El protocolo MMS-1000 y 1000+

El protocolo MMS-1000

El Protocolo-1000 para la ingesta oral es suficiente en más del 90% de los casos de aplicación, ya sea para una única limpieza básica del cuerpo, para la eliminación de metales pesados, como medida preventiva o en el caso de una infección/enfermedad de aguda a grave. Los primeros libros de MMS recomendaban pocas pero altas dosis únicas por día. Sin embargo, después de que se descubrió que el dióxido de cloro no suele actuar en el cuerpo durante más de dos horas y luego se descompone, se revisaron estas recomendaciones. Las dosis extremadamente altas provocaron muchas intolerancias y la interrupción prematura del autotratamiento. Con el moderno Protocolo-1000, se toman dosis individuales significativamente más pequeñas con mayor frecuencia durante el día. Esto asegura que el cuerpo esté continuamente enjuagado con dióxido de cloro. Esto es mucho más compatible y también más eficiente que los antiguos protocolos. El objetivo es tomar una dosis única de inicialmente 1 después 3 gotas activadas por día unas ocho veces al día. Por razones prácticas, para que uno no active, por ejemplo, su mezcla «apestosa» cada hora en el lugar de trabajo delante de sus asombrados colegas, la dosis diaria completa se mezcla por la mañana, se llena en una botella de vidrio herméticamente cerrada con agua y se bebe durante todo el día. Esta cura debe mantenerse al menos durante 3-4 semanas, en enfermedades agudas incluso más tiempo.

Protocolo MMS-1000

Por ejemplo, empieza con 8 x 1 = 8 gotas activadas. Después del tiempo de activación de 45 segundos, añada un poco de agua y luego llene esta mezcla en una botella de vidrio sellable con aproximadamente 1 litro de agua. Ahora trata de beber esta botella en unas 8 porciones a lo largo del día. Mientras sea bueno para usted, aumente el número de gotas diarias hasta que llegue a 3 x 8 = 24 gotas activadas y continúe este procedimiento entre 3 y 4 semanas.

El protocolo MMS-1000+

En caso de enfermedades muy severas o persistentes, se añade el mismo número de gotas de DMSO a la mezcla de MMS ya activada al final y luego se bebe por vía oral. Sin embargo, el DMSO sólo debe añadirse a la dosis que va a beber y no a primera hora de la mañana a la botella preparada para el día! Esto ha demostrado ser muy efectivo para los hongos del herpes o la cándida.

Además de esta cura de limpieza, hay varias otras recomendaciones. Hasta una edad de 60 años, 2 dosis únicas por semana de 6 gotas activadas son útiles como medida preventiva en individuos sanos, y 6 gotas activadas diarias para aquellos de 60 años y más. Incluso en embarazos (después del 3er mes), según el Dr. Andreas Kalcker, una aplicación de MMS hasta el máximo. 6 gotas activadas al día posibles, por ejemplo, en lugar de antibióticos. En niños y adolescentes, la dosis máxima es 1 gota activada de MMS por cada 12 kg de peso corporal por día. En el caso de los bebés, la dosis máxima para la dosis inicial no debe superar la dosis máxima. 1/2 gota activada de MMS. ¿Cómo hacer medias gotas? Se activa una gota de MMS con una gota de ácido clorhídrico y se añaden unos 150 ml de agua. Pero ahora sólo se utiliza la mitad de esta solución y por lo tanto tiene una dosis media. Tienes que usar este truco incluso con diluciones pesadas para pequeños animales.


Lomatium Root Tincture

Lomatium, known by various names such as fern leaf biscuitroot, desert parsley, and giant lomatium, is a perennial herb characterized by its thick, woody taproot. It is native to western North America and has a rich history of use among Native American tribes, who regarded it as a source of food, medicine, and a ceremonial plant. The root of lomatium, which possesses an aromatic quality and is considered energetically warming and drying, is highly valued for its ability to support overall well-being and its affinity for the respiratory system. Traditionally, the tender young shoots and taproots of lomatium were consumed as food or brewed into a beverage, offering a strongly resinous and somewhat bitter flavor. Lomatium tincture can be taken alone or mixed with juice or water.

According to a report from the University of California, Lomatium dissectum, a potent antiviral plant used by Native Americans during the 1918 influenza epidemic, may serve as a robust remedy for contemporary cold and flu cases. The root exhibits antiviral properties and possesses respiratory-clearing abilities that are particularly effective in addressing secondary infections associated with multiple strains of influenza.

Lomatium stands out as one of the most powerful M2 inhibitors known, surpassing the pharmaceutical drug amantadine in strength.

Throughout history, Native Americans extensively used lomatium, primarily for treating respiratory ailments. It is recognized for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic qualities, and is commonly utilized by naturopathic physicians for internal use in the treatment of cervical dysplasia. Lomatium has demonstrated efficacy against human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), and has been studied for its effects on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is often employed to address “slow” viruses accompanied by immune suppression and is frequently combined with other immune-enhancing herbs. Additionally, lomatium is topically applied to soothe gum and mouth inflammations and used as a douche for vaginal infections.

Lomatium Root Tincture has been utilized in homeopathy as a treatment for various sexually transmitted diseases and has also shown effectiveness against HIV/AIDS.

Lomatium, an all-natural herb with potent antiviral properties, is a must-have for every herbalist, from beginners to masters. Its efficacy in remedying and expediting the healing process of viral infections is well-documented. When combined with other antiviral herbs, its effects are truly remarkable.

In 1920, Dr. Ernst Krebs, a young physician, shared his experience with lomatium in the Bulletin of the Nevada State Board of Health. Dr. Krebs was stationed at the Washoe reservation during the outbreak of the Spanish flu, an avian strain that claimed the lives of over 500,000 Americans and millions worldwide. Remarkably, not a single death from influenza or its complications occurred among the Washoe tribe, where lomatium grew abundantly. Dr. Krebs, intrigued by this coincidence, conducted further investigation and found that a preparation derived from lomatium proved highly effective in treating influenza, including severe cases with accompanying pneumonia, among both the Native American population and the wider community. Other physicians who tried lomatium reported similar results. Its therapeutic efficacy in combating epidemic influenza and associated pneumonia was firmly established, with hundreds of cases successfully treated. The value of lomatium in treating influenzal pneumonia was unparalleled.

The next significant account of lomatium comes from Percy Train, a researcher sent by the U.S. government to Nevada in the mid-1930s to explore local plants for potential drug development. Over six years, Train discovered that lomatium possessed unparalleled germ-killing capabilities, proving effective against a wide range of microbes. As herbalist Michael Moore noted, lomatium was even safe to use on rats without causing harm.

Lomatium’s antiviral properties are particularly effective against respiratory tract viruses. Many of the plant’s antiviral compounds are excreted through the lung mucosa, allowing them to reach the targeted area. It acts as a mild expectorant, effectively thinning congested mucus. However, lomatium’s true strength lies in its ability to eradicate deep lung infections as a potent germ-killer.

Notably, lomatium has demonstrated great success in combating Candida albicans, effectively resolving most yeast infections. Additionally, it can be applied topically between the toes to eliminate athlete’s foot.

Scientific investigation into lomatium has revealed that the volatile oil fractions found in the root possess antiviral and antibiotic properties. It also exhibits potent antibacterial and antifungal effects. Lomatium dissectum extract exerts a viro-static effect, halting the growth of various viruses, bacteria, and fungi within the body, while eliminating harmful microorganisms without harming those necessary for good health.

Extensive research on Lomatium dissectum has been conducted by numerous universities, confirming its powerful, non-toxic, viro-static effects against influenza viruses, the trachoma virus, the Lansing Polio viruses, and many other viral strains. A 1944 report from the Journal of Bacteriology stated, “The anti-biotic activity of oil fractions separated from the root of Lomatium dissectum was determined on 62 strains and species of bacteria, molds, and fungi. The heat-stable active agent was bactericidal for gram-positive bacteria at 10-4 dilutions and at 10-3 for gram-negative bacteria.”

When using lomatium, it is crucial to maintain proper hydration by consuming plenty of water. This enables the body to effectively flush out toxins. Fresh, green juices are also beneficial for nourishing the body during the detoxification process. It is advisable to avoid fried food, junk food, processed food, soda, milk, dairy, and most meat while detoxing. Giving the body a break from solid food for 2-3 days, consuming only fresh juice, can significantly expedite the resolution of a rash. If a juice fast is not feasible, it is essential to consume clean, nutritious food.

For adults, the recommended dosage of lomatium tincture is 3 to 10lomatium root drops, taken 3 to 5 times daily or more, with a gradual increase in dosage over the first 7 days. For children, the dosage is 3 to 4 drops, taken 4 to 6 times daily, also with a gradual increase in quantity and frequency. In the case of babies, 1 to 2 drops can be added to water or juice.

It is worth noting that approximately 1% of individuals who use lomatium may experience a skin rash. The rash can range from mild to full-body and may cause severe itching and discomfort. However, this reaction can be alleviated by taking Dandelion Root, Vitamin C, and Pantothenic Acid. Additionally, a two-day juice fast has been found to expedite the detoxification process, and the inclusion of freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice is highly beneficial.

Two remarkable aspects of lomatium are worth mentioning. Firstly, the body does not seem to develop immunity to lomatium, allowing it to be taken for extended periods during the healing process of systemic viral, fungal, or yeast issues. Many individuals opt to take a preventative dose of lomatium daily during cold and flu seasons or when traveling, particularly by airplane. A recommended preventative dose for adults is 25 drops once or twice a day. Secondly, the dosage of lomatium can be safely increased until the desired effect is achieved. Lifelong users of lomatium have reported using 25-50 drops per dose every hour to successfully treat urinary tract infections, ear infections, colds, flu, and other acute infections.

It is important to exercise common sense when using herbal medicine for self-treatment or treatment of family members. If chronic conditions persist or worsen, it is advisable to consult a qualified healthcare professional.

Pascalite Bentonite Clay

It is a clay – Pascalite Bentonite Clay – that has been used for centuries as a remedy for many health problems. Its fine powder is formed when volcanic ash ages. It’s named after Fort Benton, WY, which has much of it. It’s also known as Montmorillonite clay after a region in France with a large deposit. You’ll also hear it called calcium bentonite clay or Pascalite Bentonite Clay.

Thousands of years ago, bentonite clay was eaten or applied to the skin. It was used for:

  • Skincare or skin protection
  • Acne or skin infections can be treated
  • Gastric reflux treatment
  • Diarrhea relief

Today, bentonite is used in medicine and makeup. It’s available in powders and pills, too. It’s used in:

  • Shampoos
  • Lotions
  • Masks for the face
  • Paste for brushing teeth
  • Supplements for human diets

Bentonite Clay: How Does It Work?

As a face mask and pet litter clumper, bentonite clay adsorbs particles, like dirt on your skin. It also absorbs water, which is why it is used in face masks.

Clay, which has a negative charge, has a high cation exchange capacity, meaning it will attract positively charged ions, such as magnesium, sodium, and potassium. It also contains aluminum and silica. The body has a negative charge, also.

Your gut may also be attracted to positively charged toxins.

Health Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are found in Pascolite and bentonite clay.

This healing clay has trace minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, and zinc. Some people eat it for these nutrients. That’s called geophagy. But the food people typically eat should contain these nutrients, but from overfarming the land, we can no longer find the necessary minerals in food!

It has been shown that bentonite clay may lower certain toxins in the body, such as aflatoxins, which are made by certain molds and can damage your liver. But more human studies are needed. It may also remove pesticides and treat metal poisoning.

The kidneys and liver already clean out your body. Fruits and vegetables also help.

Pascalite Bentonite Clay Uses

It’s used in many ways, but some are more promising than others.

Pascalite Bentonite Clay absorbs dirt and oil, such as sebum, which can lead to acne. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help moisturize your skin.

There is evidence that bentonite clay may help with:

  • Poison oak and poison ivy allergies
  • Dermatitis of the hands
  • Rash from diapers
  • Ulcers or infections of the skin
  • Protection from the sun with sunscreen

Mandatory warning: You should consult your doctor before using this clay if you have acne or dermatitis (eczema).

It is unknown whether bentonite clay can clean or soften human hair. Some people use it as a hair mask.

Several animal studies suggest that Pascalite Bentonite Clay boosts good intestinal bacteria. This may help with nutrient absorption. In humans, bentonite is sometimes used to treat diarrhea.

According to one study, bentonite can help constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome. For several centuries, eating clay has been a common practice, all over the world. In the US, there are: are Pascolite clay,  bentonite clay, and kaolin clay.

It is claimed by natural toothpaste makers that Pascalite Bentonite Clay is good for teeth and gums. Some say brushing with clay can “purify, detoxify, and alkalize” your mouth. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Bentonite clay is also being studied for its beneficial effects on:

  • The cancerous tumor
  • Clotting of the blood
  • Response of the immune system
  • The health of the kidneys

Children’s exposure to aflatoxin (Aflatoxins are a family of toxins produced by certain fungi found on agricultural crops such as maize (corn), peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts.)

Risks associated with bentonite clay

There’s no FDA regulation for health and cosmetic products, so it’s impossible to tell precisely what’s in them or if they work. Bentonite clay is generally okay to use on your body, skin, and hair. If you want to try it, you should test a small amount on your skin first to make sure there will be no adverse reaction.

Medical doctors are not educated in Pascalite Bentonite Clay. They may think that it is dirt and it may cause a blockage in your intestines.  Also, they may worry that soil or clay can contain harmful germs and heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury. According to the FDA, at least two brands of bentonite clay supplements contain lead and should not be used.

You may not be getting enough minerals or have a mental illness if you eat clay. Pica is when people or animals crave to eat things that aren’t designated as food.

Disclaimer: Before taking oral bentonite or any supplement, talk to your doctor, especially if you’re pregnant or taking other medications.


Topical Magnesium Oil

When applied to the skin, topical magnesium oil spray, as an essential mineral, is quickly absorbed. Magnesium is considered a wonder mineral due to its crucial role in many bodily functions. It is one of the seven essential macro-minerals and is found in certain foods, such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables. However, modern agricultural practices have significantly depleted the magnesium content in soil, which affects how much we can get from our diets.

Most people in the United States have below-optimal magnesium levels, making supplementation necessary. Topical magnesium oil spray can be an effective method to ensure healthy magnesium levels. Magnesium is essential for many vital bodily functions, including regulating nerve and muscle function, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, manufacturing bone, protein, and DNA, balancing blood pressure, and supporting the immune system.

Topical magnesium oil spray can be used in several ways to promote and maintain healthy magnesium levels. Because the liquid is applied directly to the skin, it is known as dermal magnesium supplementation. Some potential uses include promoting healthy hair, improving sleep quality, managing pain, reducing anxiety, relieving migraines, regulating diabetes, and alleviating restless leg syndrome.

Let’s discuss the various benefits of topical magnesium oil spray and how it can be useful for you since it can be applied topically to the skin, allowing for quick absorption of this crucial mineral.

Applying magnesium oil topically to the scalp can help with hair growth because magnesium chloride can bypass the digestive system and directly reach the hair follicles. A German study found that participants who applied topical magnesium oil had a 59.7% increase in hair growth.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in nervous system function, and therefore, optimum magnesium levels and supplementation may have implications for healthy sleep. Promising studies have shown that magnesium can be beneficial for sleep issues and can improve sleep quality, duration, and relieve insomnia.

topical magnesium oil

Using topical magnesium oil spray for pain management has been beneficial for many people. The transdermal application allows magnesium to be directly absorbed by the tissues, leading to reduced symptoms of pain related to exercise injuries, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. However, it is essential to start slowly with 3 sprays and gradually build up to 8 to avoid skin tingling.

Magnesium plays a vital role in the production of enzymes required for DNA synthesis, and magnesium deficiency can lead to premature aging. By using topical magnesium oil spray or face wrinkles, you can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as even out skin tone. Magnesium is also anti-inflammatory and can give you a more youthful appearance. You can add magnesium topical oil spray to your skincare routine.

Topical magnesium oil spray has been shown to provide various health benefits, including anxiety reduction, migraine relief, diabetes regulation, and restless leg syndrome relief. In several studies, magnesium supplementation has been found to be effective in reducing anxiety symptoms. Suboptimal magnesium levels can lead to inefficient functioning of biochemical reactions in the body, which can cause imbalances and emotional distress. Magnesium supplementation can help provide the body with enough of this essential macronutrient and reduce anxiety symptoms and related cofactors, including depression.

To use topical magnesium oil spray for anxiety relief, try applying a few sprays on the wrists and temples, and massage it into the skin. Massaging the oil into the skin can provide a soothing sensation to the nervous system, helping to calm down anxiety symptoms and reactions. Topical magnesium oil spray can also help reduce the frequency of migraines and rubbing it directly on the temples can be an effective way to absorb it.

Many diabetics suffer from magnesium deficiency, which affects the regulation of blood sugar levels. Using magnesium chloride can improve fasting glucose levels after regular supplementation. For restless leg syndrome, magnesium supplementation can help the muscles to relax, possibly due to its calcium-regulating properties. Rubbing topical magnesium oil spray into the legs could help raise serum magnesium levels and ease the uncomfortable muscle contractions associated with restless leg syndrome.

There are multiple ways to use topical magnesium oil spray, including spraying it on the skin after a shower and massaging it in. It’s recommended to use it before applying other lotions or oils and leave it to absorb for 20-30 minutes. Initially, there may be a slight tingling sensation, but this should ease with regular use. Topical magnesium oil spray can be an effective addition to a health and well-being care plan, and the method of application should be tailored to individual needs.

There are many ways to use topical magnesium oil spray to build and maintain healthy levels of magnesium, as you apply the liquid directly to the skin, it is called dermal magnesium supplementation. Some of the potential benefits of using topical magnesium oil spray include healthy hair, better sleep, pain management, anti-wrinkle effects, anxiety reduction, migraine relief, diabetes regulation, and restless leg syndrome. For instance, applying magnesium oil spray to your scalp could help with hair growth, while using it for pain management can help reduce symptoms, especially when applied directly to the site of injury or pain. Using magnesium oil spray for anxiety relief can be achieved by rubbing a few sprays on the wrists and temples while massaging the oil into your skin can provide a soothing sensation to your nervous system, calming down anxiety symptoms and reactions.

There are several ways to use magnesium oil spray, and the benefits vary from person to person.


Topical Magnesium Benefits

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and bone health. While magnesium can be obtained through a balanced diet or supplements, liquid magnesium applied topically is becoming increasingly popular for its many uses and benefits.

Topical magnesium is a supplement that is often referred to as magnesium oil due to its oily texture and it is applied by rubbing it directly into the skin. The benefits of topical magnesium are numerous and varied.

Pain Relief

One of the most well-known benefits of topical magnesium is its ability to relieve pain. Magnesium works by relaxing the muscles and reducing inflammation, which can help to alleviate pain. When applied topically, magnesium can penetrate the skin and enter the muscles directly, providing fast-acting pain relief.

Topical magnesium is often used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts to alleviate muscle soreness and cramps after a workout. It can also be used to ease pain associated with conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines.

Sleep Apnea and Sleep Disorders

Most sufferers of sleep apnea report gaining the ability to sleep restfully by simply spraying magnesium and rubbing the solution around the feet prior to going to bed, possibly followed by an additional application if the patient wakes in the middle of the night.

It is reported that magnesium calms the nervous symptoms of those suffering from sleep apnea enabling them to increase their quality of life, by being able to have access to restful sleep that was previously elusive..

Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia symptoms in people with sleep disorders. When applied topically, magnesium can penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream directly, providing fast-acting relaxation and sleep-inducing effects.

Magnesium reduces stress and tension. This helps to promote healthier and deeper sleep by activating brain chemistry that calms and soothes the body.

Magnesium spray is effective in combating insomnia. Topical magnesium quickly and easily passes through the skin, blood, bone, and brain barriers inducing uninterrupted restful night’s slumber.

Stress Reduction

Magnesium is also known to have a calming effect on the body, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can reduce stress and anxiety symptoms in people with generalized anxiety disorder.

When applied topically, magnesium can enter the bloodstream directly and provide fast-acting relief from stress and anxiety symptoms.


Magnesium is a natural antidepressant that reduces anxiety as well. Those suffering from depression and anxiety regularly test with low levels of magnesium as well. Magnesium spray is an effective way of elevating magnesium levels.

There is indication that the magnesium mineral can help to relieve anxiety and stress. Magnesium guards the brain against stress hormones and prevent the release of these depressing hormones to balance healthy brain chemistry, thereby reducing feelings associated with depression.

Skin Health

Topical magnesium can also be beneficial for skin health. Magnesium is involved in the regulation of collagen, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin.

Spraying magnesium on your skin is a great way to moisturize without oily or sticky results. It helps rejuvenate skin with proper nutrition and returns a youthful appearance to aging skin. Magnesium is also an effective method of battling skin problems such as acne.

Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve skin hydration and elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and even help to reduce acne symptoms. When applied topically, magnesium can penetrate the skin and provide these same benefits directly to the skin.

Athletic Performance

Topical magnesium is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts as it can improve athletic performance. Magnesium is involved in the regulation of muscle function and energy metabolism, and deficiency in magnesium can lead to muscle weakness and fatigue.

Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve exercise performance, reduce muscle damage, and even increase muscle strength. When applied topically, magnesium can penetrate the muscles directly and provide these same benefits.

Osteoporosis and Bone Health

Using liquid magnesium via topical application is the best method to treat bones and their connective tissues. High levels of magnesium are found in individuals who have the healthiest bone densities, especially in women who are post-menopausal.

Magnesium is essential for maintaining strong bones, and topical magnesium can help to improve bone health. Magnesium is a regulator of vitamin D and calcium and therefore is essential in the building of strong bones and healthy teeth.

Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. When applied topically, magnesium can penetrate the bones directly and provide these same benefits.

Cardiovascular Health

Rubbing magnesium spray into and around the area of the heart is a more effective method of delivering this essential mineral to the heart than oral ingestion of magnesium by other methods. Many cardiovascular patients measure low levels of magnesium, and shockingly, health professionals do not inform low levels of magnesium and potassium which are necessary for the heart to function properly.

A lack of magnesium and potassium often leads to a heart attack. Supplemental topical application of magnesium is generally accepted among professional athletes to achieve optimum performance from muscles. The heart is also a muscle and responds just as well to magnesium supplementation.

Magnesium is one of the few healthful compounds that can be applied topically that can penetrate the protective layers of the skin to be absorbed by underlying tissues, organs, bones, and the bloodstream. It is for this reason that it is said that magnesium liquid magnesium sprayed onto and rubbed into the skin is said to have increased bioavailability due to not being blocked by the digestive system.


Fibromyalgia patients who participated in a scientific study reported impressive results and relief from the symptoms of their disease from spraying their legs two times per day over a period of four weeks. Specific areas that were most significantly affected were chronic pain, discomfort, and sleep disturbances.

Low magnesium levels increase the severity of most symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Magnesium regulates and supports healthy nerve function as it nerve function and relieves pain associated with fibromyalgia.


Magnesium reduces symptoms of asthma by relaxing muscles and preventing the shrinkage and constriction of airways. To apply simply spray magnesium onto and rub it into the chest, back, and throat to asthmatic symptoms.

Magnesium spray prevents the release of compounds that promote inflammation that can cause symptoms of asthma attacks. Magnesium is often recommended as adjuvant therapy for asthma due to its ability to combat inflammation and bronchodilation.


Magnesium spray contains magnesium chloride, which has a beneficial laxative effect. Its osmotic action draws water from other tissues into the gut, promoting peristalsis, the muscular movement of the intestines that aid in the elimination of stools. This added moisture softens dehydrated fecal matter, making it easier to expel.


Furthermore, magnesium deficiency is linked to increased inflammation in the body. This deficiency leads to the overproduction of reactive oxygen species and pro-inflammatory compounds, which can cause inflammatory stress and contribute to life-threatening illnesses.

Regular application of magnesium oil can help raise the body’s magnesium levels, which may help to suppress the production of inflammatory compounds.

Migraine Headache

Magnesium deficiency has also been associated with recurring migraine attacks. Low levels of magnesium in the brain can lead to hyperactivity in neurotransmitters and brain chemicals, resulting in nerve excitation and headaches. Magnesium plays a role in regulating nerve function, reducing pain intensity and mitigating the frequency of migraine episodes.

You can use the magnesium spray on your shoulders and upper back or can even be applied on the forehead.


Magnesium chloride is highly absorbable and useful for regulating diabetes. Magnesium deficiency is a risk factor for insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus, and correcting magnesium status can improve insulin sensitivity.

With healthy insulin production, glucose can enter cells and tissues efficiently, preventing the buildup of excess glucose in the bloodstream.

Reduces Hypertension

Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker that helps widen arteries and blood vessels, promoting smooth blood flow and reducing hypertension.

Premenstrual Symptoms

Studies have shown that individuals with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) often have compromised magnesium nutritional status, exacerbating their symptoms.

Magnesium helps regulate neuromuscular stimulations, inducing a relaxing effect that can relieve mood swings, anxiety, depression, and insomnia associated with PMS.

Hair Growth

Topical magnesium applied to the scalp can prevent hair loss, nourish hair, and reduce dandruff. Low levels of magnesium and high levels of calcium can block hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Improving magnesium levels can promote hair growth and improve scalp health.