El protocolo MMS-1000 y 1000+

El protocolo MMS-1000

El Protocolo-1000 para la ingesta oral es suficiente en más del 90% de los casos de aplicación, ya sea para una única limpieza básica del cuerpo, para la eliminación de metales pesados, como medida preventiva o en el caso de una infección/enfermedad de aguda a grave. Los primeros libros de MMS recomendaban pocas pero altas dosis únicas por día. Sin embargo, después de que se descubrió que el dióxido de cloro no suele actuar en el cuerpo durante más de dos horas y luego se descompone, se revisaron estas recomendaciones. Las dosis extremadamente altas provocaron muchas intolerancias y la interrupción prematura del autotratamiento. Con el moderno Protocolo-1000, se toman dosis individuales significativamente más pequeñas con mayor frecuencia durante el día. Esto asegura que el cuerpo esté continuamente enjuagado con dióxido de cloro. Esto es mucho más compatible y también más eficiente que los antiguos protocolos. El objetivo es tomar una dosis única de inicialmente 1 después 3 gotas activadas por día unas ocho veces al día. Por razones prácticas, para que uno no active, por ejemplo, su mezcla «apestosa» cada hora en el lugar de trabajo delante de sus asombrados colegas, la dosis diaria completa se mezcla por la mañana, se llena en una botella de vidrio herméticamente cerrada con agua y se bebe durante todo el día. Esta cura debe mantenerse al menos durante 3-4 semanas, en enfermedades agudas incluso más tiempo.

Protocolo MMS-1000

Por ejemplo, empieza con 8 x 1 = 8 gotas activadas. Después del tiempo de activación de 45 segundos, añada un poco de agua y luego llene esta mezcla en una botella de vidrio sellable con aproximadamente 1 litro de agua. Ahora trata de beber esta botella en unas 8 porciones a lo largo del día. Mientras sea bueno para usted, aumente el número de gotas diarias hasta que llegue a 3 x 8 = 24 gotas activadas y continúe este procedimiento entre 3 y 4 semanas.

El protocolo MMS-1000+

En caso de enfermedades muy severas o persistentes, se añade el mismo número de gotas de DMSO a la mezcla de MMS ya activada al final y luego se bebe por vía oral. Sin embargo, el DMSO sólo debe añadirse a la dosis que va a beber y no a primera hora de la mañana a la botella preparada para el día! Esto ha demostrado ser muy efectivo para los hongos del herpes o la cándida.

Además de esta cura de limpieza, hay varias otras recomendaciones. Hasta una edad de 60 años, 2 dosis únicas por semana de 6 gotas activadas son útiles como medida preventiva en individuos sanos, y 6 gotas activadas diarias para aquellos de 60 años y más. Incluso en embarazos (después del 3er mes), según el Dr. Andreas Kalcker, una aplicación de MMS hasta el máximo. 6 gotas activadas al día posibles, por ejemplo, en lugar de antibióticos. En niños y adolescentes, la dosis máxima es 1 gota activada de MMS por cada 12 kg de peso corporal por día. En el caso de los bebés, la dosis máxima para la dosis inicial no debe superar la dosis máxima. 1/2 gota activada de MMS. ¿Cómo hacer medias gotas? Se activa una gota de MMS con una gota de ácido clorhídrico y se añaden unos 150 ml de agua. Pero ahora sólo se utiliza la mitad de esta solución y por lo tanto tiene una dosis media. Tienes que usar este truco incluso con diluciones pesadas para pequeños animales.


What is the difference between CDS and MMS?

A question that I often hear:  What is the difference between CDS and MMS?
I have seen these terms used almost interchangeably, but then I’ll run across someone who prefers one over the other.  What is the difference?

They are definitely not the same thing.

Protocol Day MMS CDS 3000
Starting 1 1/4 drop 0.5 ml
Starting 2 1/2 drop 1 ml
Starting 3 1/2 drop 1 ml
Starting 4 3/4 drop 1.5 ml
P-1000 5 1 drop 2 ml

1 drop Part 1 + 1 drop Part 2 = 1 drop MMS

2 ml CDS 3000 = 1 drop MMS



MMS CDS 3000 MMS CDS 3000
1 drop 2.2 ml 1 drop 0.2 ml
2 4.5 ml 2 0.4 ml
3 6.7 ml 3 0.6 ml
4 8.9 ml 4 0.8 ml
5 11.2 ml 5 1.0 ml
6 13.4 ml 6 1.2 ml
7 15.6 ml 7 1.4 ml
8 17.9 ml 8 1.6 ml
9 20.1 ml 9 1.8 ml
10 22.3 ml 10 2.0 ml
11 24.6 ml 11 2.2 ml
12 26.8 ml 12 2.4 ml

Make Your Own CDS 3000 from Natural Antibacterial Cleaner Solution (NACS) Part 1 and Part 2 with Video and Instructions

How to Make 3000 PPM CDS for Better Tasting MMS

Here is a short video on MMS1

And here is a video on CDS

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you watch The Universal Antidote documentary. Spread it far and wide to others.

Paris Humble, author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration says MMS to CDS conversion (if you’ve followed her father, Jim Humble’s work) is 1 to 8.

In other words, if you’re intention is to do Protocol 1000, which is basically 1/4 teaspoon of MMS in 1 liter of water consumed in 8 to 12 servings over the course of a day. Alternatively, if you were using CDS, you would add 2 teaspoons of CDS to 1 liter of water.

1 drop of MMS is equivalent to 8 drops of CDS.

Note that CDS has a greater yield in that it has a stable 3,000 PPM, whereas MMS is less stable.

Do you wonder what experts say about CDS?  https://miraclemineralsupplement-mms.com/mms/chlorine-dioxide-cds-3000-ppm/

Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration

If you have read any other book about chlorine dioxide, it is likely you will think that while it was full of a lot of scientific data related to the chemical, there was little practical information. Not so with this new book by Paris Humble that is all about using chlorine dioxide. The information you’re looking for is easy to find and her style for explaining how to actually use the water purification drops is simple and easy to understand.

After years of health research and growing up in the house of chlorine dioxide, the daughter of Jim Humble, Paris, releases her contribution to the greater MMS community. She is often consulted regarding the efficacy of chlorine dioxide and just how to use it for varying ailments.


In a clear and concise presentation, Paris tells the truth without being weighed down by responses to false information. Learn how to use these powerful water purification drops with Paris Humble’s common sense approaches disclosed in this volume, based on her lifetime of study in natural alternative healing and having first-hand exposure to her father’s work which was primarily focused on chlorine dioxide after discovering the hugely positive results reported by people who were experiencing greater health benefit than you would expect from a highly regarded water purification solution.

People report healthful success when they were not feeling results from their doctors and traditional medicine. Paris’ father eventually left the United States and became less accessible to the general population who could greatly benefit from the use of chlorine dioxide, about which not much is reliably known or reported.

An active participant and observer of the results reported by users and her own personal experience and witness, Ms. Humble releases this information in this work, so that others can benefit from her knowledge as well as information obtained over the years in the House of Humble.

In this volume, you will discover what chlorine dioxide really is, how to use it, what other complementary elements work with it for maximum efficacy, and what ailments have the best track records in the use of it, as you may choose to apply these techniques to your own healing, your children, and/or your pets.

As the news gets out, more and more, you will find chlorine dioxide water purification drops added to emergency kits on a regular basis, and there is a section in Paris’ book which delineates how to use chlorine dioxide in case of emergency.

Check out Paris Humble’s Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration book.

How to Make MMS

MMS (Master Mineral Solution) is the name given for Chloride Dioxide by Genesis Church founder, Jim Humble in 2006. His ministry is largely responsible for the popularization of using Chloride Dioxide as a common folk remedy or religious sacrament.

Since then, the trend is for companies to make Chloride Dioxide in a two-part liquid kit including one part Sodium Chlorite and a second part activator. These are mixed in a one-drop to one-drop ratio, allowed to activate for 30 seconds. The activated solution is mixed with distilled water and used as water purifier.

Humble’s claims suggest that the solution can help rid sufferers of certain ailments or disease by ingesting small doses of the activated mixture.

How to Make MMS

Originally, MMS was created by making the Sodium Chlorite solution from 80% sodium chlorite powder or flakes. The optimal target for strength for Sodium Chlorite solution is 28% (72% distilled water).

Here are the basic ingredients:

80% Sodium Chlorite powder or flakes (available here).

Distilled water

You will also need

A 1-liter plastic container with lid

Instructions to make just under 1 liter or 28% Sodium Chlorite solution.

  1. Put 9.87 oz. of 80% Sodium Chlorite flakes or powder into a 1-liter plastic (or glass) bottle
  2. Add 25.4 oz. of distilled water to the bottle containing the flakes or powder
  3. Shake or stir (if stirring, do not use metal utensils, glass, or plastic only)

Note: pre-measured 80% Sodium Chlorite flakes available here.

Your 28% Sodium Chlorite is ready to use.

You will also need an activator.

50% Citric Acid Solution

On a 1-liter plastic bottle, mix 13 oz. of citric acid with 13 oz. (1-to-1 ratio) of distilled water for 26 oz. of citric acid activator.

Equipped with one bottle of 28% Sodium Chlorite and 50% Citric Acid, you are now prepared to make MMS (Master Mineral Solution).

Instructions to make MMS (Master Mineral Solution):

In a dry small glass (like a shot glass) place an equal number of drops of 28% Sodium Chlorite and 50% Citric Acid (1-to-1 ratio).

As the drops are activated over the next 30 seconds, the color will change to a yellow to brownish color, and the mixed drops are ready to add to drinking water.

How to Make 1 Quart MMS Purified Water Drink

To prepare a 1-quart drink mixture of MMS add three activated drops each of 28% Sodium Chlorite and 50% Citric Acid (six drops total allowed to activate for at least 30 seconds) in a shot glass to 1 quart of water.

Shake or stir mixture and allow to set for 10 minutes. If water is very cold, allow to stand for 20 minutes before drinking.

These are the basic instruction for how to make your own MMS from 80% Sodium Chlorite flakes or powder, including basic MMS recipe, how to mix and use MMS, including a 1-quart example.

MMS is a common nomenclature promoted by Jim Humble, it represents a water purification drops solution which is also used in commercial kitchens around the globe as a microbial agent.

Over 20 years ago, The American Society of Analytical Chemists stated that, “Chlorine Dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man.”

Many people prefer to use the two part Natural Antibacterial Cleaner Solution (NACS) kit for ready-to-mix drops, available here.





Protocol 1000

*MMS* Treatment Protocol 1000.  How to make and take Chlorine Dioxide.

This has been called Water Purifier for 80 years. Protocol 1000.–From the believer

This protocol alone has proven time and time again to restore health to people with a wide variety of diseases and conditions by oxidizing viruses of all kinds and killing the bacteria, such as Hepatitis A, B, and C, HIV/AIDS, arthritis, acid reflux, kidney disease, any number of aches and pains, urinary tract infections, depression, diabetes, and the list goes on and on. Protocol 1000 is also helpful for a good general cleanse to rid the body of unwanted toxins that one often does not even realize they have. Chlorine Dioxide is an excellent oxidizer of toxins in the body.

Many people report that they really didn’t feel they had any major health problems, yet after doing Protocol 1000, they felt so much better—they had more energy and vitality, clearer thinking, and felt healthier overall.

The instructions are for the original and what I call Classic Protocol 1000. If you do further research, you will find that we and many other people have tried various versions of Protocol 1000 over the years. While most of the slight variations of Protocol 1000 have been successful, according to reports we have received from around the world, the success has never been as good as the original protocol of mixing the dose fresh every hour—for 8 hours a day.

Protocol 1000 is taking a maximum of 3 drops of activated MMS (MMS1) in 4 ounces/120 ml of water (some juices are acceptable if they don’t have added Vit. C) or they are heavy with vitamin C like orange juice, once each hour, for eight consecutive hours, every day, for three weeks or until well. One does not start at three drops an hour. You try to build up to 3 drops slowly, as stated in all of Jim Humble’s books and abiding by the Three Golden Rules of MMS. Remember, if your body does not tolerate an increase of drops, stick with what works best for you. Your health may be recovered by taking less than three drops in each dose. Some people have recovered their health by taking 1 or 2 (or even less) drops per hour.

It is best to start slow and build up to the 3-drop dose. Do not start Protocol 1000 until you have completed the Starting Procedure. After finishing the Starting Procedure, we start Protocol 1000 at one drop an hour and work up to the suggested 3-drop dose per hour.

Instructions for Protocol 1000

Step 1

In a clean, dry glass, activate one drop of MMS as per the instructions in Mixing a Basic Dose of MMS1. You will activate one drop from each bottle. Can you take a dry glass and drop one drop from the sodium chlorite bottle and one drop from the citric acid bottle? It will activate 30 seconds after the drops get together. It will turn yellowish and off-gas the chlorine dioxide.

Add 1/2 cup (4 ounces/120 ml) of water or other recommended mixer.

Step 2

Drink your 1-drop dose with at least ½ glass of water within one minute of mixing.

Step 3  Continue taking a 1-drop dose every hour until you are ready to increase your dose to 2 drops per hour.

Step 4

If after three or four hours, there is no problem with nausea or any worse feeling, then increase your dose by at least half a drop. Go at your own pace (without getting sicker than your illness is already making you), but steadily build up to a 3-drop dose every hour.

For example, one person might start the first day with a 1-drop dose for two to three hours, and then they may increase to 1-1/2 drops for a couple of hours, and then two drops for a couple of hours, and so on. Others might want to stick to a 1-drop dose every hour for the entire first day, then two drops every hour the next day, and so on. Some may even find it necessary to stay at a 1-drop dose every hour for a few days before they can go up.

Step 5

Continue taking 3-drop doses every hour, for eight consecutive hours a day, for 21 days. You may get well without another hitch, but if at any time you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive tiredness, simply reduce the number of drops you are taking by at least one-half. NOTE:  The reason for nausea with this use of chlorine dioxide is that it may oxidize or kill off more pathogens than the body, and it may easily eliminate.

Remember, reduce, but do not stop. (A little bit of loose stool or diarrhea might be considered OK and part of the cleansing process, but if it becomes too much or you are also experiencing nausea and vomiting, cut back immediately.

Be sure to follow the Three Golden Rules of MMS.

Notes: Never exceed a 3-drop dose each hour while on Protocol 1000.

Though it is unpleasant to feel nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive tiredness should you experience these symptoms, it is usually a sign that your body is going through the detoxification process. So, that score is positive. The goal, however, is to go at a steady pace, not too fast, so that you do not make yourself sick.

If you recover your health in less than three weeks, it is suggested that you continue Protocol 1000 for the entire 21-day period. This will help complete the detoxification process.

PS: We took Protocol 1000 for two months and then six drops a day for two years to make sure we were rid of all the bacteria from Lyme disease, which can hide from any antibiotic, etc., but since this is not an antibiotic, it kills the lime bacteria in all three stages.

  1. The tiny worm-like stage
  2. The jelly-like stage
  3. The stage where they cover themselves with a hard shell

Click this link to buy chlorine dioxide  – NACS Water purifier https://topsellerbestsellers.com/collections/nacs/products/water-purification-drops

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained on or available through this website, is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical Lyme Disease professional if you need help with depression or illness or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS, OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance, or treatment.

MMS -Water Purifier Testimonials

MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (2016) Book – english









From a MMS friend:

Adam Abraham reports on MMS. Dr. John Humiston addresses questions coAdam Abrahamncerning a protocol used to disinfect the inner waters of the body, in preview clips of an upcoming documentary video, Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble, produced and directed by Adam Abraham. Have you tried it?

  • Understanding MMS: Conversations
  • Adam also says: There’s also a new documentary on MMS ~ published in 2021 ~ called “The Universal Antidote”. It’s very well done. In fact, I added a new introduction to my documentary commenting on the new one. It’s great to see them both, produced 13 years apart. https://theuniversalantidote.com/


Links to Chlorine Dioxide Testimonials ~~ MMS Testimonials



Andreas Kalcker – Straight Talk on MMS, Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) Andreas Kalcker describes many conditions that ClO2 can help heal by putting oxygen into the body.



MMS Testimonials:

Alzheimer’s Gone: Testimonial: I know all about Alzheimer’s, so when I had symptoms occur, they were familiar to me. I noticed I was lost socially, and I was starting to have total gaps in my memory (and thus withdrawing from my friends). Because I had heard of the water purifier called MMS being used to cure dementia I decided I had nothing to lose. I followed the protocol 1000 for one month, slowly building up to the full dose of 3 drops every hour for 8 hours a day. I stayed with the regime, for the full 30 day period. It is important to note that if the dose is causing you to feel unwell, cut back on the doses per day. You need to keep it at a low dose for two days then start to increase to the level you can tolerate, but please do not stop taking the Chlorine Dioxide altogether. The Chlorine Dioxide mixture that you are making is killing bacteria and oxidizing impurities inside the body.
By the end of the water purification treatment I noticed a remarkable change in my cognition, and as time goes on my sick condition continues to improve. I feel like a new person, and I am socially going out again, I am happy, and looking forward to each new day. — Sam-Sam

I am from the Czech Republic. Used MMS SEVERAL TIMES. I made a number overdosed. I reached 8 drops every hour. I have absolutely no profit, nor is anyone trying to advertise. I tell my own experience. I had several illnesses, I was in a terrible state. MMS saved my life. Returned joy and zest for life. You are sick, do not hesitate, do not wait, I’m pretty sure that MMS better job than the doctor. A fraction of the cost !! It’s really a miracle … CS

My Candida Is Gone: I was so sick, had Candida so severely that not only was I exhausted every day for years on end, but the fungus had migrated to my eyes and ears. My eyesight was terrible. It was like looking out through sheets of waxed paper. My ears buzzed and rang non-stop. I itched all over, especially at night when it was so bad it would wake me from a deep sleep. I had many other symptoms and tried many cures, none of which worked until I tried MMS. I had to change my diet to a very low carb diet because sugar feeds yeast.

I have had many health problems, and they are all finally clearing up due to MMS. I had a 28-year-old leg ulcer which was several inches long and is now gone. It took one month to clear up. My sinuses are finally clear and I no longer cough until I vomit. My arthritis is MUCH better. Fungus on my feet is gone. My gums no longer hurt. My eyesight is actually improving so that I am able to drive again. This product is incredible. Even the neuropathy is my feet are less painful. I had been taking up to 22 doctor prescribed pills, three times a day, for all my bad health issues. Now I just take health supplements. God bless Jim Humble. –Joshua Jenkins.

Ovarian cancer: I Have been taking the chlorine dioxide – MMS1 and MMS2 to treat my stage 3 ovarian cancer. It’s been wonderful. Recently my blood tests revealed that my tumor markers were now in the normal range so I went onto a maintenance dose of 8 drops a day. I also am eating a non-inflammation diet! – Vanessa

I don’t think a person can get better if they continue eating the standard American diet, so I changed my diet to include almost no grains, no slices of bread, no fast foods, no sugars of any kind, and minimal fruit. You must do this in order to recover. I had found a product called Syclovir that did a great job at holding the symptoms at bay, but there was no cure even after a year on the product. Then I read that MMS could help kill Candida, so I took 7 drops 4 times per day and began to see improvement. I think it’s been about 2 months of this approach and my energy is sky high. I can tolerate more carbs now with no symptoms. I feel great and I know it’s because of the MMS. In addition, MMS has reversed arthritis I had in my toes and it must have cleaned out my veins because I can now exert myself and not become out of breath. What a miracle MMS has proved to be in my life! —Kathryn

Good for pets, too! We Cured three dogs (all terminal), first had lymphoma, was hours away from death. One drop of MMS several times a day revived her (a miracle). Dogs do not need the sodium chlorite 28% activated because the dog’s digestive system has 600% more hydrochloric acid than humans. Their stomach acid will activate it. The second dog had lung cancer, cured her. The third dog has liver failure, cured her. Also recommended MMS to a friend who had fibromyalgia, he was disabled; but now no longer disabled…he is now better and healthy. Thank God for MMS. —R.B.

Crohn’s Disease: I’ve had Crohn’s for five years. I took MMS for one week, and my symptoms abated. I quit taking my drug store medication to see what would happen. I have been fine ever since. —R.W., United States




Lymes Disease, Fibromyalgia, ALS, MS Pain and Suffering

Wondering if you have Lyme disease?

Looking for a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia?

The same little bacteria – the spirochete – may be mentioned in the following list of conditions/diseases have been found in sources as possible diagnoses to consider during the diagnostic process for Fibromyalgia:

Lyme, Fibromyalgia pain

Lyme, Fibromyalgia pain

Arthritis in the joints
Rheumatoid arthritis especially in the hands. In research labs they have found these bacteria in the joints during examinations.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Lyme disease has been proven to be caused by these highly contagious bacteria
Polymyalgia rheumatica – aches all over another sign of the Spirochetes!
Obstructive sleep apnea – My husband had this and while taking the water purification drops for getting over Lyme disease, his Obstructive sleep apnea  went away and has never returned.
ALS – Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease and Charcot disease, is a specific disorder that involves the death of neurons… possible caused by Spirochetes. https://en.wikipedia.org

Fibromyalgia pain

Fibromyalgia – ALS pain

SLE – Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Polymyositis – This is a rare inflammatory disease that leads to muscle weakness, swelling tenderness, and tissue damage.
Hypophosphatemia – a low level of phosphorus in the blood.
Hypothyroidism – is when your thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones. The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 help regulate your body’s metabolism and how you use energy.
Hypopituitarism – results from decreased hormone production by the pituitary gland. Symptoms can include anemia, decreased appetite, weight loss or gain, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, and a decreased sex drive.
Spinal stenosis – symptoms range from mild irritation upon certain movements to chronic, persistent pain, numbness, weakness, and disability. Nowadays there are different alternatives to traditional medicine when it comes to treating chronic pain. Check out https://physicalevidencechiropractic.com/ to achieve and maintain optimal health using the benefits of chiropractic treatment.
Substance abuse– Drug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects hundreds in almost every community in some way. Each year drug abuse causes millions of serious illnesses, loss of life, and destroys families
Hypoglycemia – low blood sugar, a common problem in people with diabetes.
Parathyroid disorders– four pea-sized glands, called parathyroid glands, on the thyroid



gland in the neck helping your body keep the right balance of calcium and phosphorous.
Endocrinopathies disease of an endocrine gland, including Growth hormone deficiency in adults is associated with fatigue, along with other symptoms
Myasthenia gravis – can cause muscle weakness in your neck, arms and legs, but this usually happens along with muscle weakness in other parts of your body, such as your eyes, face or throat.
Somatoform disorder – a mental disorder in which patients experience pain that can’t be traced to any physical cause.
Myofascial pain syndrome – an ongoing or longer-lasting muscle pain, in areas such as the low back, neck, shoulders, and chest. Visit https://www.eastcoastinjury.com for simple and efficient neck pain relief remedies.
Osteoarthritis Pain – Your joints may ache, or the pain may feel burning or sharp.
Sjogren’s syndrome – a dry, gritty or burning sensation in the eyes
dry mouth, difficulty talking, chewing or swallowing, a sore or cracked tongue, dry or burning throat

Lyme disease bug

Lyme disease bug

Osteomalacia – a weakening of the bones due to problems with bone formation or the bone building process
Metabolic polyarthropathies – very painful, conpared to Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Inflammatory conditions
Early Spondyloarthropathy – pain and stiffness in your lower back and hips, especially in the morning and after periods of inactivity
Radiculopathy – refers to disease of the spinal nerve roots
Pleuritic pain syndrome – chest pain
Cardiac pain syndrome – chest pain
Gulf War syndrome – unexplained chronic symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems. – See more at: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/gulfwar/medically-unexplained-illness.asp#sthash.rlIFNMh2.dpuf
Babesiosia – is a malaria-like parasitic disease caused by infection with Babesia, a genus of protozoal piroplasms
Ehrlichoiosis – tickborne bacterial infection, caused by bacteria of the family Anaplasmataceae, genera Ehrlichia and Anaplasma.

Lyme-borrelia Spirochetes

Lyme-borrelia Spirochetes

Multiple sclerosis – Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up! (http://owndoc.com/lyme/multiple-sclerosis-is-lyme-disease-anatomy-of-a-cover-up/)

Perhaps the biggest ongoing medical scandal of the past hundred years is the fact that it has been known since 1911 that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by a bacterium, and that the Big-Pharma-controlled medical-industrial complex covered this up in order to make money selling symptom relievers to MS patients. At the lower levels there is no cover-up at all, but simply human nature at work, as we wrote about here, to dispel the notion that we are “conspiracy theorists”. Since 1911, overwhelmingly much medical research has been conducted where living Borrelia bacteria were found in the brains of people who were diagnosed with MS.

Hypochondriasis – Illness anxiety disorder is a preoccupation that physical symptoms are signs of some serious disease.
Malingering – is fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders
Somatoform pain disorder – is pain that is severe enough to disrupt a person’s everyday life
Sciatica – acute back, pelvic and leg pain.

Leg pain

Leg pain

Inflammatory bowel disease – involves chronic inflammation in all or part of the digestive tract.
Neuropathy – sensation of burning, tingling – this starts off on the feet and legs, and then, as the condition progresses, to the hands and arms
Intersitital cystitis, Metabolic myopathy, Inflammatory myopathy, Alzheimer’s disease, Meniere’s disease, Cervical degenerative diseases, Lower-back degenerative diseases, Mononucleosis, Anemia, Sleep disorders, HIV infection, Temporomandibular joint disorder, Irritable bowel syndrome, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Chronic syphilis, Subacute bacterial endocarditis, Parvovirus

That’s quite a list!  Could it be that this same bacteria is present in all these conditions because it is said that the Spirochetes cause over 300 different symptoms (found in that many different diseases.). This is a serious issue as it seems to effect many health aspects and I have never come across such a complicated case. For me, everything is simple, if you got into car accident; you go to car accident doctor. But this is definitely not the case.

Another source lists Lymes Disease and Syphilis saying that they are caused by microscopic spirochetes, which can produce over 300 different symptoms and imitate or cause numerous diseases, including Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease,  Rheumatism, Arthritis, Hepatitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Migraine,  etc. Several older but also recent autopsy findings linked to in this article found that all deceased MS patients’ brains harbored living Lyme spirochetes. Even when tests, notorious for their large percentage of false negatives were used on living MS patients, staggeringly many tested positive for active Lyme borreliosis.


Lyme-Disease-Non-medical-Diagnosis-and-Treatment- Book at Amazon.com for only $7.00

Many fibromyalgia, Lupus, Migraine and Parkinson’s disease sufferers are actually suffering from Lymes Disease, Bartonella, Babesia, Erlichia or Mycoplasma infections.

The other diseases for which Fibromyalgia is listed as a possible alternative diagnosis in their lists include:

Lyme disease, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Shoulder Pain, Thyroid disorders, Trichinosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic pelvic pain, Depression, Fatigue, Hemochromatosis, Hypothyroidism, Lupus

Fortunately, a safe, simple and alternative treatment for Lymes Disease, Fibromyalgia, Babesia, Bartonella, Erlichia, Mycoplasma West Nile Virus and Mycoplasma is available  for only $25 and can be used for suspected Lymes, Babesia, West Nile Virus infections, etc and might even prove to be useful for all these conditions and symptoms mentioned on this page.

Another good resource is Jim Humble’s Book! It tells about MMS Protocol 1000 for treating and killing all kinds of bacteria without any bad side effects!

MMS Blue bookYou buy the WP set. You follow the instructions for mixing the drops in a dry glass on your kitchen counter. Start slow — taking just one activated drop the first day!

If you take too many drops too quickly to start off — you might have many bad bacteria cells that are rapidly killed, you might feel bad and have a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction). When this occurs there are dead bacteria released into the body. It will soon pass.

Die off symptoms of killing disease bacteria:

  • Nausea, Fever, Sweating
  • Swollen glands
  • Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea
  • Increased joint or muscle pain
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Headache, fatigue, dizziness
  • Chills, cold feeling in your extremities
  • Body itchiness, hives or rashes

Look at this $25 product – 2 little bottles – here for killing the bacteria that might be present in all these diseases: >>> http://mms.reikiranch.net/water-purifier-mms-/1-water-purifier-set-mms-activator.html

MMS is now called Water Purification Drops. It kills bacteria!

MMS is now called Water Purification Drops. It kills bacteria! We took it for 2 years to kill all the spirochetes of Lyme disease. It has no bad side effects!

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Is Ebola Virus a flesh eating bacteria?

ebola virus protection

ebola virus protective suits are used

Afraid of the Ebola? You should be!  — Ebola virus disease  also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever is the human bleeding disease which may be caused by any of four of the five known ebola viruses. “The US is bringing back infected patients: NEW YORK (AP) – Aid officials say an American doctor infected with the Ebola virus is the first being flown to the U.S. for treatment.  Two seriously ill Americans will be treated at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital. Samaritan’s Purse missionary group tells The Associated Press that a plane carrying Dr. Kent Brantly has left West Africa.”

Evola virus outbreak

Ebola Virus is growing

“Then Ebola…….. 2 US doctors who know how to protect themselves using protective suits etc., still get infected with Ebola…….How did that happen?  They say it is not easy to get infected with Ebola unless there is transfer of bodily fluids, so how did they get infected in the first place? Did these doctors touch the patients fluids with the bare hands???
Viruses evolve, who knows if they are now airborne and we don’t know it yet.
It only takes one person to walk out of that hospital (Atlanta) without knowing he or she is infected and start kissing their kids or partner and spread the virus real quick and more if its airborne. I bet we will be hearing in a week about new people been infected. ”

Ebola virus disease a threat worldwide

Ebola virus disease a threat worldwide


Natural Remedies  for Ebola are available.
From Genesis2 church (MMS) Forum: “At this point, no one knows for sure how many drops of the water purifier  (MMS) it will take to prevent the Ebola . All you can do is use the ***Protocol 1000*** to try and keep the immune system as strong as possible. Eat as healthy as you can, eat organic and stay clear of crowds and people as much as you can and wash those hands, wash those hands, wash those hands! Ebola is not only carried on hands only but a lot of other immune damaging viruses are and you need that immune system to be strong, not fighting other sicknesses! As time goes on, unfortunately, we will learn how effective MMS is against Ebola.”

  • The State Department has confirmed that one U.S. citizen died from Ebola in Nigeria after being infected in Liberia.
  • The victim who died in Lagos was bound for the U.S., and was an American citizen
  • U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the virus poses a threat to Britain, and will hold an emergency meeting
  • Ebola center run by Americans closed after Liberia disturbances
  • Two Peace Corps volunteers are under observation after coming into contact with the individual who later died of Ebola disease.
  • And much more is being reported…

From the  Nigerian health bulletin   “I am writing urgently to propose to you that there is good reason to believe that there already is a natural solution for, and prevention against, the terrifying novel Ebola virus for which, at this point, no effective treatment or counter measures are thought to exist.”
Prevention of Ebola Disease – Get MMS – water purifier here: http://mms.reikiranch.net — it will kill virus and bacteria for just pennies – under $1.00 a week.

Flesh Eating bacteria are Streptococcus Necrotizing fasciitis and is considered a rare infection of the deeper layers of skin and subcutaneous tissues, easily spreading across the fascial plane within the subcutaneous tissue.

From “beyondtopsecret.com”   “Florida oceans and most lakes are contaminated with the deadly flesh eating bacteria = no cure + deadly.  Ohio has toxins in their drinking water because of the lake and it could happen in other places = if you drink no water you die, if you drink water with bacteria you also die, and you can’t even boil the water to make it safe because that concentrates and increases the strength of the toxins.”  NOTE: Sorry readers, we will not post photos of flesh eating bacteria because they are too graphic.  (If You want to see the photo of this terrible disease please Google images of flesh eating bacteria.)

NEWS Broadcast:  “As Ebola spreads mercilessly across the world, it appears Florida has a problem (of flesh eating bacteris) that sounds just as awful. As CBS reports, Florida health officials are warning beach goers about a seawater bacterium that can invade cuts and scrapes to cause flesh-eating disease. At least 11 Floridians have contracted Vibrio vulnificus so far this year and two have died, according to the most recent state data.”

Prevention of flesh-eating disease – Get MMS – water purifier here: http://mms.reikiranch.net — it will kill virus and bacteria for just pennies – under $1.00 a week. This master mineral solution is much better that using an antibiotic because it acts immediately — the bacteria cannot be resistant to its use.

UTIs — Urinary Tract Infections /Bladder Infections Testimonial by an RN

MMS – Water Purification drops used with UTIs – Interstitial cystitis.  Most urinary tract infections start with bladder infections. You must kill the pathogens with mms – an alternative natural solution that does not harm the body.

Some UTI Facts:

  1. A bacterial infection in your bladder is normally not serious if it is treated right away. When you do not quickly treat a bladder infection and inflammation, the bacterial infection can spread to your kidneys and the complete urinary track.
  2. A kidney infection is considered serious and can cause permanent damage.
  3. Your urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries excess minerals, wastes out of your body. It includes your bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection.

Testimonial of a UTIs — Urinary Tract Infections /Bladder Infections Testimonial by RN

I am an RN.  Two years ago I began having what seemed to be constant UTIs.  The urologist diagnosed it as Interstitial cystitis.  IC has no cure in modern medicine.  Some women end up having their bladders removed in serious cases.  The burning was awful and it was effecting my whole life.   A friend of mine told me about MMS.  She gave me the capsule form.  It was very hard on my stomach, but it took care of the burning sensation.  This condition was effecting my entire life, my activity level, my intimacy with my spouse, what I could and could not eat, and my all round well being.  The pain was so bad at times it would double me over.

 I ordered Jim Humble’s book and read every word.  I found Reiki Ranch Store on Jim’s site as a supplier of MMS (Water Purification Drops).  I ordered it in Nov. of 2013 and began using it.  I have continued to use it on a regular basis because I believe it boosts my immune system and keeps me healthy.  The Dr. told me I would have IC for the rest of my life. That there was no known cure for it.  He just did not know about MMS.  The drops worked great for me.  There are many days  I forget to take MMS and I have been able to eat a regular diet with no restrictions and don’t even have evidence of IC even when I don’t take MMS.  I am so grateful to my friend who shared this product with me.  It truly changed my life.  By Sharon Cluck RN

Urinary Tract Infection happens here

Urinary Tract Infection happens here

I killed Lyme Disease Spirochetes by Purifying my Water

I killed Lyme Disease Spirochetes by Purifying my Water, September 28, 2013

This review is from: 4 Oz. Water Purifier Set – For Purifying Water

My husband and I both had Lyme Disease — caused by spirochaete – parasitic or free-living bacteria, pathogenic to humans and other animals. From our studies… My husband and I found out that — Lyme disease to one degree to another is present in 98% of the people in the USA. We read in Tesla magazine that Lyme disease was an gov. laboratory engineered operation called Paper-Clip, and allowed to be released on the US people. Lyme is very hard to detect, Lyme is resistance to antibiotics and Lyme is highly contagious. Roi has had Lyme for at least 10 years that we know, but it acted like Fibromyalgia, MS, Desert Storm disease, gulf war illness. It can be airborne, and carried by any person by direct contact, as well as: biting insect to man, beast or pet.Lyme disease can affect the skin with rashes, painful joints, heart trouble, muscle pain like Fibromyalgia, and a breakdown in the nervous system. Lyme has over 300 symptoms and it often the cause of many other diseases. After 1 month on the Water Purification drops (MMS), We both feel happier, more energetic and the neck joints, wrist and finger joints, shoulder sockets, knees, ankles, etc., are feeling good again. I believe that our joints were infected by a micro organism of the Lyme disease and the solution helped free us up as it killed he bacteria in the water of our bodies. Additionally, we’d also installed the best whole house water filter in the market. Roi’s testing for Lyme disease is down to only 3%. He’s 85 years old and is able to be active again and able to enjoy life. He acts like a he’s 40 years younger! That’s a blessing!What I don’t like about the product is the taste. It tastes like chlorinated water. The water purifier is a lot easier to take now that they have the 50/50% citric acid activator. A person has only to work up to 3 drops an hour… and they can make a plastic container of the stuff — drinking a mixed amount each hour for 8 to 10 hours a day! (You no longer have to mix the WP each hour of the day)We also take a super green food — a phyto-nutrient – Silver Water Greens – that we mix ourselves with fruit juice. We take 5 to 10 caps of Silver water brand “Ultrazymes” a day. Getting well is a process. There is no silver bullet, but keep reading and studying alternate health remedies and supplements you can find at sites like Tophealthjournal.com, if you do all this, soon you will also start feeling younger again!!

We blogged about it on our ReikiRanch blog where we help others with alternative health remedies and energy healing.