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* Who is Anastasia?
Anastasia’s Books website report that a Young woman was found in forest…
Ten million books were sold by word of mouth in Russia… Since her discovery was first announced in 1996, word of the remarkable Anastasia has created a wave of excitement that swept through Russia and Europe and is now spreading to the West.
Anastasia was Born in 1969 in the remote Siberia wilderness to parents who both died in a forest accident with the ringing cedar trees, shortly after her birth, Anastasia has fended for herself, watched over only by her grandfather, great grandfather and a variety of “wild” animals.
The Ringing Ceder Series Video – Anastasia
Beyond Belief for many — born in this pristine, isolated environment — Anastasia managed to develop an astounding level of skill and knowledge that far surpasses our highly civilized “best educated” standards.
And she has the world talking!
Read her story and make a Discovery that creates wild excitement… The Ringing Ceders series of 9 books tell Anastasia amazing stories of an empowered race of super beings that were our human ancestors. Remember you roots as the sons and daughter of the gods
The Author of the Ringing Ceder books: Megré, a Siberian riverboat trader, describes his discovery of Anastasia in 1995 while he was plying the waters of the remote Ob River on a strange quest to find the mysterious “Ringing Cedars” — ancient trees that over the course of 500 years had reportedly accumulated so much energy through their pine-needle, antenna-like leaves, they had begun to audibly “ring” or vibrate.
On the trading ship and At a riverside stop, Megré was greeted by a young, modestly attired peasant woman who seemed to know not only his name but also the nature of his quest.
Their chance meeting unfolds — Revealing that she knew the exact location the “ringing cedar trees” he was searching for, she offered to act as his guide. Megré accepted, but as they began the trek deep into the forest, Anastasia began to shed her clothes…
His world turned upside down… He was impelled to write her story!
Amazing journey Over the course of three days Megré was led into another world — a world of mind-blowing revelations, sacred sex, altered states of consciousness and displays by Anastasia of such astounding power, knowledge and wisdom — Megré felt compelled to abandon his river trading business in order to document and share these revelations with the world.
Welcome to the Ringing Ceders series of books!
The Ringing Cedars Series by Vladimir Megré
Translated by John Woodsworth Edited by Leonid Sharashkin
• Book 1 Anastasia (ISBN 978-0-9801812-0-3)
• Book 2 The Ringing Cedars of Russia (ISBN 978-0-9801812-1-0)
• Book 3 The Space of Love (ISBN 978-0-9801812-2-7)
• Book 4 Co-creation (ISBN 978-0-9801812-3-4)
• Book 5 Who Are We? (ISBN 978-0-9801812-4-1)
• Book 6 The Book of Kin (ISBN 978-0-9801812-5-8)
• Book 7 The Energy of Life (ISBN 978-0-9801812-6-5)
• Book 8, Part 1 The New Civilisation (ISBN 978-0-9801812-7-2)
• Book 8, Part 2 Rites of Love (ISBN 978-0-9801812-8-9)
Published by Ringing Cedars Press
A reader writes…
“What makes these books so special is that they were written with the help of the surviving members of the Vedic culture living in the Siberian taiga…
“The books contain the knowledge that has been kept the strictest of secrets far the last 10,000 years by those who wanted to control the world, to the point that a special language was developed to pass these secrets to the next generations, but nothing was ever written down…
“Most importantly, it is explained how every person can reach their full potential…
“I can say with confidence that nothing like these books exists in the world today.”
— Rafal F., Australia
“I would like to recommend them because I think that going through life without this knowledge is a waste of time, and not passing it on to children is a crime…
Here in Russia children are the teachers, write their own textbooks and earn Masters degrees at 17…
* Do toys retard a child’s development?
Discover how brilliant, happy children learn naturally… without toys!
* Are our bee-keepers killing the bees?
Learn why only some people get stung by bees. Use these plans for a natural hive…
* Smart eating? It’s NOT a formula!
YOUR body knows what it needs on any particular day of the year…
* Anastasia’s ray heals at a distance… (Much like Reiki)
Anyone can do it! Developing your natural psychic powers. Anastasia tells us how…
Why are her words resonating so strongly… because they are charged with Source energy.
Reiki – The Secret Teaching They Don’t Want You Discover!
Reiki improves your connection with God or Source energy and your life can be pointed in the direction that brings you even more health, joy and happiness. On the other hand your mind can also bring you things you don’t want.
Reiki enhances your connection and you began to beam your thoughts and desires out in an even stronger beam and you will manifest the life you desire faster. The Reiki Ranch gives classes and you can get the Reiki Manuals sent to you.
What if you continue to think thoughts that are not in you best interest? They also will go out and collect matching circumstances and bring those to you. That’s not so good. You are bringing to yourself things you fear and you are doing this by thinking those fear thoughts. Get the Reiki manual and study the laws of healing your life.
With each Reiki attunements your connection with Source energy increases. Usually the Reiki One will increase your connection 15 to 20 percent. Reiki Two and Reiki Master (the Reiki Three) attunements will increase your connection another 10 to 20 percent. As your connection with Source increases your thoughts will manifest faster. That could be a two edge sword if you do not control your thinking. Read the Reiki manual to understand this.
It is extremely import to keep your thoughts on lofty ideals, uplifting, positive and kind thoughts. Your brain thinks thousands of thoughts all the time.
How would you like it if all your thoughts all came true?
You may have a few or quite a few thoughts that aren’t to your highest good. People have habits of thinking certain thoughts that are judging, critical, demeaning and right out cruel. If you are bothered by thinking these kinds of degrading thoughts, it’s time to clean up your stinking thinking.
Your thoughts are creating your reality. It is really true, even truer now that you are becoming Reiki. A good first step is getting the Reiki manual to study.
Has anyone ever told you that you truly are a are a powerful creator and it is within your power to create physical circumstances with your thoughts – just like the small group of private individuals who have been doing this for over 2000 years. This Reiki manual will help you get your power back.
A few private individuals have kept this secret knowledge locked up and only share it with their family members, the Brotherhood and inner circle friends. This is the basis of the secret societies. Control the knowledge of the Law of Attraction and shape reality to suit their whelms and put more money into their packets.
Is there really a secret teaching? Or is it in plain sight and just not taught to the public as a general rule? Reiki manual is helping you realize these truths.
The Law of Gravity isn’t secret. Universal, or natural laws, work whether anyone understands them or not. And this is true with The Law Of Attraction. It works in your life 100% of the time, whether you are aware of it or not. Simply stated: The Law Of Attraction operates in a specific way — anything you put your attention on, with passion, you’ll get. If you aren’t specific or give precise instructions, such as stating what your goal or wish list is, the Universe considers your random thoughts, fears, other people’s fears, things you’ve hears, dogmas and self-talk as your “want list.” Your Life Manager uses The Law Of Attraction to complete/fulfill your wishes.
Example: If you are really passionate about “NEVER” wanting to be with, or married to, a person like that again, generally, and usually very soon, that “type”, (or worse) is in your life again. (Or not experience certain things again – that is exactly what you get.) And this can be replayed- over and over! This happens because our Life Managers, that part of the subconscious mind that doesn’t judge any thing as good or bad, works with the Law of Attraction. So when we think about what we, “don’t want” in such a focused (specific and frequent) manner, the Life Manager and Universe responds by manifesting that desire. This is why we’ve all heard we should have only positive thoughts, and focus on what we “DO WANT”.
Have you heard: “What you fear will come to pass?” This occurs for the same reason as the “don’t want.” The fear is something frequently (passionately) thought about. The Law Of Attraction will deliver your fears to you, even easier than your dreams or goals. This happens because we usually don’t maintain the necessary level of passion about our dreams or goals to start the mechanical process of their attraction toward us.
If you don’t understand the affects of The Law of Attraction, problems can seem to appear for no reason. If your life is like a ship on the high seas without a rudder, you’re disconnected from Source energy and you have no definite goals. Your direction in life depends on your connection to Source energy. Source energy is supporting you 100% of the time. This connection helps us use The Law of Attraction more effectively and efficiently, especially to enhance the overall quality of health and well being in our lives.
If you are not consciously using the Law Of Attraction in your favor then chances are you are sabotaging your best efforts in many ways. Only 7% of the population is consciously using a very small amount of this powerful part of themselves to manifest their destiny. That means that 93% of the world’s population is partly, or mostly disconnected from high Source Energy.
What does The Law Of Attraction mean to you? Do you consider it only as “positive thinking?” While that’s a good start, it’s only 20% of it. “The Secret” is your reason for being here in the first place. What do you think that might be? Why are you here? Could you be here to have experiences? Do you really have the free will to have any kind of experience(s) you can think of? Will your life manager help you do that?
Open to the most powerful part of yourself. Do you think about your relationship with All That Is, and the power of your connection with Source/Source Energy? You can learn to use the power and energy of the Universe and be at one with that power. It will truly change your life from struggle to Bliss
Source Energy has as open door policy! This may be the only so called secret. And one that certain organizations would not like the general public, or individuals to know, or use. This is evident by the way we’re told/taught we’re alone, unloved, and unsupported. Or worse yet, that we’re “separate” from Source. These are all illusion. And this can be demonstrated by considering the word a-l-o-n-e. Now look at it again. Al (all) – one! When you “feel alone”, just reconnect (align yourself) with the higher vibrations, and you’ll feel the power of being “ALL ONE”……. All One with Source, which means we’re never alone. (This is the same for the word “atonement”, which is actually “AT – ONE – MENT”, which is again, being at one with All That Is.
Reiki training can help via the Reiki attunement, because it increases our connection with higher vibrations -(Source, Source Energy). When we consciously meditate, or focus, on flowing the energy through our self for 30 minutes a day, we get a glimpse of our own being – which is always beautiful, complete, and whole. This can, and does, change your life, we guarantee it!
The Reiki Manual teaches that Reiki 2 (Reiki II, Reiki two) provides a simple way to open the connection to the deepest and most powerful part of our self and Source. By applying these teachings with our whole heart, it deepens the understanding beyond logic-beyond words. Can you allow that higher vibration to come into your body, mind and Soul?
To start the Reiki flow, simply say: “I Allow. I Allow, I Allow!” Breathe deeply, bringing in the Golden bright light with each breath. Exhale, and breathe out struggle, problems, stress and tension.
Think “HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, and breathe in JOY, JOY, JOY”!!!!!
Want a set of the 3 Reiki Manuals?
Rindor, Mesa, Az explains on Amazon about the book: ” The One Command” by Asara Lovejoy and how this book has helped him…
“The Law of Attraction has been a hot topic for some time now, and there’s been a lot of talk about the focus of attention and what that can do to move one toward their goal more quickly. I’ve been trained in Neuro linguistic programming, hypnosis, the Silva Method and the like, and I have to say the One Command is a way to focus ones attention like I’ve never encountered before.
“I have a particular talent that I began developing some fifteen years ago to test things like this. I was given a pendulum by a friend and told it’s a way to talk to the subconscious mind. I did research on the idea and once satisfied with what I found in several books, I tried it and found it to be correct. It does relay answers from the subconscious that one can understand. But after using it for a time, the movement of my arm became so pronounced that I no longer needed the pendulum. My arm moves quite recognizably in a yes or no direction.
“I understand the significance of the different frequency ranges that the mind operates at in that they have everything to do with how easily new information can be introduced into the subconscious that it will readily accept and act on. These would be beta, alpha, theta and delta. As we come up through the years of childhood, our brains come up through the levels of frequency. The years that our beliefs are formed the most deeply is the years that we spend the most time in the alpha/theta level of mind. Probably three to ten years of age on average.
“In the Silva method, it takes a lot of conditioning to reach the alpha level effectively, meaning remaining conscious and aware enough to make real use of it. So when I learned that the One command can put one into the theta frequency range of mind, the level that most of our deepest beliefs are formed, this intrigued me. So I wanted to test it to see if it was true.
I’ve only had the book for a short time and only put real effort into the technique three times just to see if there is any difference in the state of mind one can produce with it. I followed the directions exactly by placing the peices of paper on the floor with the proper words written on them for clarity of the process the first two times I did it. I went through the process with real intent to see what would happen to my state of mind. And I have to admit, when I got to the stage where one is to deliver the command, I felt quite spacey and expanded. I also have a strong belief in a higher power in the Universe and felt extremely close to it in those few minutes. What’s more is the fact that I realized I was in a VERY clear and focused state of mind and fully present and aware of what was happening.
“After I came out of the process, I spent a few minutes “coming back to the real world” and away from the state. Then I tested. I asked repeatedly in several different ways if I had in fact achieved the theta frequency level of mind, making sure to confirm that my subconscious knew what that meant, and the answer was a VERY clear “yes” every time. This is very unusual in that I’ve never been able to do this and stay awake. I have always fallen asleep before I could achieve theta. I also know I’ve never felt that light and spacey and still focused when using self hypnosis before.
“The third time, I did it just to feel that presence again. Now I’m just your average normal guy who lives here in Arizona, works in a cabinet shop doing woodwork, loves pizza and rootbeer(no alcohol, drugs, etc.) and lives a normal life. But let me tell you, I have never had an experience like that in my life. When I got to that place again, this time I laughed, I cried, and I felt so loved and free. It was almost like coming home. I stayed there for probably twenty minutes just basking in all of the emotions and release I experienced. Hope that doesn’t put me in the “woo-woo” crowd, but it was an amazing experience!
“I agree with another reviewer that the book repeats itself quite a bit, but the author says that would be the case in the beginning of the book because of the state of mind she claims she was in when she wrote it. And if it was anything like mine, I totally understand.
“So yes, I liked the book and totally recommend it. But the process of the One Command is, to me, Outstanding! I truly believe that it puts one in touch with that something special within each of us and will set beliefs of ones choosing deep within the subconscious mind that will produce positive changes… and likely very quickly.”
Buy The One Command printed book by Asara Lovejoy
at the Reiki Ranch Cube Cart – a secure shopping cart for Alternative Health products Shipped the same day
Buy the One Command via an E-book by clicking on this link:
Comments about Breakthrough: The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century — the book by Jim Humble – pictured on right.
From Amazon client, Marc Rose, New Zealand talks about MMS and the book:
“I am a naturopathic physician and I run the Vibrant Health Clinic in Christchurch. I have used MMS with several of my clients and have been getting good results. Some of my colleagues also use it with good results. I have used it on early-stage prostate cancer. He is feeling much better and symptoms are gone, and PSA is coming down but haven’t done a biopsy yet to determine if cancer is actually gone. A client with genital herpes reported good results with no more outbreaks (but hasn’t been retested for antibodies) also a client with HPV reports good results. I am going to keep using MMS on my clients. It is harmless except once I took too much myself and vomited. That is a reported symptom and is harmless.
“The guy (on the Internet) who alleges that MMS killed his wife is probably a shill. He offers no proof (no death certificate, no medical report, no police report). I have seen him on other websites making the same claim. He is on and some others. If his wife really did die, I am sorry. But I seriously doubt MMS caused it because it is harmless and breaks down into salt. It works by releasing oxygen. Chlorine is a common mineral our body needs. I think the guy probably works for a drug company or is a government disinformation agent.
“Jim Humble is a man who is in the service of others. Even his name fits him. I don’t know him personally. He has given this gift to humanity. He does not make any money from MMS. He only profits when you purchase his book and half of the book he gives away for free as a PDF on the Web. In this book he even tells you how to make the stuff yourself. This may be one product the criminals at your FDA won’t be able to take away or keep off the market. I have heard of some countries that are just outlawing it for no reason such as Canada and Australia. They also outlaw Iodine, another essential nutrient. You have to ask why these countries want to outlaw something which helps people stay healthy? (Do the countries receive misinformation or bribes from the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical companies?)
“Your FDA has been suppressing natural medicine cures for almost 100 years. Can you honestly say there is not a single natural substance in the world that is good for treating disease? I consider both salt and MMS natural. Yet, the drug companies steal all their patent drugs from substances found in nature. They haven’t approved any natural substances, only man-made ones (commercial drugs with bad side effects).
“I hope people will wake up and find out that our creator has given us everything we need from nature to treat our diseases. This medical fascism has to stop. It is starting in New Zealand too. It all comes from the Rockefeller, the same people who keep you addicted to oil and killing innocent people to steal it. The law of Karma will catch up to all the drug companies, the government and the New World Order gang one day. In the meantime, the best diet in the world is described in Genesis 1:29. It is living raw food diet. It is what we were designed to eat. If for some reason you need a powerful medicine, you can drink your own urine. It is totally safe and doesn’t taste as bad as you think assuming you are eating a proper diet. They can’t outlaw that!
Good health to you! Marc Rose from New Zealand
Breakthrough: The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century
More reviews on The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century
“If you care about your health and the health of your loved ones, you need to read this book. It is an easy read, but you will want to read it more than once. The information contained in this book is presented in layman’s terms. It will enlighten you as to the agenda of those “in control” . . . such as Big Pharma and all those who benefit from their control. As long as everyone is convinced that prescription drugs are the answer to illnesses that afflict the human race, life will continue as we currently know it. If you choose to take control over your own health for a minimal amount of money, then you definitely want to have and read this information. I found after reading the book through the first time, I should have marked the information that I wanted to return to as it is difficult to find again. During my second reading, I remedied that by underlining info. by Amazon customer, Minnie, DE.”
Order this MMS book from Top Seller Best Sellers. Note that the FDA will not allow anyone to ship the book along with the MMS (WPD product).
by Mark Sircus (Author), Adam E Abraham (Editor)
Buy this book at the Reiki Ranch shopping cart — Click below! Books
A comment: “The concept of Transdermal Magnesium delivery is new to most people. This means soaking in a magnesium “oil” or spraying it on the body for more complete absorption. The subject peaked my curiosity because I suffer from Chronic Lyme disease and recently read that one of the major nutrients being drained from all Lymes sufferers IS magnesium..
“All I can say is that this book is a whole new concept….and most people would never on their own figure out that their health problems could possibly be linked to low magnesium levels…but take away just this one concept from this book. If you are truly ultra deficient in magnesium, the irony is that you can no longer effectively absorb magnesium from oral supplementation.
“This leaves people like me walking around deficient, with muscular and neuro issues and no amount of
magnesium that I ingest is helpful anymore. The Transdermal concept is this: It’s magnesium oil…Not really oil but a liquid that has been extracted from sea water where the magnesium has been concentrated. Spray magnesium “oil” on the skin and miraculously, it’s absorbed. Magnesium levels go up in the body…The book cites a doctor who had diabetes and could not absorb magnesium until he took massive doses for a whole year…The transdermal approach is far quicker…can be accomplished with even a foot bath…or the magnesium oil can be put in a bathtub and you literally soak the magnesium into your body.
“I’m not saying this is a Lyme disease cure….but it doesn’t take much to read a small list of magnesium
deficient conditions to find the average person seriously low. We’ve been told to take lots of calcium.
“Read this book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy and understand why the concept isn’t completely understood…Magnesium relaxes the muscles and calcium tightens the muscle. Ever hear of muscle “spasm’? How about low magnesium being responsible….Not sleeping well? Magnesium is required to get calcium into the body properly. Finding calcium added to everything we eat…orange juice, cereals and suddenly, it’s easy for everyone to be overly calcified and very low in magnesium..
“This book — Transdermal Magnesium Therapy — was a major eye opener for me….I really believe it should be required reading for doctors and people suffering from everything like PMS, high blood pressure, aches, pains, headaches…to the really difficult to treat issues like mine.. chronic Lymes which has become neurological and painful in my muscles and nerves. I have only used the magnesium oil for a few days….but what I learned in this book really was profoundly important. I have seen slight relief but I think this is going to take a few months before I can say for sure that I’ve made progress.
“I recommend this Transdermal Magnesium Therapy VERY highly! And if there were more stars to attribute to this book, I’d gladly go higher than 5 that Amazon has!”
“Wow! This is the book to read if you are interested in transdermal magnesium therapy. I had read most other books on magnesium. I took oral magnesium supplements and felt good. Then, someone gave me a copy of this book. Based on Dr. Sircus’s discussion, I tried ocean minerals magnesium oil derived from seawater, and ancient minerals magnesium oil derived from seabed desposits. They worked equally well. I then discovered that to lessen itchiness or stingyness, you can use the oil in a bath or footbath. Or you can put the oil into your favorite lotion or make your own lotion with equal parts magnesium oil, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel. I wish I had known about magnesium oil a long time ago, but I am extremely grateful that Dr. Sircus wrote his book. I recommend this book to anyone–because magnesium oil can help everyone. Thank you, Dr. Sircus!”
Buy this book at the Reiki Ranch shopping cart — Click below! Books
Why don’t we know this? Magnesium Deficiency Can Seriously Impact Your Health
Transdermal Magnesium means that you apply it through the skin. Transdermal Magnesium is nothing short of a miracle mineral in its healing effect on the body. Magnesium aids the body making the immune system stronger and able to resist a wide range of diseases as well as increasing its ability to rejuvenate the aging body. Everybody needs magnesium!
Magnesium Deficiency — Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include low blood pressure, confusion, agitation and anxiety, restless leg syndrome, sleep disorders, irritability, nausea and vomiting, panic attacks, abnormal heart rhythms, muscle spasm and weakness, hyperventilation, insomnia, even strokes, and seizures.
I’ve used Magnesium oil rub on a person who had severe panic attacks and within one day their panic attacks went away.
Approximately nine out of ten people will show dramatic improvements in the state of their health when they restore their magnesium levels and the very best way to do that is with ancient minerals magnesium drawn from an ancient inactive seabed 2 miles beneath the earth in Europe and also the Dead Sea salt deposits in the Middle East.
Extraction of the mineral magnesium takes place in various ways including drilling deep holes in the earth, adding boiling water, them pumping the solution up the surface. With such “brine solutions,” one can simply apply the concentrate to the skin or pour it into one’s bath water and soak the body. The body will not absorb more than it needs — the body is intelligent in that way! Nothing short of a miracle is to be expected in one’s health status if one is ill when one increases the cellular levels of magnesium.
Some specialists collect magnesium from the Pacific Ocean. Ancient Minerals magnesium chloride gained from seawater evaporation offers a medical miracle to humanity. Studies say that magnesium deficiency causes heart attacks. And a medical nurse told us that she administer magnesium chloride solution directly into the body of heart attack victims. We know that magnesium is essential for many enzyme reactions, especially in regard to cellular energy production, for the health of the brain and nervous system, for healthy teeth and bones, and is also an impressive infection fighter.
A French doctor, A. Neveu, cured several diphtheria patients with magnesium chloride within two days. He also published 15 cases of poliomyelitis that were cured within days if treatment was started immediately, or within months if paralysis had already progressed. Polio was cured? Hum?
Another good point for anti-aging is: Calcium does not build strong bones or teeth without the proper amount of magnesium.
Buy magnesium via a secure shopping cart — MG: Cell Magnesium Sports Spray Arnica 240 ml 8 oz – Top Seller Best Sellers
It’s too bad everyone has such a negative opinion about Natural Cures. I guess they didn’t read the book very carefully. One of the pieces of advice is to be lighthearted. Just by thinking negatively about this book, you’re creating negative energy in your body.
People are looking for the “cure for cancer” or the “cure for MS” but when they don’t find the information in the form they’re looking for, eg. “cure for cancer = the jubjub root” (ya i made that up) then they automatically think they have been scammed.
Yes it appears that way from the title, but the cure is simple, and is 100% evident in the book. The cure has been here all along. The cure is our bodies, given to us by nature, by God if you will, by evolution if you will, etc. The problem with cancer, MS, etc is that our bodies are shutting down from all of the man made unnatural crap. The cure is, to go natural, organic, detoxify to undo the damage, embrace positive energy, etc.
Sounds too simple? Well it doesn’t seem so since everyone who read the book doesn’t seem to get that. The nice thing about this book is, you can spend the $40 or whatever you paid, or borrow it from the library, read it, do everything he says, and you will not have lost anything! Even trying 5 things on his list of 30 will give you something positive to go away with and will make you that much closer to the natural life we’re supposed to be living in the first place. Don’t report this guy to the ftc until you actually try this. If it still doesn’t give you something positive, then go ahead.
Be positive, open minded, light hearted. It can only help the situation.
Thanks for reading
by mindbodynsoul at
Kill pathogens with WPD water purification drops (MMS)
Why eat organic raw natural foods? Our bodies were never meant to eat dead food, processed, over cooked food and a diet of chemicals and survive.
Silver Water Stabilized Greens: Putting together the most powerful health information available to our community, researcher Wayne Rowland has spent the majority of his time discovering and inventing ways to heal.
The Stabilized greens contain a complete food for re-building the blood and enhancing the body’s immune system. It is very affordable and the company uses the best and freshest ingredients available.
Also listed as an ingredient of the Silver Water Stabilized Greens are: Barley malt powder, Broccoli powder, Oat brand, Chlorella powder, Red Beet powder, Ginseng Root powder, peppermint powder, Royal jelly, Trace Mineral concentrate, Milk Thistle extract, Ginko Biloba extract, Grape seed extract, etc.
Wayne’s Silver Water: Some of these include a powerful frequency enhanced Silver Water manufactured with lightning! His health advancements are built upon his Native American training and the research of revolutionary pioneers such as Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife, and Wilhelm (Rike) Reich among others.
Master story teller: Wayne has been described as a ‘living natural health encyclopedia’. Attendees of his lectures find him a dynamic, vibrant speaker. His lifetime wealth of stories and experiences in the field of natural healing will keep you spellbound! Many have said that attending his workshop was the biggest life changing event they had ever experienced. Wayne believes in simplicity; the closer to nature, the better! He is healing himself and using the same techniques Wayne Rolands Silver Water products are strengthening the immune system of many.
Why do we need the correct nutrition? Human body is made up of 70 trillion cells. The cells’ function normally proceed with effective metabolism, and progress with the production and circulation of blood for maintaining optimal immune system of our body. In other words, health capability of the immune system shows how strong our body can protect itself from being attacked by various bacteria.
Researcher have proven that the cause of modern diseases is stress and also is related to our poor dietary habits. In other words, the body and the cells have not been provided with sufficient essential nutrients. Therefore, the key to achieve good health would be a balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition is organic raw fresh fruits and vegetables foods. It is hard to eat enough fresh green food. You would have to eat bushels of salads to get enough. This Stabilized Greens supplement will help you get enough nutrition food without having to chew so many vegetables.
From what I’ve studied… MS is caused by pathogens (bacteria, fungus, parasites, bugs, virus, etc.) and it will improve when the MMS is taken. Also the person must eat real organic foods and not cooked very much. Cooking kills the life force in food. Our bodies need the life force to rebuild the immune system.