Laser Reiki and Cosmic Energy


What is Laser Reiki?

In the early 1990’s Taylore was treating a client using traditional Reiki and her thoughts were on thinking — “there might be a quicker and better way to create wellness for the person.” A Reiki treatment usually takes up to an hour or even an hour and a half. An inner voice told Taylore that there was a much faster way to remove energy blockages and she could heal 10 people in the same amount of time that it was taking to do one. Taylore said, “I’m all ears …and ready to learn this new cosmic energy method.” Laser Reiki and Cosmic energy healing were born and – together they are such a most extraordinary method!

Laser Reiki is the most amazing energy healing process ever!

You, too, Can Become an Energy Healer!

Taylore and Roi are a married couple and they share years of study and training in the healing arts, as well as, in the Spiritual Nature of humanity. They experimented with their healings using zero-point energy and principles of new physics that demonstrates the impact on our physical reality at quantum, atomic and sub-atomic levels, and they utilize parts of other healing modalities to get to the root cause of issues. Using elements of Kinesiology (muscle testing), for example, they establish direct contact with an individual’s subconscious mind and begin an elaborate dialogue with the inner knowingness. This technique reveals negative energy blockages and hidden beliefs which are immediately targeted with the “Laser Reiki” energy flow for release and transmutation.

Laser Reiki Classes and workshops are listed here.

We have Chehalis Reiki classes near Olympia, Reiki classes at Chehalis, Reiki classes north of Portland, OR and South of Seattle, and Tacoma

Reiki I, II, III

reikisymbols Learn Reiki I, II, and III at the Reiki Ranch in Adna, Washington. Presented in a beautiful country setting, these classes are taught through one day or weekend long retreats.

Accommodations include nearby Chehalis, tent camping or RV’ing, or staying in the dorm room. Fees are reasonably priced. See our Calendar of Events for dates and times.

1.    First Degree Reiki: –This is primarily for giving physical and etheric healings. It has a tremendous ability to balance and harmonize the chakras (energy centers in the body). Reiki I will remove negative energy from a person’s auric field, relieve stress, and heal the physical body of dis-eases in general. (Many students take these workshops over and over because of the healings they receive while doing the workshops.)
2.    Second Degree Reiki: –This energy adds healing on the mental and emotional levels. The first-degree energy is enhanced and amplified greatly, and the student is taught how to send the healing energy over long distances and to other points in time. The student learns techniques for using the Reiki symbols to cleanse and protect the aura (an invisible etheric energy field around the physical body.) The symbols can be used to remove bad energy from your home or office. The second-degree techniques are used to facilitate deep emotional healing, which is often the true cause of dis-ease.

3.    Third Degree Reiki: –This is very spiritual in nature and deals with self-empowerment. The Master level (third degree) amplifies both the first and second-degree energy to its highest levels. It integrates one’s being and initiates a more complete contact with your Higher Self. Reiki Masters can teach others and give Reiki I, II, and III attunements.