Topical Magnesium Oil

When applied to the skin, topical magnesium oil spray, as an essential mineral, is quickly absorbed. Magnesium is considered a wonder mineral due to its crucial role in many bodily functions. It is one of the seven essential macro-minerals and is found in certain foods, such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables. However, modern agricultural practices have significantly depleted the magnesium content in soil, which affects how much we can get from our diets.

Most people in the United States have below-optimal magnesium levels, making supplementation necessary. Topical magnesium oil spray can be an effective method to ensure healthy magnesium levels. Magnesium is essential for many vital bodily functions, including regulating nerve and muscle function, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, manufacturing bone, protein, and DNA, balancing blood pressure, and supporting the immune system.

Topical magnesium oil spray can be used in several ways to promote and maintain healthy magnesium levels. Because the liquid is applied directly to the skin, it is known as dermal magnesium supplementation. Some potential uses include promoting healthy hair, improving sleep quality, managing pain, reducing anxiety, relieving migraines, regulating diabetes, and alleviating restless leg syndrome.

Let’s discuss the various benefits of topical magnesium oil spray and how it can be useful for you since it can be applied topically to the skin, allowing for quick absorption of this crucial mineral.

Applying magnesium oil topically to the scalp can help with hair growth because magnesium chloride can bypass the digestive system and directly reach the hair follicles. A German study found that participants who applied topical magnesium oil had a 59.7% increase in hair growth.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in nervous system function, and therefore, optimum magnesium levels and supplementation may have implications for healthy sleep. Promising studies have shown that magnesium can be beneficial for sleep issues and can improve sleep quality, duration, and relieve insomnia.

topical magnesium oil

Using topical magnesium oil spray for pain management has been beneficial for many people. The transdermal application allows magnesium to be directly absorbed by the tissues, leading to reduced symptoms of pain related to exercise injuries, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. However, it is essential to start slowly with 3 sprays and gradually build up to 8 to avoid skin tingling.

Magnesium plays a vital role in the production of enzymes required for DNA synthesis, and magnesium deficiency can lead to premature aging. By using topical magnesium oil spray or face wrinkles, you can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as even out skin tone. Magnesium is also anti-inflammatory and can give you a more youthful appearance. You can add magnesium topical oil spray to your skincare routine.

Topical magnesium oil spray has been shown to provide various health benefits, including anxiety reduction, migraine relief, diabetes regulation, and restless leg syndrome relief. In several studies, magnesium supplementation has been found to be effective in reducing anxiety symptoms. Suboptimal magnesium levels can lead to inefficient functioning of biochemical reactions in the body, which can cause imbalances and emotional distress. Magnesium supplementation can help provide the body with enough of this essential macronutrient and reduce anxiety symptoms and related cofactors, including depression.

To use topical magnesium oil spray for anxiety relief, try applying a few sprays on the wrists and temples, and massage it into the skin. Massaging the oil into the skin can provide a soothing sensation to the nervous system, helping to calm down anxiety symptoms and reactions. Topical magnesium oil spray can also help reduce the frequency of migraines and rubbing it directly on the temples can be an effective way to absorb it.

Many diabetics suffer from magnesium deficiency, which affects the regulation of blood sugar levels. Using magnesium chloride can improve fasting glucose levels after regular supplementation. For restless leg syndrome, magnesium supplementation can help the muscles to relax, possibly due to its calcium-regulating properties. Rubbing topical magnesium oil spray into the legs could help raise serum magnesium levels and ease the uncomfortable muscle contractions associated with restless leg syndrome.

There are multiple ways to use topical magnesium oil spray, including spraying it on the skin after a shower and massaging it in. It’s recommended to use it before applying other lotions or oils and leave it to absorb for 20-30 minutes. Initially, there may be a slight tingling sensation, but this should ease with regular use. Topical magnesium oil spray can be an effective addition to a health and well-being care plan, and the method of application should be tailored to individual needs.

There are many ways to use topical magnesium oil spray to build and maintain healthy levels of magnesium, as you apply the liquid directly to the skin, it is called dermal magnesium supplementation. Some of the potential benefits of using topical magnesium oil spray include healthy hair, better sleep, pain management, anti-wrinkle effects, anxiety reduction, migraine relief, diabetes regulation, and restless leg syndrome. For instance, applying magnesium oil spray to your scalp could help with hair growth, while using it for pain management can help reduce symptoms, especially when applied directly to the site of injury or pain. Using magnesium oil spray for anxiety relief can be achieved by rubbing a few sprays on the wrists and temples while massaging the oil into your skin can provide a soothing sensation to your nervous system, calming down anxiety symptoms and reactions.

There are several ways to use magnesium oil spray, and the benefits vary from person to person.


Top 20 Uses of Magnesium

Consuming vitamins every day brings numerous benefits, many of which we are unaware of. Eating certain foods can provide us with a plethora of minerals, so it is wise to obtain them naturally from fruits and vegetables. Magnesium is a most essential mineral that can be found in many common edibles such as cucumber, coconuts, and nuts. But what exactly does magnesium spray offer for our health?

  • Magnesium helps your immune system.
  • Magnesium regulates bacteria and germs in the gut
  • Magnesium improves the function of your muscles and nerves.
  • Redue inflammation in the body
  • Keep your bones healthy by preventing osteoporosis.
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Protect yourself from toxins
  • Restore your daily energy levels by following these steps.
  • Manage your diabetes with the right tools
  • Reduce migraine headache frequency

Here are the Top 20 positive effects of magnesium

Top 20 Uses of Magnesium

1. Magnesium is good for your immune system

The immune system is often overlooked as a contributor to one’s health, but it plays an essential role. Were it not for the body’s natural defense, we would quickly succumb to infection and illness. Its ability to safeguard us depends on proper nourishment, and magnesium is one of the minerals that can provide invaluable support. When taken correctly, magnesium can strengthen the immune system’s “armor” or “shield” and offer protection against disease. Before you begin a regimen involving magnesium supplementation, it is wise to consult with your pharmacist regarding possible interactions with any other medications you may be taking.

2. Magnesium regulates bacteria and germs in the gut

We all contain healthy bacteria in our gut region that help us to digest food for optimum health. Unfortunately, when these are not present, harmful bacteria can take over and make us ill. Magnesium supplementation can help to balance the gut environment and even aid the body’s absorption of other minerals such as potassium and zinc, as well as regulate blood sugar levels. It’s important to keep within the recommended dosage, though – too much could actually be worse than not enough.

3. Magnesium improves the function of your muscles and nerves

Magnesium is a well-known supplement used by athletes for its musculoskeletal and nerve benefits. It can help alleviate soreness, aid in muscle contractions, and boost the body’s absorption of calcium. Without magnesium and calcium, the muscles would lack their contracting capability. There are several forms available to cater to your specific needs, such as sprays for relaxation.

4. Inflammation in the body can be controlled by controlling it

Inflammation is a damaging process for the body, leading to high blood sugar, pressure, heart issues, and cancer. It’s invisible to the naked eye yet can cause the entire body to react in an unhealthy way. People with lower magnesium levels may be particularly vulnerable to inflammation and thus more likely to develop diseases or health concerns. It is essential to make sure your magnesium levels are monitored by a healthcare provider.

5. Keep your bones healthy by preventing osteoporosis

It is equally dangerous for osteoporosis to have too little magnesium in your body, just as it was in inflammation. If you are at risk for osteoporosis, it is wise to have your magnesium levels checked. Magnesium is essential for calcium absorption, which is necessary for proper bone health. Without sufficient levels of magnesium, the bones, muscles, and health seem to diminish. Women over the age of 45 can be affected by osteoporosis, and a number of factors can contribute to the condition.

6. Regulating blood pressure

Millions of adults all over the world suffer from high blood pressure, a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and vascular complications. Medication is one option to help mitigate it, but there are natural alternatives as well. Exercise is an excellent way to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, while consuming food with a higher magnesium content may be especially beneficial for those who are pre-hypertensive. Thus, incorporating such foods into one’s diet can have significant results in terms of lowering blood pressure.

7. Protect yourself from toxins

One way to fight toxins that can roam free in your body is to take antioxidants. Magnesium is a particularly important one, as it can help protect cells from being oxidized by these harmful compounds. Antioxidants are key to keeping ourselves healthy, and we should be regularly putting them into our bodies.

8. Restore your daily energy

The cause of your sluggishness may be a variety of factors. You are affected by sleep, activity, mental stress, and toxins every day. If any of these affect you, you are likely to feel tired and want extra coffee. The most common cause of low energy levels is toxins in your body. Fortunately, magnesium use and proper magnesium levels can help your body to filter and eliminate toxins that are getting to your energy.

9. Manage your diabetes with these tips

The potential health benefits of magnesium are numerous. It has been reported to a lowering of the risk of type II diabetes, as those with deficiencies may be more susceptible to contracting it. Furthermore, low levels have been found to increase the chance of retinopathy occurring. Magnesium can help manage carbohydrate metabolization after a meal, similar to how insulin does. Studies suggest that consuming 100 milligrams every day could reduce the chances of diabetes by up to 15%. However, it is important not to exceed recommended doses from your physician or pharmacist.

10. Reduce migraine headache frequency

Migraines are an unpleasant variety of headaches that many individuals suffer from, with women being impacted more than men. The duration of pain can last anywhere from a couple of hours to an entire day. Reports suggest that those who experience migraines possess lower levels of magnesium than those unburdened by the condition. It is possible to reduce migraine occurrences by up to 41 percent with regular magnesium supplementation, which is good news for those plagued by persistent migraines.

11. Magnesium reduces insomnia

Insomnia is a problem for many people, especially those in their later years. Left unchecked, it can be detrimental to one’s health and make days seem to go on forever. Some may choose to take medication for the condition, but many opt out of this solution and instead turn to magnesium. Recent studies suggest it may help improve the quality and duration of sleep, as well as reduce morning wake-ups and time spent lying awake trying to fall asleep. This could prove beneficial to aging individuals who require restful sleep but don’t want to resort to medications.

12. Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms

There are many things that a magnesium deficiency does to the body, but reports of low levels of magnesium may contribute to depression and anxiety. Stress depletes magnesium levels, leading to anxiety and depression in individuals. It is important to eat a balanced diet to ensure magnesium levels are adequate; if the diet is not meeting your daily needs, you may want to consult a pharmacist to ensure proper dosage.

13. You are less likely to develop cancer when you take it

The number of cancer diagnoses would decrease significantly if the world were able to reduce cancer by almost 15 percent. Those who take magnesium regularly may benefit from a 13 percent reduction in the risk of cancer. It is helpful to lower and reduce the risk of cancer in any way possible, regardless of the many factors that contribute to it.

14. Improve your body’s flexibility

As a result of being more active, you may have developed tight muscles that may be causing you pain. A good flexibility and stretching program can help improve your flexibility in muscles, but magnesium can also help improve the elastic properties of muscle fibers. To facilitate a healthy lifestyle and flexibility program, it is important to consume regular amounts of magnesium-rich foods.

15. Strengthen your teeth by improving their strength

As your bones benefit from magnesium consumption, your teeth also benefit. Magnesium is important for calcium absorption to maintain your teeth’s integrity. Additionally, sufficient magnesium levels prevent phosphoric acid from damaging your enamel and teeth, thereby preventing tooth decay. The right amount of magnesium can be highly beneficial for your teeth, and you can get the benefits from taking regular amounts of it.

16. The body’s pH balance

Although people don’t often talk about an improper pH balance, magnesium can be a great aid in maintaining your body’s neutrality. It’s not just the foods and drinks you consume that can have an effect on your acid-alkaline ratio, including exercise, which causes lactic acid production and a drop in pH levels. If left unchecked, too much acidity is hazardous to your health – this is where taking supplementation of magnesium comes into play.

17. Constipation can be prevented by following these steps

Constipation is a common problem for some people due to a variety of factors, but when it occurs, it can be dangerous to the body. Magnesium’s natural effects on bowel health are one of its natural benefits. The body uses magnesium to eliminate toxins from the intestinal tract, making it a powerful laxative.

18. Prevent asthma from affecting you

Asthma is a condition commonly affecting children, but it can also affect adults. People who suffer from asthma are better able to breathe when they take magnesium supplements. Since magnesium aids in relaxing the muscles, it acts in a similar way in the bronchial tubes by preventing bronchospasms. Therefore, it gives the individual a better chance of breathing.

19. Avoid muscle cramps

The lower leg is one of the most commonly affected areas of your body when muscle cramps strike. These cramps tend to occur during the night. Magnesium can soothe and calm the muscles and help prevent cramps from occurring. If you are experiencing leg cramps, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or qualified healthcare provider for proper dosage.

20. Prevent heart attacks

As well as reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure, magnesium is also effective at preventing heart attacks. Magnesium, which protects your heart from damage and stress by shielding and protecting it from irregular heartbeats, can shield and protect it from damage and stress. In a world where millions of adults suffer from heart disease, magnesium supplementation can help prevent fatal conditions from developing.



Magnesium Spray





Transdermal Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the basic, most natural substances on earth.  Our body requires magnesium for proper function.  Over 300 enzyme functions dependent on magnesium, it is clear that maintaining a good, healthy level of magnesium is important to maintaining our physical and mental status.

Studies show that magnesium can be introduced into the body topically or transdermally, which means applying a magnesium gel or oil directly to the skin.

For more information about the Magnesium, read Herb Roi Richards’ book

Oceanic Magnesium

Magnesium protects cells from aluminum,
mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel.

There is drastic change in ionic flux from the outer and inner cell membranes both in the impaired membranes of cancer, and in Mg deficiency

Over 300 different enzymes systems rely upon magnesium to facilitate their catalytic action, including ATP metabolism, creatine-kinase activation, adenylate-cyclase, and sodium-potassium-ATPase.

Magnesium has an effect on a variety of cell membranes through a process involving calcium channels and ion transport mechanisms.

Magnesium is responsible for the maintenance of the trans-membrane gradients of sodium and potassium.

Magnesium chloride, when applied directly to the skin, is transdermally absorbed and has an almost immediate effect on chronic and acute pain.


Magnesium Oil

Pure USP grade magnesium chloride (MgCl2)  12 ounce

Directions for Use:
It is recommended to apply after a shower or bath. Apply onto your skin, massage and leave. Or add some to your daily bath for a soak of at least 20 minutes. Let dry and do not rinse it off. If irritation occurs when applied on your skin, dilute 50% with Prill Water.

For healing and maintaining oral health, apply to your tooth brush, teeth, gums and under your tongue. Even discoloration of teeth can fade. It is effective with abscesses.

Magnesium Oil can be taken internally. As a salt substitute it can be sprayed onto foods. A little amount mixed in fruit juice takes away the sour taste.

Restore Vital Magnesium and Trace Sea Minerals

  • Improve the overall appearance of your skin
  • Help chelate toxins from your body
  • Relax sore and aching muscles
  • Leaves skin soft, supple and hydrated

Magnesium oil can help alleviate joint pain & stiffness.
And it’s also an excellent treatment for skin conditions such as psoriasis and resistant skin rashes.

Soften and smooth wrinkled skin, fade age spots and nourish sun damaged skin. Used as a massage oil in physiotherapy and chiropractic applications.

And it’s also a wonderful food enhancer and a magical dental spray.

Spray on any area of concern as often as desired, to enhance your vitality and reverse the effects of aging, by stimulating regeneration.

Magnesium Gel

Pure USP grade magnesium chloride (MgCl2)  and seaweed extract 12 ounce

Transdermal Magnesium Gel leaves your skin soft, supple & hydrated, and your hair silky. Magnesium Gel will enhance any skin care product for women and men. Simply add Magnesium Gel to your moisturizing lotion & cream, massage oil, shampoo, conditioner, shaving gel or lubricant.

The added seaweed extract provides trace minerals from the sea, and is an excellent chelator for pulling radioactive toxins (such as iodine-131) from your body.

Directions for Use:
Apply Magnesium Gel (full strength) to your skin and hair, to restore lost minerals due to aging.

Mix 1 part shampoo with 1 part Magnesium Gel and lather as usual.
Before styling, you can apply Magnesium Gel full strength to your hair, for added control and a natural appearance.

After bathing or showering, apply to your skin (anywhere), then let dry. Later you can rinse it off any excess, our body will have absorbed the magnesium it needs.

Massage Magnesium Gel into your skin (anywhere) to relieve stress & tension. You can blend your Magnesium Gel and Magnesium Oil with essential oils, or with Coconut Oil for an exotic massage oil.

Magnesium Gel may affect synthetic hair colors, or may cause original hair color to return!

Many Research Studies, worldwide, have focused on the use of Topical Magnesium and symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:

Hypocalcemia is a prominent manifestation of magnesium deficiency in humans (Rude et al., 1976).

Mild degrees of magnesium depletion significantly decreases the serum calcium concentration (Fatemi et al., 1991).

Role of magnesium and potassium in the pathogenesis of arteriosclerosis.  Magnesium. 1984;3(4-6):226-38. Studies of the influence of magnesium deficiency on arteriosclerosis include its effect on the initial lesion, altered metabolism of elastin, proliferation of collagen, calcification, lipid metabolism, platelet aggregation and hypertension. Magnesium and potassium metabolism are closely related and magnesium is required for maintaining the level of cellular potassium. Magnesium deficiency could therefore contribute to accumulation of vascular lipid. Magnesium and potassium depletion have also been reported in diabetes and the vascular implications of this should be considered.

Postepy Hig Med Dosw (Online). 2007 Oct 8;61:548-54.  Magnesium deficiency causes many disorders, including impairment of immunity. Clinical observations show the beneficial effect of topical and oral administration of magnesium salts in patients with skin allergy. All the presented data point to an important role of magnesium in allergy reactions.

Altern Med Rev. 2006 Dec;11(4):294-329. Peripheral neuropathy (PN), associated with diabetes, neurotoxic chemotherapy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/antiretroviral drugs, alcoholism, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, and other etiologies, results in significant morbidity. Conventional pain medications primarily mask symptoms and have significant side effects and addiction profiles. However, a widening body of research indicates alternative medicine may offer significant benefit to this patient population. Alpha-lipoic acid, acetyl-L-carnitine, benfotiamine, methylcobalamin, and topical capsaicin are among the most well-researched alternative options for the treatment of PN. Other potential nutrient or botanical therapies include vitamin E, glutathione, folate, pyridoxine, biotin, myo-inositol, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, L-arginine, L-glutamine, taurine, N-acetylcysteine, zinc, magnesium, chromium, and St. John’s wort. In the realm of physical medicine, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and yoga have been found to provide benefit. New cutting-edge conventional therapies, including dual-action peptides, may also hold promise.

Thromb Res. 2000 Jul 1;99(1):61-9. Intravenously and topically applied magnesium in the prevention of arterial thrombosis: Topically applied Mg significantly decreased the maximum thrombus area, without any increase in S-Mg level (p<0.05). In conclusion, topically as well as intravenously infused Mg reduce arterial thrombus formation in this in vivo rat model without compromising haemostasis.


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