Magnascent Iodine

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store

magiodineMagnascent Iodine is described as “super charged” iodine.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


This supplement is packaged in brown glass bottles to preserve the potency of this iodine. Another term for Magnascent iodine is “Atomodine” iodine.

Iodine: Why You Need It by Dr David Brownstein MD, is a good book to explain the iodine deficiency in the world.

What is Magnascent Iodine? And What Does It Do?

    This Amazing New Product Will
    * Increase Your Energy
    *  Help Your Body Heal Faster
    *Pump Up Your Immune System    * And much more!

Magnascent Iodine is made from super charged Iodine. With a secret recipe that scholars and scientist the world over have and are testing with exciting results.

72% of the world, including the United States, is Iodine deficient.

Why are People Deficient in Iodine?

It has been assumed that, since the iodination of salt was implemented, iodine disorders would be a thing of the past. But due to the poor availability of iodine in salt as well as declining salt intake by the population, this is not the case.

There are additional reasons why iodine deficiency disorders are still present today. Due to poor farming techniques, deficiencies of iodine and other minerals in the soil have increased. Crops grown in iodine deficient soil will be deficient in iodine. The stigma of salt causing high blood pressure has convinced people not to use salt in their food. Often the only iodine one gets from their diet is found in salt. A low- salt diet can naturally lead to an iodine-deficient state.

It is easy to use!

Just drop 3 to 5 droplets
into a quarter cup of water.
Morning and Early Afternoon — The curezone.con has an iodine forum and I found this entry there:

A sufficient supply of iodine is crucial for endogenous synthesis of thyroid hormones and for the normal function and morphology of the thyroid. The World Health Organization documents that adults require 150 – 300 µg iodine per day. Up to now, this goal has not yet been met. Insufficient iodine supply is a probable cause of disease which can lead to endemic goiter and in extreme cases to congenital cretinism.

The essential building blocks to health are clean water, natural salt, soda and iodine. From these four building blocks iodine seems to be the least understood and most neglected. Nascent Iodine is extremely important for absorbability into the body’s system. MAGNASCENT ™ , through a proprietary process, accomplishes this critical process making MAGNASCENT ™ 99 percent bio-available into the bloodstream. Its main function is to provide the required element for the thyroid gland, which is the center of the immune system in the human body. The thyroid gland impacts all of the glands in the body, which regulates all the other systems directly. When the thyroid is operating properly, the RESOLVE is restored and VITALITY returns. Many long standing health conditions may vastly improve or completely reverse when iodine is properly supplied to the body.

Nascent Iodine

Nascent Iodine is totally different from the typical iodine in its denser state sold as an antiseptic, or as iodine tri-chloride (claiming to be atomized), or as added to potassium iodine to make it safer. It is also unlike glandular or prescriptions containing hormones that take over the thyroid’s job, instead of nutritionally building the thyroid to do its own job. Seaweed, seafood, greens, raw sunflower seeds, are good sources of iodine, but may not have the levels necessary to support the thyroid fully for good homeostasis in the body. Sources from seaweed may contain certain levels of arsenic. MAGNASCENT ™ is considered nascent iodine, not detoxified iodine.

Difference between Nascent Iodine and Detoxified Iodine

Detoxified Iodine – A brand name that for many years has been produced at 10 amps of resistance for five minutes with a high volume of iodine. An Iodine process that according to Edgar Cayce gives the molecule of iodine additional energy making it easier to assimilate into the body.

Nascent Iodine – A scientific term for iodine that can have a huge energy release. To produce iodine in the pre-nascent state a ten gallon electrolytic bath can have only 8 ounces of iodine (1 ounce per gallon of liquid) for 15 minutes at 30 amps of resistance. This takes much longer and is more difficult to produce; therefore, most people do not want to take the time to make nascent iodine. The iodine molecule has the diatomic bond broken and has a high amount of electromagnetic energy associated. During the 2 to 3 hour of activation time the nascent iodine has the ability to be of great assistance to the body. Much more the nascent state is considered by science to be very effective. They have mentioned an MD promoting Iodine in the 1970’s who said Iodine produced by brown lime was the best form of Iodine. That is , in fact, Nascent iodine.

The quality that separates nascent iodine from all other iodine products is that the diatomic bond is broken in this condition and that the iodine atoms each keep one of the two electrons that had made up the covalent bond. This is known as homolytic cleavage and causes the iodine atom to be subject to magnetic charging. The iodine being in the atomic state was the reason it was called Atomidine, for Atomic Iodine (1926 to 1935).

This atomic state and large electromagnetic charge is held by the atom until diluted in water and consumed. Once diluted and inside the body this atom is readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

To quote the 1930’s document by Schieffelin and Company:

“The lethal dose of Atomidine (1926 to 1935) in animals is very large, which accounts for the absence of untoward effects in clinical use. Due probably to its rapid absorption and its ready combination with harmless proteid or other organic compounds in the body, iodism very rarely occurs even in sensitive persons.” 1930’s nascent iodine

This charged atom of iodine starts a process of relaxation where it gradually loses energy, 2 to 3 hours. During this time the body recognizes this atom as the same nascent iodine it produces in the thyroid in order to make the T3 and T4 hormones. It must also recognize “the well known germicidal qualities of the nascent iodine atom”.

If the body does recognize both these qualities, it can then use this charged atom in the thyroid or elsewhere in the body as needed.

The body requires more or less nascent iodine depending on the task being addressed. To boost the body systems may require very small amounts, a few drops once a day. In the other extreme with life threatening illnesses, it has been reported that to fight parasites from malaria requires as much as 20 drops 5 times for the first day. And then 10 drops 4 times a day until the blood stream is clear in a few days.

The nascent iodine effect is well known in science and medicine. Several medical patents exist for non-consumable nascent iodine.

In summary, the actual difference between nascent iodine and detoxified iodine is that nascent iodine can have a much greater impact on the body. Its abilities far exceed the simple being easy to absorb and safe, it can do real work in the thyroid and throughout the body.


The chemical purity of the iodine in MAGNASCENT ™ is greater than or = 99.8%. We are more concerned about the purity than the actual source. Iodine from seaweed may possibly contain impurities found in the ocean such as arsenic, bromine in quantities that are not desirable or healthy.

Iodine Metabolism In the Thyroid

The major function of the gland is to concentrate iodine, and to synthesize thyroxine (T 4 ) or triiodothyronine (T 4 ). There is always about 20-50 mg of iodine in the body; 8 mg is in the thyroid. The supply may be variable. Iodine comes from water and food, but is also absorbed by intact skin and lungs. Throughout the world, the intake varies. 1 mg is needed per week, or about 50 mg/year. Diet under normal circumstances contains at least 150 micrograms daily.

The iodine pump (iodide trapping) gets the ion into the thyroid. It works against the concentration gradient which is at least 1 (blood) to 25 (gland). The pump is activated by pituitary TSH. ATP is utilized as a source of energy. Excess iodine in the gland inhibits the thyroid hormone synthesis.

Thyroid Hormone Synthesis

Iodide is first oxidized either into nascent iodine I o or I 3- The enzyme peroxidase is necessary as well as hydrogen peroxide. Then, iodine is attached to tyrosine which is the precursor of the thyroid hormones. Monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine are formed by tyrosine iodinase.

Then, two molecules of iodinated tyrosine are coupled into T 3 and T 4 . T 3 is four times as potent as T 4 . About three quarters of the iodinated tyrosine never becomes thyroid hormones. They may be released from thyroglobulin and deiodinated by a deiodinase enzyme. About 90% of hormone produced is thyroxin. The hormones are formed within a globulin molecule in the thyroid and stored as thyroglobuline (MW about 670,000), where there are about 3 molecules of thyroxine and 1 molecule of T 3 per molecule of thyroglobulin. About 2 to 3 months of supply is stored in the gland.

Hormone release and transport

Thyroid hormone secretory pathway is composed of three steps:

* The internalization and intracellular transport of thyroglobulin,
* Proteolytic processing of the prohormone,
* Cellular handling and release of T 4 and T 3 .


Serving Size: 1 drop

Servings Per Bottle: 480

Packaging: 1-ounce glass bottle


Nascent Iodine in a base of organic grain alcohol.


Depending upon desired effect. One drop = RDA of 0.2 mg. If using for additional energy and general improved health take up to 5 drops daily. If recommended by your healthcare professional for assistance with a chronic health concern take 5 drops three or four times a day or as instructed by your healthcare professional. Thirty drops per day is the equivalent of 6 mg. of iodine or 1 drop of Lugol’s iodine. Frequent small doses are more effective than larger amounts at less frequent intervals. Always take on an empty stomach. Most will find that it is important to build up gradually in order to experience the least amount of detoxification.

Recommended: Take on an empty stomach 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals, medications and/or supplements. Taking it after 4 PM could raise your energy levels and keep you awake at night. It is recommended to take before breakfast, before lunch and then again before 4 PM.

Note: There is a 2 to 3 hour time frame when MAGNASCENT ™ is very active in the body. This is the reason that in the 1930’s, nascent iodine was taken in small doses several times a day, on an empty stomach. We speculate that the body can use this unique iodine best while this energy is available.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.

News:  Japan Reactors are melting down and releasing radioactive smoke after explosions.

SOMA, Japan — Radiation leaked from a crippled nuclear plant in tsunami-ravaged northeastern Japan after a third reactor was rocked by an explosion today and a fourth caught fire in a dramatic escalation of the four-day-old catastrophe. The government warned anyone nearby to stay indoors to avoid exposure.

March 14, 2011, According to weather experts, it would take about 10 days for a radioactive particle to make it from Japan to the West Coast, and then only if it traveled in a straight line at 20 mph. The turbulent atmosphere over the north Pacific could extend that time, making it even more likely the material would fall to the ocean as rain before reaching land.

Although she spoke Monday afternoon before reports of a third explosion at one of the reactors, Higley said the chances of an amount of radioactive material large enough to have even a minor affect on health making it to Oregon are negligible.


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a modern version of an ancient healing art that utilizes the intrinsic ability of one to heal him/herself by activating it with the energy of the Universe. The energy that comes from the source of all consciousness, The Creator, “God”, or whatever for you might identify with it. During a Reiki treatment energy is passed from the Practitioner or Master to the person (or animal, or plant, etc.) that wishes to be healed. The energy does not come from the practitioner, as the healer is only a vessel for the transfer of energy. A Reiki practitioner has had a special attunement or series of attunements that open his/her energetic system to receive and transmit the flow of energy. The Reiki Master has achieved the highest level of potential openness that a person can receive on the physical plane. A master is also given the ability to pass attunements to others and thereby becomes a vessel for the Divine consciousness at work in our Universe.” by Rev. Jason Storm

There are Reiki practitioners in every country of the world and that is why Reiki is one of the most widely known methods of energy healing.

Recently the various state health organizations are not happy with Reiki Practitioners using the words Energy Healing. They think that only doctors can heal and take no notice that Reiki in one form or another has been around over 4000 years. Reiki involves direct application of universal energy or Chi for the purpose of strengthening the clients energy system (aura). A beam of Reiki — or the term Chi as the Chinese mystics and martial artists call this energy — is a stream of universal life force energy. The Universe is made of is made of this force. Call it by any name: Reiki, Chi, Chi Gong, Holy Spirit, etc., it is still the force of life that holds all together.

Reiki 1 training and attunement increases the flow of energy coming into the students body. The Reiki practitioner finds flowing Reiki to be effortless because the energy manages its own flow to and within the recipient. The client actually draws through the Reiki practitioner exactly the right amount of Reiki energy he or she needs. The Reiki practitioner never pushes energy into the client besides it is impossible to push Reiki.

Becoming a student of Reiki increases your connection with Source energy. It will speed up your karma because things we think about will manifest faster. Thoughts are things and your thoughts are speeding out to manifest your destiny using the Law of attraction. Can you imagine the idea that the universe around us made from energy, which can be shaped and manipulated by our thoughts. The Law of attraction uses both Quantum Physics and ancient Metaphysics and gives you an actual physical manifestation of your thoughts and feelings.

Mystery schools, spiritual masters, ancient mystics, shamans and witch doctors in different traditions have talked about the physical universe being made of an underlying form of something some call this stuff God. Now modern physics research is starting to understand the Universe is made of atoms. An atom is a very small particle that makes up matter. (Matter is anything that has mass and uses space; it is what everything that you can touch and feel is made of.) So the universe is made up of energy that is affected by the thoughts we think and even our mind chatter, complaining, and negative attitudes. This is quantum physics.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Atoms are made of 3 kinds of basic sub-atomic particles – protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge. Protons and neutrons have almost the same amount of mass, while electrons are much smaller. Usually, an atom has about the same number of the three particles. The protons and neutrons are close together at the center of the atom. This clump is the atom’s nucleus.

Just as modern physics says this energy – electrons, atoms, are affected by thought the ancient mystical writings also state this underlying form is affected by thought, going so far as to claim we create our own reality from our thinking and the thoughts that run through our minds and dance between each of us in our interactions. Could your mind chatter be creating your fate?

Is society and your culture keeping you so busy that you hardly have time to meditate of even stop and think for a moment? Suppose there is a disease that has be caused by an emotional trauma or stress? How can a doctor find the cause of this sickness? It might even be a dis-incarnate spirit attached to a person causing the pain or depression.

AMA doctors could use the logical and useful information when trying to heal their clients. Might this quantum physics and mystical information make some diseases easier to explain, especially those, which have no apparent physical cause? Weve heard of miraculous cures and without this information it is not explainable. For example there was research study done years ago by the Silva mind control group showing that those who are prayed for improved their health and recovery from heart disease. As for the control group where no prayers or thoughts of wellbeing that group showed no extraordinary improvements. So if the world is energy cause to experience the power of thought then prayers must work (depending on how clearly and carefully you hold and elaborate on the prayers or thoughts). Keep in mind this process while you continue reading about Reiki.

One of the simplest energy healing methods on Earth, Reiki is very easily learned and beneficial for all, specialty to the practitioner. Reiki is one of many forms of Cosmic Energy healing modalities that uses subtle energy and natural forces. It appears that different cultures all use the same energy with the difference being techniques of application and intensity.

High vibration means health and wellness, as well as abundance, happiness and bliss. High vibrations are considered spiritual and enlightenment while the Lower vibrations in people lead to sickness, disease and finally death.

Since the word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy, Ray is a beam of light and ki is the flow of energy. It is also is called the laying-on-of-hands. Reiki has been refered to the universal energy.

Stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional difficulties are just as treatable as physical aches and pains because emotional issues are also present in the energy structures. To learn Reiki there are specific techniques taught by Reiki Masters. The authentic Reiki methods that are most sought after is the Usui System of Natural Healing after the founder of the system, Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk. However because Reiki is the common name, and well known all over the world, this is the name we use when describing energy healing in this article.

How is Reiki performed? A simple Reiki healing starts with the Reiki practitioner placing his or her hands upon the client. You do not have to touch the person receiving the energy transfer. The hands may hover over the body from one inch to 6 inches. The energy works just as well not touching. The Reiki practitioner will have the intent for healing to occur, and then the Reiki energy begins flowing. Some of the states regulations are getting stricter about touching a person and may require the practitioner to have a massage license in order to touch.

The Reiki energy seems to have a mind of its own. It knows what to work on first in a person. The Universe is in divine order and its wisdom is beyond us humans, to be sure. It has an innate intelligence that is perfect, in balance, in harmony and IT only knows love.

One valuable point for Reiki Practitioners is that Reiki seems to know where to go, what to do and it will never do harm. It will balance energy, add energy to gray or dark areas. It is source energy and certainly shows a higher intelligence than we humans have.

To flow Reiki once you are attuned to the sacred symbols, just Think Reiki and the flow happens without direct conscious intervention by the practitioner. The Reiki energy workers job is to get out of the way, to keep the healing space open, and to watch/listen and be open for signs of what to do next.

All physical reality is open to change. We live in a world of atoms that are in movement. Even solid looking matter is really in motion at the subatomic scale like a virtual reality video game. Reiki is capable of aiding anything because it works at very elemental levels of reality. Even though Reiki has the capacity to heal all that there is, this is not what always happens. As a practitioner of Reiki please dont take credit or blame for healings or even when the Reiki flow doesnt seem to work. It is up to the client to use this energy flow to its highest and best use.

There are limits and there are boundaries of all energy healing. The limits to Reiki seem to be in the recipients willingness to let go of the old habits and patterns, to accept change and to accept healing. The client must want to change and all healing is entirely up him or her. At the fourth and fifth dimension level where Reiki functions, anything can be changed because all is fluid like and reality is very malleable. This has been my experience of using the Reiki energy.

The subtle levels of energy where Reiki operates — beyond the physical reality is where miracles happen. The name Reiki is all about bringing down the Source energy from beyond the physical and using it to correct imbalances in our health. Most people do not realize the underlying energy structure of matter. The physical matter we see around us is a solidified form of energy and it is still in motion. It feels solid, but it is not — otherwise people could not walk through walls. Check out the several books on quantum physics that are written for the average person education and understanding of physics.

Ive noticed that many of the clients who come for a treatment have a victim consciousness. They feel unworthy and not good enough and are attracting even more of the same. With these feelings of being a victim, they are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. We all want life to changes for the better, to feel better, to stop the pain whether its mental, emotional or physical. We are looking for peace and happiness and most of us are looking outside of ourselves when in reality it is within. God is within. Reiki helps take you within and by clearing blockages and negative energy we create a better path to this sweet spot where we feel the inner joy.

Reiki will take you there.  Enjoy the trip.

Taylore Vance

Reiki Master

Reiki Ranch Classes

Lugol’s Iodine 2% 1/2 Ounce

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.



As reported in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine– Through the 1800’s and early 1900’s iodine was used extensively to cure many illnesses, not just of the thyroid gland, but to cure cancer, goiter, infections, skin problems, lung conditions, and autoimmune conditions.

In fact, a little couplet was given to help medical students remember a rule:“If ye don’t know where, what, and why, Prescribe ye then the K and I”

“K and I” is potassium (the letter “K” on the periodic table of the elements) and iodide salt.

Lugol’s Iodine has been in the mainstream within the medical community for decades.

Originating in 1829, the Lugol’s  solution, a mixture of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in water, was named after French physician J.G.A. Lugol.

Lugol’s iodine solution is often used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, for emergency disinfection of drinking water.

Clinical professionals know of its use in routine laboratory and medical tests.

How has Lugol’s iodine used in the past?

  • Lugol’s was often used in the treatment of gout.
  • At one time it was used as the front-line treatment for cases of hypothermia caused by iodine deficiencies.
  • Lugol’s is an effective bactericide and fungicide

According to Scott Saunders, MD, Barton Publishing, Inc. of “Diseases associated with a lack of iodine, or that may be treated with iodine include:

  • Chronic Fatigue syndrome
  • Fibrocystic breast disease
  • Breast cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • acid reflux bacteria
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Uterine fibroid tumors
  • Thyroid problems (almost all of them)
  • Nodular vasculitis
  • Pyoderma
  • Fungal infections
  • Bronchial asthma
  • COPD
  • Fluoride, bromide and chloride toxicity

The World Health Organization recognizes iodine deficiency as the greatest cause of preventable mental retardation in the world.  Pregnant women who are deficient in iodine will have children that have IQ scores 10 points lower.”

According to, Lugol’s Iodine is an Antihyperthyroid agent, radiation protectant (thyroid gland), and iodine replenisher.

Volume 54 October 1961 — Library (Scientific Research) Section
President F C Kelly PhD writes in the official journal:

“Pharmaceutical literature of the nineteenth century is studded with iodine eponyms -Bryant’s sherry; Churchill’s caustic; Lugol’s solution; Mandl’s paint; Morton’s fluid; Nourry’s wine; Vanier’s syrup; Whitehead’s varnish – and so on.  These men gave their names to the particular iodine preparations they invented and found useful. In French hospitals it was common practice to hang-up, on the crossbeams of the wards, strips
of gauze steeped in iodoform (for all the world like old-fashioned fly-papers); and, in one Paris infirmary, the ward floors were strewn with dried seaweed in the belief that iodine emanations would pervade the atmosphere with beneficial effect. Within a very short time of iodine’s entry into medicine around 1820, ordinary people like ourselves, doubtless encouraged by the patent medicine vendors of the day, took to carrying little bottles of iodine hung round their necks, like amulets to charm away disease. Later, this practice fell into disrepute; but, oddly enough, was revived even in our own day. Franqois Magendie was who first put iodine into a pharmacopceia – in the year 1821.”

“In the first flush of enthusiasm for the newcomer, physicians and surgeons tested it and tried it for every conceivable pathological condition. The variety of diseases for which iodine was prescribed in the early years is astonishing – paralysis, chorea, scrofula, lacrimal fistula, deafness, distortions of the spine, hip-joint disease, syphilis, acute inflammation,, gout, gangrene, dropsy, carbuncles, whitlow, chilblains, burns,
scalds, lupus, croup, catarrh, asthma, ulcers, and bronchitis – to mention only a few. Indeed, tincture of iodine, iodoform, or one of the iodides, was applied to almost every case that resisted the ordinary routine of practice; and between 1820 and 1840 there appeared a remarkable series of essays and monographs testifying to the extraordinary benefits to be achieved by this new and potent remedy.”

Check with your health care provider before you start any supplement, especially if you have health concerns or are on medications. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, the thyroid-protecting anti-radiation pills, Japan creates a need for it.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


Lugol’s Iodine 2% One Ounce

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store


This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


Lugol’s Iodine has been around a great many years, in fact it originated in 1829. This solution, a mixture of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in water, is named after French physician J.G.A. Lugol.

Lugol’s iodine solution is often used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, for emergency disinfection of drinking water. Clinical professionals know of its use in routine laboratory and medical tests.

How has Lugol’s iodine used in the past?

  • Lugol’s was often used in the treatment of gout.
  • At one time it was used as the front-line treatment for cases of hypothermia caused by iodine deficiencies.
  • Lugol’s is an effective bactericide and fungicide

According to, Lugol’s Iodine is an Antihyperthyroid agent, radiation protectant (thyroid gland), and iodine replenisher.

Check with your health care provider before you start any supplement, especially if you have health concerns or are on medications.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


Pascalite Bentonite Clay

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store

pascalite_clayPascalite Bentonite Clay has been around for thousands of years, and our product is derived from a family-owned Pascalite company in Wyoming, USA. There are many uses for this ancient earth-friendly clay: use it as a cleanse, for skin irritations, bites and stings; as a detoxification; and for the many nutrients contained in this natural pascalite bentonite clay.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


Transderma Magnesium Gel

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store

transderma_gel Magnesium, an alkaline earth metal, is the ninth most abundant element in the universe by mass. It constitutes about 2% of the Earth’s crust by mass, and it is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater.

Magnesium is the 11th most abundant element by mass in the human body; its ions are essential to all living cells. The free element (metal) is not found in nature. Once produced from magnesium salts, it is now mainly obtained by electrolysis of brine

Who needs Magnesium?

According to Dr Carolyn Dean M.D., N.D. in her book “The Miracle of Magnesium”–Practically everyone. Particularly those with cramps, muscle/joint pain, migraine, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, those with arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, restless legs syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress, heart disease, PMS, kidney stones, gout, insomnia, those who take calcium without magnesium, and those who exercise, particularly athletes. Why?

“Topical Magnesium Chloride immediately relieves muscle pain, activates cell energy (ATP) thus rejuvenating the body. Magnesium Chloride applied to the skin assists in cleaning the cells of excess acids, toxins & heavy metals; plus it helps to assimilate excess calcium which is often the cause of many diseases including heart disease, arthritis & osteoporosis. Our bodies do not produce magnesium, and it has all but gone from the soils and food chain.” says Dr Mark Sircus.

With Transderma Magnesium Gel you receive energetically enhanced minerals in an easily absorbed form, directly through your skin.

The magnesium gel gives you a consistency that is easy to work with, with less drip than an oil or spray.

Magnesium chloride …Restore healthy mineral balances, improve cellular electrolytes, and improve your overall health. Using transdermal delivery (through the skin), you absorb much more of the minerals than you may through your digestive tract.

You can use this magnesium liquid as a rub, bath oil, or many other applications.

Product size: 16 ounce bottle.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.


Reiki Healing Clinic

reikisymbolsThe energy healings clinic is available to anyone who needs to release blocked energy.    The healings are to be scheduled and they can be a one-on-one healing session are they could be added at the end of a class so the new Reiki practitioners can come work with real clients.

This is a forum for those interested in Reiki healing energy and offers an opportunity for students of the Reiki Ranch to practice the techniques they have learned in Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III classes.

The Reiki Ranch is located in Western Washington, approximately 20 miles south of Olympia, and 10 miles west of Chehalis/Centralia.  Follow Hwy 6 to Adna (approximately 5 miles) to Adna, WA.  Call for address and driving directions. Tel. 1-360-748-4426.

Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energy


What is Laser Reiki?

In the early 1990’s Taylore was treating a client using traditional Reiki and her thoughts were on thinking — “there might be a quicker and better way to create wellness for the person.” A Reiki treatment usually takes up to an hour or even an hour and a half. An inner voice told Taylore that there was a much faster way to remove energy blockages and she could heal 10 people in the same amount of time that it was taking to do one. Taylore said, “I’m all ears …and ready to learn this new cosmic energy method.” Laser Reiki and Cosmic energy healing were born and – together they are such a most extraordinary method!

Laser Reiki is the most amazing energy healing process ever!

You, too, Can Become an Energy Healer!

Taylore and Roi are a married couple and they share years of study and training in the healing arts, as well as, in the Spiritual Nature of humanity. They experimented with their healings using zero-point energy and principles of new physics that demonstrates the impact on our physical reality at quantum, atomic and sub-atomic levels, and they utilize parts of other healing modalities to get to the root cause of issues. Using elements of Kinesiology (muscle testing), for example, they establish direct contact with an individual’s subconscious mind and begin an elaborate dialogue with the inner knowingness. This technique reveals negative energy blockages and hidden beliefs which are immediately targeted with the “Laser Reiki” energy flow for release and transmutation.

Laser Reiki Classes and workshops are listed here.

We have Chehalis Reiki classes near Olympia, Reiki classes at Chehalis, Reiki classes north of Portland, OR and South of Seattle, and Tacoma

Reiki I, II, III

reikisymbols Learn Reiki I, II, and III at the Reiki Ranch in Adna, Washington. Presented in a beautiful country setting, these classes are taught through one day or weekend long retreats.

Accommodations include nearby Chehalis, tent camping or RV’ing, or staying in the dorm room. Fees are reasonably priced. See our Calendar of Events for dates and times.

1.    First Degree Reiki: –This is primarily for giving physical and etheric healings. It has a tremendous ability to balance and harmonize the chakras (energy centers in the body). Reiki I will remove negative energy from a person’s auric field, relieve stress, and heal the physical body of dis-eases in general. (Many students take these workshops over and over because of the healings they receive while doing the workshops.)
2.    Second Degree Reiki: –This energy adds healing on the mental and emotional levels. The first-degree energy is enhanced and amplified greatly, and the student is taught how to send the healing energy over long distances and to other points in time. The student learns techniques for using the Reiki symbols to cleanse and protect the aura (an invisible etheric energy field around the physical body.) The symbols can be used to remove bad energy from your home or office. The second-degree techniques are used to facilitate deep emotional healing, which is often the true cause of dis-ease.

3.    Third Degree Reiki: –This is very spiritual in nature and deals with self-empowerment. The Master level (third degree) amplifies both the first and second-degree energy to its highest levels. It integrates one’s being and initiates a more complete contact with your Higher Self. Reiki Masters can teach others and give Reiki I, II, and III attunements.

Laser Reiki Hat

where you can get, what you need, when you need it.

The All New Reiki Ranch Store


Laser Reiki is an amazing next-step for Reiki Masters and beginners alike! You can show your Reiki skills to the world by wearing your own Laser Reiki hat.

Black cap with quality stitching. Adjustable.

To place order Click on the NEW Reiki Ranch Store button below
or call: (360) 748.4426 for further information.
