* Who is Anastasia?
Anastasia’s Books website report that a Young woman was found in forest…

Anastasia Books teach freedom
Ten million books were sold by word of mouth in Russia… Since her discovery was first announced in 1996, word of the remarkable Anastasia has created a wave of excitement that swept through Russia and Europe and is now spreading to the West.
Anastasia was Born in 1969 in the remote Siberia wilderness to parents who both died in a forest accident with the ringing cedar trees, shortly after her birth, Anastasia has fended for herself, watched over only by her grandfather, great grandfather and a variety of “wild” animals.
The Ringing Ceder Series Video – Anastasia
Beyond Belief for many — born in this pristine, isolated environment — Anastasia managed to develop an astounding level of skill and knowledge that far surpasses our highly civilized “best educated” standards.
And she has the world talking!
Read her story and make a Discovery that creates wild excitement… The Ringing Ceders series of 9 books tell Anastasia amazing stories of an empowered race of super beings that were our human ancestors. Remember you roots as the sons and daughter of the gods

Book 1 Anastasia
The Author of the Ringing Ceder books: Megré, a Siberian riverboat trader, describes his discovery of Anastasia in 1995 while he was plying the waters of the remote Ob River on a strange quest to find the mysterious “Ringing Cedars” — ancient trees that over the course of 500 years had reportedly accumulated so much energy through their pine-needle, antenna-like leaves, they had begun to audibly “ring” or vibrate.
On the trading ship and At a riverside stop, Megré was greeted by a young, modestly attired peasant woman who seemed to know not only his name but also the nature of his quest.

Book 2 Anastasia
Their chance meeting unfolds — Revealing that she knew the exact location the “ringing cedar trees” he was searching for, she offered to act as his guide. Megré accepted, but as they began the trek deep into the forest, Anastasia began to shed her clothes…
His world turned upside down… He was impelled to write her story!
Amazing journey Over the course of three days Megré was led into another world — a world of mind-blowing revelations, sacred sex, altered states of consciousness and displays by Anastasia of such astounding power, knowledge and wisdom — Megré felt compelled to abandon his river trading business in order to document and share these revelations with the world.

Book 3 Anastasia
Welcome to the Ringing Ceders series of books!
The Ringing Cedars Series by Vladimir Megré
Translated by John Woodsworth Edited by Leonid Sharashkin
• Book 1 Anastasia (ISBN 978-0-9801812-0-3)
• Book 2 The Ringing Cedars of Russia (ISBN 978-0-9801812-1-0)
• Book 3 The Space of Love (ISBN 978-0-9801812-2-7)
• Book 4 Co-creation (ISBN 978-0-9801812-3-4)
• Book 5 Who Are We? (ISBN 978-0-9801812-4-1)
• Book 6 The Book of Kin (ISBN 978-0-9801812-5-8)
• Book 7 The Energy of Life (ISBN 978-0-9801812-6-5)
• Book 8, Part 1 The New Civilisation (ISBN 978-0-9801812-7-2)
• Book 8, Part 2 Rites of Love (ISBN 978-0-9801812-8-9)
Published by Ringing Cedars Press

Book 4 Anastasia

A reader writes…
“What makes these books so special is that they were written with the help of the surviving members of the Vedic culture living in the Siberian taiga…
“The books contain the knowledge that has been kept the strictest of secrets far the last 10,000 years by those who wanted to control the world, to the point that a special language was developed to pass these secrets to the next generations, but nothing was ever written down…
“Most importantly, it is explained how every person can reach their full potential…
“I can say with confidence that nothing like these books exists in the world today.”
— Rafal F., Australia

Book 6 Anastasia
“I would like to recommend them because I think that going through life without this knowledge is a waste of time, and not passing it on to children is a crime…

Book 7 Anastasia
Here in Russia children are the teachers, write their own textbooks and earn Masters degrees at 17…
* Do toys retard a child’s development?
Discover how brilliant, happy children learn naturally… without toys!
* Are our bee-keepers killing the bees?
Learn why only some people get stung by bees. Use these plans for a natural hive…
* Smart eating? It’s NOT a formula!
YOUR body knows what it needs on any particular day of the year…
* Anastasia’s ray heals at a distance… (Much like Reiki)
Anyone can do it! Developing your natural psychic powers. Anastasia tells us how…
Why are her words resonating so strongly… because they are charged with Source energy.

Book 8.1 Anastasia

Book 8.2 Anastasia