Chi Energy Wand Personal Frequency Vibration Therapy Tool

Finally, there is an effective tool for therapists and individuals to channel and focus chi energy to targeted areas of the human body with incredible results, the Chi Energy Wand Personal Frequency Vibration Therapy Tool.

This Chi Energy Wand combines many different ancient and emerging technologies to create a composite hybrid healing tool that offers results that can be felt in minutes, and reportedly accomplishing better results in much less much less time than administering chi energy therapy alone.

The Chi Energy Wand raises the frequency vibration of the human body greatly affecting the energy auras within the body’s unique energy field. This therapeutic multitool aligns your life force energy returning you to harmonic balance by tuning the biofield.

The most exciting news about the tuning the Chi Energy Wand is not the general treatment benefits but the focused healing which can be articulated with high precision, like that of a laser beam while conducting energy clearing. Whereas general chi energy therapy heals generally, this personal frequency vibration therapy tool allows either the therapist or the user to pinpoint the problem and provide the solution which can be felt by the recipient within the first few minutes, and yes, for the DIY enthusiasts, you can do this yourself.

What makes the Chi Energy Wand Personal Frequency Vibration Therapy Tool so unique?

This personal frequency vibration therapy tool incorporates

  • Thermotherapy
  • Terahertz Frequencies
  • Luminous Therapy
  • Negative Ion Generator
  • Quartz Crystal Therapy
  • Quantum Technology
  • Infrared Rays

All 7 technologies working together enhancing the lifeforce energy by applying chi energy of a targeted area, raising the frequency vibration, and tuning the biofield of any person it is used on. In this way common electricity that is used to power the unit is utilized to deploy universal energy to you or your patient.

Let’s briefly review the 7 technologies included in the Chi Energy Wand device.


1 Thermotherapy

Thermotherapy has been around for as long as anyone can remember. This is basically the method of applying heat to a sore area of the body, and it not only feels better, but helps promote healing to the area where the heat is applied to. In the past, the method of deploying heat to an area of the body was to use a heating pad. This new method uses a heated air blower, not unlike a hair dryer, to focus heat and forced air directionally at the part of the body where there is concern. This is only the beginning.


2 Terahertz Frequencies

Terahertz frequencies are administered by the forced air emitting from the Chi Energy Wand Personal Frequency Vibration Therapy Tool targeting the problem area. Left to themselves, the terahertz frequencies from the THz frequency generator would normally reach the body efficaciously in general, for they radiate for about three feet in every direction tuning the biofield, but the forced air movement helps to concentrate the direction of these waves toward the troubled area.


3 Luminous Therapy

Also included is luminous technology which emits a focusing light emerging from the barrel of this healing device. Much knowledge is well-known about the healing properties of light therapy which offers positive impact by eliminating bacteria, promoting new generative cell and collagen production, while healing the epidermis across all layers, and enhancing the energy field.


Lab Projection of Negative Ions Dispersion Pattern Simulation

4 Negative Ion Generator

The device includes a negative ion generator that delivers a flood of negative ions to the area where the warm air is being blown to. Negative ions boost the immune system, kill harmful bacteria, mold, and fungus, while invigorating red blood cells. Also promote the growth of new tissue over wounded areas of the body using universal energy.



5 Quartz Crystal Energy

Light passes through the embedded crystals emitting quartz crystal frequencies which increases the efficacy of the light therapy tremendously. Working in tandem with the terahertz waves the combine energies easily pass-through skin/blood/brain barriers, soothing and healing energy auras, tissue and increasing cellular communication.


6 Quantum Technology

Quantum technology channels frequency vibration bands within the electromagnetic spectrum that positively harmonize with human tissue. This effective resonance aligns energies surrounding all cells throughout the body signaling repair and regeneration. Increased oxygen levels in the blood help to reduce the time necessary to heal, even deep tissue.

Injectionless quantum technology provides a drug-free alternative for natural healing and rapid pain release as the human body’s nerve system is optimized throughout as well as clearing and attenuating the biofield.


7 Infrared Rays

Quantum combined with Infrared passes via chi energy lighted pathway through the crystal to increase efficacy is responsible for reducing stiffness, pain, and exhaustion that accompany rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, and Lyme diseases.

Reduces swelling, and is used to treat abdominal pain, joint inflammation, swelling in lower limbs, and… Detoxifies the holistic body (body, mind, and soul) while increasing lifeforce energy

All of that in one device.

Unauthorized usage: Anyone with a pacemaker, open wound, fracture, have plates in the body, are pregnant or menstruating, or have congenital heart disease should not use this device.

Disclaimer: Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only and it is NOT meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals.

Med Beds are Coming

The med beds are here. Today they are being unveiled in Germany and who knows when the bureaucracy will open the doors for the USA, nonetheless the med beds are coming and we are waiting for our delivery when they get the green light. In the meantime, you can experience some of the med bed technology now.

Today, we have the wholesale terahertz wands that offer four of the benefits provided by the med beds in a compact, simple to use, hand-held device.

What Med Bed Energies are Included?

Terahertz Energy

The four types of med bed healing modalities included in the wholesale terahertz wand start with the focused deployment of terahertz frequency (oscillating between 1 trillion Hz and 100 trillion Hz) energy emission in wavelengths that harmonizes with human cells.

Quantum Energy

The wholesale terahertz wand includes the dissemination of full-spectrum quantum frequencies including those currently used in existing medical science technologies to enhance the human body, supporting organ and muscle regeneration while energizing cellularly.

Quartz Crystal Energy

Quartz crystal energy frequency transmissions (672 Hz – 768 Hz), FAR infrared light technology, as well as the Tesla energetic frequencies (333 Hz, 639 Hz, 999 Hz), amplify the efficacy of the device while strengthening neurological function and the aura.

Radiant Solar Energy

Radiant solar energy (1/40th of the sun’s UV energy) combines the terahertz, quantum, and quartz energies, delivering the healing power to the body, radiating the frequencies through the skin and tissues to deliver the payload to the intended target area with laser-like accuracy.

Like the med beds that, but are not available in the United States, the wholesale terahertz wand, which has just become available, is a way to experience a portion of the healing qualities of the med bed technologies that work with light, atmospheric, heat, and frequency emission, that irradicate unhealthy cells and detoxify while promoting healthy cell growth and raising natural immunity.

Commercial Version

Benefits of the Wholesale Terahertz Wand

  • Pain release
  • Cell repair
  • Eliminates unhealthy cells
  • Stem cell activation
  • Neutralize free radicals
  • Endocrine gland regulation
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Detoxing the body
  • Improved circulation
  • Improved cell processes
  • Raises self-healing capabilities
  • Clears unhealthy body moisture and fats
  • Slow the biological aging process



DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans Recipes & Treatment


DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans Recipes & Treatment – Prerelease – is the definitive DMSO book by author Herb “Roi” Richards, Ph.D, that so many people have been waiting so long for… and they’re still waiting. The book is not due for official release until later in the year, but we have a few copies of the long-awaited work in progress on hand for you, our special friends here at Top Seller Best Sellers, who want to take a peek at Roi’s labor of love.

Our promise to you: Even not fully edited or completed, this work puts invaluable recipes and treatment modalities using DMSO in the hands of those who are longing to see the magic of dimethyl sulfoxide at work, now.

Your promise to us: You understand that this is a work-in-progress prerelease. That means it’s like taking a look at this book while looking over Roi’s shoulder as he is writing the book in real time. You are willing to forgive grammatical errors and omissions in exchange for the ability to view the contents, as they are at this moment in the writing process.

We think you will be delighted by being able to have access to these DMSO recipes and treatments now, giving you the ability to put it to work right away.

You will be impressed at how matter-of-fact Roi is about putting all this information together without all the gobbledegook or technicalese that is found in other books, even though he does possess a Ph.D. in Natural Nutrition.

“I don’t have to prove to anybody how smart I am or not. But I feel overwhelmingly compelled to tell people how safe and easy it is to use DMSO.”

Not a believer in filler or hype, you won’t find any of that in Dr. Roi’s book.

Don’t believe me. Take a look for yourself and see if you don’t agree what this is probably going to be the best book that instantly puts the power of DMSO in the hands of laymen everywhere.

Click Here to Order

What Can I Do to Reverse the Effects of Taking the COVID Vaccine?

On April 14th (the same day Ivanka Trump received her vaccination) a husband and wife in their late-sixties with whom we were previously acquainted came into the lab with a very interesting request. They were desperately seeking an immediate intervention because they had both been vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine on April 12th.

The very next day after their vaccination, the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine was banned due to reports of rare blood clotting issues. The couple came in frantically requesting an rapid response and treatment to reverse the effects of taking the COVID vaccine as soon as possible.

Reversing the effects of taking any vaccine is highly problematic as it is administered by injection directly into the blood stream. The messenger RNA vaccine acts like a virus spreading rapidly through cells and DNA with the intent of protecting the host, and the clock was ticking.

This couple sincerely wanted to take action now. We reached out to natural scientists and natural alternative specialists that we refer to for advice to see if we could offer them any hope of a remedy.

Since this is the first request of this nature that any of our consultants had heard of, there was no previously published data to refer to, and our sources declined to suggest any alternative solutions to try. The couple was not going to take “no action” as an answer, and they were willing to subject themselves to any proposed regimen as human guinea pigs or test rats.

Based on their insistence and agreeance to sign full waivers, we re-contacted our sources, and came up with a proposed solution.

Three out of seven of the specialists we consulted agreed on the following daily regimen:

Reverse the Effects of Taking the COVID Vaccine Protocol

Maintain a no processed food diet.

Take a full panel of vitamins and minerals, split into two daily portions.

4 15-minute aerobic sessions interspersed throughout the day. 1 in the morning, 1 at noon, 1 late afternoon, and 1 2-hours before bedtime.

Drink 3 liters of purified water per day.

Thirteen drops of activated 28% Sodium Chlorite in 1.5 liters of purified water sipped at regular intervals over waking hours in each day.

Followed by a 30-minute Ionic Detox Foot Bath one hour prior to going to bed.

This was the agreed upon

Reverse the Effects of Taking the COVID Vaccine Protocol

This regimen should be maintained indefinitely to defend against the spread of the mRNA vaccine, or until a test can be provided to assure that the host is clear of the vaccine.

Note that this is the only case that we know about so far, so there are no results to offer, though we will attempt to make regular contact with this couple to review their results.

Any attempt to reverse the effects of taking any mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will likely offer only limited or no actual results if started after the first 72 hours of vaccination due to the aggressive nature of the vaccine.

We felt like we should publish this data to make it available to the greater community, for feedback, and to spur conversations related to possible treatment regimens for reversing the effects of these vaccines if and when sought after by seekers of natural alternatives for post-vaccinated responses.

We hope this information will be helpful for others.

Supplied by a source from Beyond Science Labs on April 16, 2021.


These statements and any information contained on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult individual products labels for safety information.


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to offer all natural chemical free skin care products made from high quality food grade ingredients. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.




Disease Symptom Elimination Program by CGAM

The connection between parasites and disease is undeniable, and no one knows this better than Wayne Rowland, who overcame deadly health challenges, including two types of cancer, by (1) eliminating parasites (2) deworming (3) submitting his body to healing frequencies (4) maintaining a healthy gut and boosting his immune system. His program translates incredibly to other people suffering from incurable diseases. He shares his Disease Symptom Elimination Program with the world in an effort to help others do the same.

To remove parasite-related disease symptoms from the body, we need to kill the parasites, build gut health and immunity, and cleanse the blood and bowel using Silverwater, Enzymes, Colloidal Minerals, Greens, Dulse, enzymes, DMSO, chlorine dioxide, and dewormer.

What is included in Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program?

First of all, you will need at least 2 ounces of Lugol’s Iodine 6.6% to cover the first three months. If you can’t get 6.6%, 5% will work. Take three drops in a glass of water first thing in the morning every day of the program. You may choose to continue to use the iodine daily following the challenge based on your results. Do not take iodine if you are allergic to shellfish.

You will also need a water purification drops kit. This is a two-part kit (Part 1 and Part 2) that makes chlorine dioxide when combined in a one-drop-to-one-drop ratio. You will use three drops of each (Part 1 and Part 2) every hour for 8 to 10 hours each day over the three-month period.

The following items are to be consumed regularly every day over the course of each month. This is a one-month supply:

  • Bio-Dyna-Zyme
  • Ultrabiotic Plus
  • Ultrazyme Plus
  • Silver Water Stabilized Greens
  • Purple Dulse Seaweed 1 lb.
  • Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO 16 oz.
  • Horse dewormer in the plunger tube
  • 3 quarts of Silver Water

The above is consumed each month, plus 10 cases of Silver Water, which is to be used as a healthy drinking water replacement and should be taken purely, i.e., not added to other substances to make flavored drinks, coffee, tea, etc. The healing frequencies are fused into the Silver Water. Avoid drinking tap water for this three-month period.

Once the three months are complete, keep taking any remaining products until they are all gone.

Try to eat a healthy diet free from heavily processed or parasite-egg-or-larvae-laden food. Though this is not a requirement, your results will be exponentially greater if you are able to make this adjustment.

*you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in
** order the book by calling 1-800-862-6657 or by visiting the website @           ISBN # 9780813824192
***There are so many diseases disabling adults and children caused by parasites that it is not practical to list them all, but I would like to say that our future seems to be severely threatened realizing that:

I salute you in your journey to the FABULOUS ENERGY
that this GOOD HEALTH protocol brings!

SHOPPING CART = Reiki Ranch Shopping Cart <<<Place your order – Reiki Ranch Store <<<

1 Qt of Silver Water


The Disease Symptom Elimination program is better used with the Wayne Rowland Body Charger

You sit in a chair with your feet on the metal screen. Or you can use the optional silver cloth to pass the negative ions into your body. Call for pricing on the machines for charging the body with negative ions.