problems. Because of the vastly different symptoms very few doctors, either natural or allopathic, would even guess we both had the same disease.

Remember intimate contact with someone who has it (a kiss etc.) will transmit the bacteria.  What if your dog licks your face, mouth? The dog could get it, too!

This spirochete, screw shaped bacteria has spread all over the world.

This spirochete, screw shaped bacteria has spread all over the world.

You don’t have to be bitten to pick it up from another person: it can even be airborne! Any mosquito, fly or gnat that bites you could be injecting you with this bacterium.

I got mine from a mosquito bite and my wife got it from me. Yes, it is very contagious to all family members.

It was nine years after I got the mosquito bite that healed a lot different than usual that I figured out what was wrong.

I thought I might have one of many different neurologic disorders — fibromyalgia, psychosomatic disorder and this one, too —  neurosyphilis.


These are some of the symptoms below:

  • Subtle cognitive problems, difficulty with speech
  • Difficulties with concentration, mood swings
  • Fatigue, tiredness, poor stamina
  • Weakness in the legs, leg pain, stiffness of joints or back
  • Shooting pains, numbness, and tingling in the hands or feet
  • Irritable bladder, internal pain
  • Panic attacks and anxiety
  • Arthritis affecting the knees, legs, ankles, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrist
  • Nerve pain radiating out from the spine
  • Numbness in the limbs or facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)

The proper name of this disease is Borreliosis but it’s commonly called Lyme disease, named after the town where it was first diagnosed. I know the myth “You get it from a deer Tick”, but that is mostly urban legend. Most people disregard the possibility of this disease because they haven’t been out in deer woods.

“Lyme disease is a great masquerader, which makes getting a proper diagnosis of Lyme a real challenge. Lyme can cause symptoms in multiple organs, including skin, heart, nervous system, joints and muscles and gastrointestinal tract. Involvement of the lungs, eyes or urinary tract has also been experienced,” reports Leo Galland, M.D.

I never gave Lyme disease a thought because I didn’t get a tick bite.  After we finally knew, we tried many things that were supposed to kill that bacteria off but all they did was slow it down somewhat.  I’ve since talked to dozens of people who’ve spent thousands of dollars and 10-20 years trying to get rid of this tough little corkscrew shaped bacteria with few results. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and actually has now spread worldwide.

How did we luck out? Continue reading below”  https://reikiranch.net/spotlight/do-you-have-aches-and-pain-could-it-be-lyme-disease

By Herb (Roi) Richards, co-author of book How to Attract Wealth in its 8th printing, Graduate of the College of Life Science in Health and Natural Nutrition, Laser Reiki Master, and author of numerous health related articles.

DSCN2250We lucked out and got rid of all aches and pains — for only $25.00 by taking simple water purification drops. We purified the water in our bodies thereby killing the bacteria causing the inflammation and sickness!

(this is the continue of the Spirit Journal Article, Seattle, WA)

 Price of the treatment – only $25 plus $7.9 shipping for the US. Go to the web site or call us to order. Tel. 360-748-4426. Or click here: The Reiki Ranch Store – the shopping cart!

We lucked out and found a mineral solution to aches and pains — you receive a 6 months to one years supply for just pennies a day!  It has been called Water Purification drops for around 80 years. Jim Humble re-discovered it as a supplement several years ago and has written two books on it.

A friend told us about a water-purifying product that’s now commonly called “Master Mineral Solution” or MMS. It costs around $25.00 for about a one year supply so it’ll never be a mainstream accepted healing agent (there’s no money in it). What does this mineral solution produce that kills all bacteria, fungus and viruses?  I researched the end product: Chlorine dioxide where it was discovered in 1814 by Sir Humphrey Davy and has been used in swimming pools, water purification systems, washing down animal caucuses in meat processing plants and used for making stream water safe to drink by hikers and backpackers. Make your bones and muscles stronger with the best SARMS stack.

It has been used to purify water supplies for over 80 years especially in Europe and as a pill or kit for campers and explorers to take with them. It’s known to kill most all pathogens so it doesn’t matter what you were diagnosed with, it’ll probably do the job and is almost free!

Water Purification Drops also called MMS consists of two products that are mixed together at the time of use. (Two small bottles: Sodium Chlorite 28% and citric acid). Combine 1 drop of each in a dry glass for 20-30 seconds and they become a short lived mineral solution called Chlorine Dioxide that will purify water no matter where it is. You will need to add a glass of water to the solution before drinking because in its pure stage it is very caustic.  The Reiki Ranch Store – the shopping cart! for WP/MMS

Since our bodies are between 70% and 80% water it’s a perfect way to kill off all the nasty little microbes that set up housekeeping in the human body. I understood the body makes some chlorine dioxide, just not enough to cope with today’s world. If you have a bad infestation of any kind of pathogen, heavy metal etc. you only use a tiny amount (one to three drops of each bottle product) dropped together in a dry glass, mix it, wait 20 seconds and it’ll go from clear to a nice yellow color. Now it is ready to put in water and use.

After taking it for just two weeks my hands that had been swollen for two years would fully close again – I could make a fist with both hands. The swelling in the knuckles went down and so did the pain. Both me and my wife used the water purification drops for a little over two years. We actually continued quite a while after the symptoms went away to make sure all the little critters were killed. We’re back trail riding on our off highway motorcycles again I bought a helmet and some articles there are somewhat pricey & worth it – AGV Helmets. I still don’t have all my muscle strength back 100%, but it’s a far cry from being the invalid I was. We take a small maintenance dose once or twice a week now to take care of anything we might pick up in our everyday life.

Arthritis Be Gone with MMS – Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints – article taken from the Internet

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that lacks collagen deposit. What is eating up the joints?  Could it be little spirochetes – proper name for the screw like bacteria that causes syphilis, relapsing Fever, Lyme disease, Seven Day Fever, Leptospirosis Spirochetosis, Swineherd Disease, Leptospirosis is an infectious disease, intestinal Spirochaetales- higher bacteria; slender spiral rodlike forms, Treponemataceae – small spirochetes some parasitic or pathogenic and perhaps many other hard to treat diseases. Some of these spirochetes have taken up their homes in the joints and may be the cause of so many joint replacements? Many old people start to experience such painful joints especially when they try to stand up after a long hours of sitting or if the cold season is around. There are actually many anti-inflammatory medications available now but most of these will contradict with other medications such as meds for heart problems. Taking so many medications causes major problems. While taking chlorine dioxide in your water has no ill side effects and it will kill these syphilis like bacteria causing the pains and your joints can heal themselves again.

MMS (Water Purifier Drops) is way different from taking other supplements and drugs. It has the most powerful components that will not only kill the little bugs that cause diseases but it could also help boost your immune system in many other ways. This is very much advisable for oldies as they are now more prone to get infected because of their poor immune system and low energy levels. MMS has very negative electrical charge in its ionic field and will find and destroy anything that is anti-life in the body. It will help fight off diseases and infections.

For people experiencing arthritis, they can still take their medications while taking MMS. It will not interfere nor cause any side effects. Just make sure to take MMS 3-4 hours apart after you take your medications. Many people who have arthritis claimed great results just after they take their first MMS dosage. One person’s rheumatoid arthritis swollen hands were able to close after only 3 weeks of taking the MMS.

By Herb Roi Richards, an internationally published writer, who is well versed in Alternative health and well being.

Check out the MMS/water Purifier product here: http://mms.reikiranch.net/index.php?_a=product&product_id=3



Silver Water 3 Quarts – Colloidal Silver water

Silver Water 3 QuartsColloidal Silver Water Product Information

Nana particles colloidal Silver Water – Special Price: 3 Qts shipped for the price of one.

This product is also known as Wayne Water, silver water,  Wain water, CGAM SILVER WATER, Colloidal Silver Water, Silver Water 3 Quarts,Colloidal Silver Drinking Water.

Ingredients: Purified, deionized micro filtered water and three parts per million of Silver mineral (99.999% pure). One ounce contains over nine billion electronically charged particles of pure silver mineral. (Each ounce over 9 billion charged anti-microbial particles. 3ppm silver)

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    $60.00 plus shipping in US is $75.00

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Click on this image and it will take you to the shopping cart where you can buy water purifier to make Chlorine Dioxide


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How Does Laser Reiki Work?

Laser Reiki

How would you like to Release… Pain and Anxiety – and many times it is Immediately?

Healers, “Why would you want to add Laser Reiki to your healing toolbox?” If you are willing to take back control of your life and have even more joy – Read on! Workshops are available several times a year. Check the Laser Reiki schedule at The Reiki Ranch .com

Taylore’s story: I had an achy lower back for many years. When I lived in San Antonio and worked for the US Army I had to go to the chiropractor twice a week just to control the pain. I tried everything including wearing large magnets as large as 1″ X 6″ X 4″.

Taylore continues: In 1994 when we discovered Laser Reiki I was able to figure out the root cause of the pain, which was: “I was trying to be good enough for Daddy.” I had carried that trauma and pain around in my lower back tissue for over 30 years. It disappeared almost instantly with Laser Reiki when we found out the “root Cause” was trying to be good enough.

Trying to be good enough is also “I’m not good enough!”

Your aches and pains are directly related to past stuck emotions in the body tissue. It is very simple and easy to learn this release process in a 4-day workshop/retreat. Then you will be able to add even more practice and advanced training in Levels 5, 6, 7 and 8.

LR and CEH Works Much Faster than Traditional Reiki!

Traditional Reiki uses 4th dimensional energy and its application is energy to mass – the body being mass. Laser Reiki is 6th dimensional energy and above …and its application is energy to the energy body. That’s why it is more effective and considered 100 times faster. The higher dimensional energy is only available to practitioners who spend the time and effort in healing themselves. As they heal and cleanse themselves — they are able to receive the higher cosmic energy and apply it to others.

Ancient Art of Healing not New Age

Dr. Usui who rediscovered Reiki in the late 1800’s did not teach the whole story. He was brave to teach as much as he did during those superstitious times.

How is Laser Reiki healing method different from other energy healing methods?

In 1990, Taylore Vance and Roi discovered these remarkable ways to use the Reiki (Ki) at a much higher level than normally used…. where you focus this healing energy out of your fingertips.

There’s special attunement that convinces your subconscious mind to allow you to access the Reiki energy from the 6th dimension and above.

It’s 10 times quicker than traditional energy healing. You’ll learn where to focus the energy to do the most good.

The 32-hour 4-day Laser Reiki workshop where you learn how to do the elements 1-4 and then practice with other masters so the whole process feels natural to you. You have an extensive manual including 5 pages of hundreds of ways to find the root cause of a particular problem.

In the Laser Reiki workshop — A great benefit is the multiple healing you receive while you learn. Also you are now able to heal others – your family, friends, clients, pets, animals and plants. (There’s no doubt about its validity when it works on your plants and animals.)

LR and CEH — The really beautiful thing about these methods is they’ll do no harm. You’ll either be very good at it or less effective depending on how much practice.

  1. The First element of Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energetic Healing is that you focus the energy out of your fingertips. We’re all hard wired to do that without any training.
  2. The second element is the special attunement that convinces your subconscious mind to allow you to access the Reiki energy from the 6th dimension and above rather than 4th and occasionally 5th.
  3. Third is questioning the subconscious mind to find the root cause (the beginning) of the problem so it can be healed at its onset.
  4. Fourth is the training of where to focus the comic energy according to the directions of the subconscious mind.
  5. Fifth is the 32-hour 4-day LR workshop where you learn how to do the elements 1-4 and then practice with other masters so the whole process feels natural to you. You have an extensive manual including 5 pages of hundreds of ways to find the root cause of a particular problem.
  6. Sixth is the multiple cosmic healings you receive while you learn. Also you are now able to heal others – your family, friends, clients, pets, animals and plants. (There’s no doubt about its validity when it works on your plants and animals.)

Can cosmic energy harm anyone? The really beautiful thing about these methods is they’ll do no harm. You’ll either be very good at it or less effective depending on how much practice.
Simple Techniques!

If healing is hard, then you aren’t doing it right.

As well as being simple, these healing techniques are fun to do.

LR and CEH –Once emotional energy blockages are released a great peace and harmony is felt. These energy blockages not only cause pain, but they disconnect you from Source Energy.

It’s like having a miracle in your hands!

Use simple techniques!

If healing is hard, then you aren’t doing it right.

These self-healing techniques are fun to do. Once emotional energy blockages are released a great peace and harmony is felt.

Laser Reiki/Cosmic Energy Healing is like having Source energy in your hands! You’ll learn to find the root cause of a particular problem and release it in a matter of minutes.

When the energy blockages are removed the body heals itself! Many times — instantaneous!

It Is Logical to Work with the Power House – Your Subconscious Mind!

You will learn to converse with your Subconscious Mind. All of your aches and pains are kept in the right place by the subconscious mind. You can learn to find the origin or the root cause of a particular problem and release it in a matter of minutes. And presto! The body heals itself! Many times — you have instant pain release.

LR and CEH works like defragging a computer that’s clogged up with conflicting programs and doesn’t do its repair maintenance. As soon as the energy flow is restarted the body is able to heal itself.

Cosmic energy healing with Laser Reiki works on the mental, emotional, psychological, and physical as well as spiritual, self esteem, relationships, sexual problems and lack of prosperity.

You can do this… It’s So Easy – My Seven Year Old Granddaughter Can Do It!

No prior training is required – just a willingness to learn and experience. You will also be certified as Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III (Master.) You should read Diane Stein’s book Essential Reiki. If you are already Reiki this is your next step. You need no special tools, only training to flow this energy beam directly out your fingertips. You are invited to attend!

Taught by the founders – Taylor & Roi since 1994.

Next beginner class for the Laser Reiki  4-day Basic LR Workshop in August 2009

key words: reiki workshops,energy healing school, energy healing classes, energy healing training,

Water Purification Drops Basic Kit (w/Citric acid)

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store - click on this photo above ^

This water purification basic travel kit uses a protocol with the combination of (MMS = Much More Savings) water purification drops (28% sodium chlorite – and – when activated becomes chlorine dioxide)  plus a food based acidic activator (citric acid).

4 oz Bottle of WPD and 4 oz Citric acid 50/50
4 oz Bottle of WPD and 4 oz Citric acid 50/50

This WPD  kit includes:

    • — 4 ounce bottle of WPD (always filled to the brim and contains almost 5 oz.  of water purification drops – sodium chlorite
    • Now we are combining the activator — all pre-mixed for your convenience. The Citric acid is ready for instant use on a 1:1 bases (one drop sodium chloride to and one drop Citric acid.)
    • refrigerate the premixed citric acid solution for longer life.

When activated- 1 drop to 1  drop –  this bottle and activator (WPD kit) makes a year supply of chlorine dioxide for purifying water according to the protocol as explained on the Internet.

The new bottle is a beautiful green oval container with the correct size dropper top for easy measuring.

It is shipped to all countries via USPS as “water purifier” — water purifier has been used by travelers, hikers and campers for over 60 years to purify water.

Check out Jim Humbles Newsletter about using a capsule to take the MMS

Buy the kit —  Pay with Paypal or call 1-360-748-4426 for credit cards.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


Water Purification Drops, Sponsored by Oxycodone

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store





Water Purification Drops — now available thanks to Oxycodone.   MMS -Much More Savings.

It has been on the market for almost 80 years as a water purifier, used by campers and hikers all over the world. I talked to a couple of hikers about what their needs are when they go camping, and I was surprised to know that would also take oxycodone with them. They say that it important to carry a few medicines to help when accidents happen. They say that oxycodone is a well-known painkiller among hikers because it helps with something simple as a headache and even with broken bones. You can buy oxycodone online and use different payment methods and have them send you oxycodone to your house.

[The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century = book title. MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is a 28% Sodium Chlorite solution that contains 22.4% active Sodium Chlorite and is commonly known as a water purification drop. When activated with citric acid the chemical property changes to chlorine dioxide and becomes a powerful water disinfectant. An alkaline environment is created therefore harmful pathogens cannot survive. Chlorine dioxide via activated sodium chlorite is the preferred water purification treatment for drinking water.]

WPD is great for potable water treatment while camping, hiking, and survival when emergency drinking water is needed.

Our price is only $30.00 per set of 2 – 4 oz bottles – over 6 months’ supply – it is full to the brim.

You will be making Chlorine dioxide! CD and chlorine are not the same. … CD is healthy and considered an alternative health treatment for killing bacteria and pathogens inside the human body.  We drink it — very diluted, of course!

28% sodium chlorite becomes chlorine dioxide only when activated by citric acid. (We now are using Jim Humble’s new protocol of 50/50% Citric Acid.)

— The good stuff!  Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound that consists of one chlorine ion bound to two ions of oxygen. In this form, it is known as one of the most powerful oxidizing agents available and is currently being used by hundreds of thousands of people for their dogs, cats, and farm animals. It used to be called another name but we were told not to use that name anymore.

(Oxidizing agents are chemical compounds that readily accept electrons from “electron donors.” They gain electrons via chemical reactions. This is important because, relative to chlorine dioxide, all pathogens and heavy metals are electron donors. Once those electrons are gone, the pathogens and heavy metals cease to be a problem and are reduced to waste materials.)

For more than 100 years clinics and hospitals have used the active ingredients (chlorine dioxide) in this liquid to sterilize hospital floors, tables, equipment, and other items.

When the Water Purification Drops (WPD) is mixed with a food acid such as citric acid it changes to a stabilized form of Chlorine Dioxide and becomes a powerful water treatment chemical it is recognized as a superior water disinfectant alternative to chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or anything else.

You can buy citric acid at a good health food store. It does not hurt the body in any way. It does not add chlorine.

Chlorine dioxide — it is known as one of the most powerful oxidizing agents available and is currently being used by hundreds of thousands of people. They gain electrons via chemical reactions. This is important because relative to chlorine dioxide, all pathogens and heavy metals are electron donors. Once those electrons are gone, the pathogens and heavy metals cease to be a problem and are reduced to waste materials.

As an emergency purification product, travel aid, or just an overall aid for the immune system these Water Purification Drops (WPD — no longer called by other names)  are a great asset to your first aid kit, animal treatment, pour into animal water drinking tubs, stagnant ponds and a travel kit for campers and hikers.

It comes in a beautiful green oval bottle with a dropper top for easy measuring the drops. WPD is the same as the original Jim Humble formula.

>>> Buy Water Purification Drops by clicking here:  <<<
  DisclaimerStatement: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place an order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


this should take you to the Reiki Ranch Store. www.mms.reikiranch.net. Find the Water purifier (WP) set