Silver Water 2 Gallons – Colloidal Silver water

Silver-water-2-gallonProduct Information

 Best there is available!  Each ounce over 9 billion charged anti-microbial particles. 3ppm silver by the Silver Water Company – originally designed by Wayne Rowland. Also called Wain Water.

Nano tiny particles where you will not turn blue,  Colloidal Silver Water 2 gal container, $125.00 . You may Call us to order if you like – shipping in the USA is about $30-$35 per bottle.  Tel. 360-748-4426.

Note: This product is only shipped to addresses within the Continental  USA. If you live outside the USA please order the 2 quart bottles of Silver water because it ships in USPS priority mail Flat rate boxes (much cheaper) and shipping would be calculated when you order. Thank you!

Silver Water 1 qt. – Colloidal Silver Water

Product Information

silver-water-1-quartCGAM Colloidal Silver Water (9 Billion electrically charged, anti-microbial particles to oz.) Our Silver Water is Superior to regular “colloidal” silver . Pricing is for the USA is still very reasonable at $25

US Shipping is $14.90

This is the original Wain Water – the small molecule (nano silver solution) Silver Water designed by Wayne Roland. Each ounce over 9 billion charged anti-microbial particles. 3ppm silver. Basically it disables the respiration process of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and etc. (They suffocate, die, and are passed out of the body, via the elimination processes.) It is refreshing to the body and excellent on sun burns!

This bottle of nano silver solution has to be shipped in the middle size USPS priority mail box because of its size and weight. You should look at the 3 quart special to get the best price and save on shipping – shipped in the same box as this one quart. Also Save even more money by buying Colloidal silver water in a handy 6 quart package.

The same colloidal silver water with its amazing healthy and refreshing attributes. You drink it the same a a good purified distilled water, spray it on the skin for a soothing topical application, mix it with DMSO for pain release, etc.

Canada  and International orders must telephone for shipping prices. Call 360-748-4426 or email us at taylorevance (at)

The news broadcast is telling us the Colloidal Silver Water is good for killing Ebola. See YouTube Video below!

Colloidal Silver Test: Kills Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi

Share Your Story in Media is the Disease

I need your help with my new book, Media is the Disease.

The media is bombarding us with shocking news of diseases and plagues that threaten our health and wellbeing. Everything from Ebola and flesh-eating virus to Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia are breaking news. As far as the media is concerned there is no known cure for these assaults upon our health. Fear is creeping into our consciousness.

Do It Yourself (DIY)  —    this story!

All these maladies can be prevented or eliminated by a few inexpensive natural supplements (or possibly by not subscribing to the media stories at all). Getting your education outside of the box is in order. Why listen or watch only corporation owned news media? Did you know that 95% of the news media was bought up in the 1950’s so that the elite owners of certain corporations could shape the “news” to support their platform of services and products they sell? These companies now get no unfavorable news reports. Is some new vaccination coming out on the market place?

Take Ebola Virus scary breaking news headlines, for example:

  • “US – Sacramento Man hospitalized, being treated as potential Ebola victim while CDC conduct tests”
  • “In southern Guinea Ebola has killed more than 1,230 people since discovered January 2014.”
  • “CDC has no known cure for Ebola.”
  • Is Ebola Virus a flesh eating bacteria?” a news article on the Reiki Ranch Store for Alternative health Website.

I Need Your Help

The real news is that we need your help in spreading the word about the government using fear tactics and exposing us to man made bacteria or viruses that may be easily rendered harmless. There are inexpensive natural products that work with natural laws in quickly killing bacteria, virus and fungus – some of the main causes of disease. What if you leaned about this simple alternative immune system boosting product?

We’ve studied natural health alternatives for years and have seen lives changed and miraculous healings all for a few cents per day and an open mind.

What Are Some of the Options if You Have Ebola?

  1. Check into a hospital and be quarantined
  2. Go to an MD who only listens to the CDC and they see no cure as of yet
  3. Schedule a visit to a specialized natural clinic where you might spend a few weeks detoxing and rebuilding your immune system
  4. Spend a few dollars using the same natural treatment at home as the natural health clinics and save the travel expense.

Please Share Your Story

Please help us spread the word and tell us about your health challenge or share your testimony of overcoming insurmountable odds as we help each other lift the veil of insecurity and help others reclaim their lives, health and wellbeing.

We need your questions, concerns, comments and triumphant victories to help enlighten the misinformed public, you and your story could be featured in my new book.

With much love, light and healing,

Taylore Vance
PS: What if there was a water purifier that has no bad side effects that would kill he virus called Ebola for about $1.00 a week? Click here

Energy Healing classes coming up at the Reiki Ranch School – See

Is Ebola Virus a flesh eating bacteria?

ebola virus protection

ebola virus protective suits are used

Afraid of the Ebola? You should be!  — Ebola virus disease  also called Ebola hemorrhagic fever is the human bleeding disease which may be caused by any of four of the five known ebola viruses. “The US is bringing back infected patients: NEW YORK (AP) – Aid officials say an American doctor infected with the Ebola virus is the first being flown to the U.S. for treatment.  Two seriously ill Americans will be treated at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital. Samaritan’s Purse missionary group tells The Associated Press that a plane carrying Dr. Kent Brantly has left West Africa.”

Evola virus outbreak

Ebola Virus is growing

“Then Ebola…….. 2 US doctors who know how to protect themselves using protective suits etc., still get infected with Ebola…….How did that happen?  They say it is not easy to get infected with Ebola unless there is transfer of bodily fluids, so how did they get infected in the first place? Did these doctors touch the patients fluids with the bare hands???
Viruses evolve, who knows if they are now airborne and we don’t know it yet.
It only takes one person to walk out of that hospital (Atlanta) without knowing he or she is infected and start kissing their kids or partner and spread the virus real quick and more if its airborne. I bet we will be hearing in a week about new people been infected. ”

Ebola virus disease a threat worldwide

Ebola virus disease a threat worldwide


Natural Remedies  for Ebola are available.
From Genesis2 church (MMS) Forum: “At this point, no one knows for sure how many drops of the water purifier  (MMS) it will take to prevent the Ebola . All you can do is use the ***Protocol 1000*** to try and keep the immune system as strong as possible. Eat as healthy as you can, eat organic and stay clear of crowds and people as much as you can and wash those hands, wash those hands, wash those hands! Ebola is not only carried on hands only but a lot of other immune damaging viruses are and you need that immune system to be strong, not fighting other sicknesses! As time goes on, unfortunately, we will learn how effective MMS is against Ebola.”

  • The State Department has confirmed that one U.S. citizen died from Ebola in Nigeria after being infected in Liberia.
  • The victim who died in Lagos was bound for the U.S., and was an American citizen
  • U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the virus poses a threat to Britain, and will hold an emergency meeting
  • Ebola center run by Americans closed after Liberia disturbances
  • Two Peace Corps volunteers are under observation after coming into contact with the individual who later died of Ebola disease.
  • And much more is being reported…

From the  Nigerian health bulletin   “I am writing urgently to propose to you that there is good reason to believe that there already is a natural solution for, and prevention against, the terrifying novel Ebola virus for which, at this point, no effective treatment or counter measures are thought to exist.”
Prevention of Ebola Disease – Get MMS – water purifier here: — it will kill virus and bacteria for just pennies – under $1.00 a week.

Flesh Eating bacteria are Streptococcus Necrotizing fasciitis and is considered a rare infection of the deeper layers of skin and subcutaneous tissues, easily spreading across the fascial plane within the subcutaneous tissue.

From “”   “Florida oceans and most lakes are contaminated with the deadly flesh eating bacteria = no cure + deadly.  Ohio has toxins in their drinking water because of the lake and it could happen in other places = if you drink no water you die, if you drink water with bacteria you also die, and you can’t even boil the water to make it safe because that concentrates and increases the strength of the toxins.”  NOTE: Sorry readers, we will not post photos of flesh eating bacteria because they are too graphic.  (If You want to see the photo of this terrible disease please Google images of flesh eating bacteria.)

NEWS Broadcast:  “As Ebola spreads mercilessly across the world, it appears Florida has a problem (of flesh eating bacteris) that sounds just as awful. As CBS reports, Florida health officials are warning beach goers about a seawater bacterium that can invade cuts and scrapes to cause flesh-eating disease. At least 11 Floridians have contracted Vibrio vulnificus so far this year and two have died, according to the most recent state data.”

Prevention of flesh-eating disease – Get MMS – water purifier here: — it will kill virus and bacteria for just pennies – under $1.00 a week. This master mineral solution is much better that using an antibiotic because it acts immediately — the bacteria cannot be resistant to its use.

UTIs — Urinary Tract Infections /Bladder Infections Testimonial by an RN

MMS – Water Purification drops used with UTIs – Interstitial cystitis.  Most urinary tract infections start with bladder infections. You must kill the pathogens with mms – an alternative natural solution that does not harm the body.

Some UTI Facts:

  1. A bacterial infection in your bladder is normally not serious if it is treated right away. When you do not quickly treat a bladder infection and inflammation, the bacterial infection can spread to your kidneys and the complete urinary track.
  2. A kidney infection is considered serious and can cause permanent damage.
  3. Your urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries excess minerals, wastes out of your body. It includes your bladder and kidneys and the tubes that connect them. When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection.

Testimonial of a UTIs — Urinary Tract Infections /Bladder Infections Testimonial by RN

I am an RN.  Two years ago I began having what seemed to be constant UTIs.  The urologist diagnosed it as Interstitial cystitis.  IC has no cure in modern medicine.  Some women end up having their bladders removed in serious cases.  The burning was awful and it was effecting my whole life.   A friend of mine told me about MMS.  She gave me the capsule form.  It was very hard on my stomach, but it took care of the burning sensation.  This condition was effecting my entire life, my activity level, my intimacy with my spouse, what I could and could not eat, and my all round well being.  The pain was so bad at times it would double me over.

 I ordered Jim Humble’s book and read every word.  I found Reiki Ranch Store on Jim’s site as a supplier of MMS (Water Purification Drops).  I ordered it in Nov. of 2013 and began using it.  I have continued to use it on a regular basis because I believe it boosts my immune system and keeps me healthy.  The Dr. told me I would have IC for the rest of my life. That there was no known cure for it.  He just did not know about MMS.  The drops worked great for me.  There are many days  I forget to take MMS and I have been able to eat a regular diet with no restrictions and don’t even have evidence of IC even when I don’t take MMS.  I am so grateful to my friend who shared this product with me.  It truly changed my life.  By Sharon Cluck RN

Urinary Tract Infection happens here

Urinary Tract Infection happens here

Clean Me Up Program by CGAM

CGAM – Silver Water Products – The Clean Me Up Program

Sufficient Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals are no longer available in our food supply; they have been removed by hybridization of our plants and both chemical and mineral depletion of our soils. What can our bodies do but get sick without enough nutrients available?

See below where you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY  by William J. Foreyt

To remove parasites from the body we need to cleanse the blood and the bowel with: Silverwater, Enzymes, Colloidal Minerals, Greens, Dulse, enzymes, also look at : Serrapeptase, and Vermox (dewormer).

Instructions for Clean me up Program

The following ”CLEAN ME UP PROGRAM”  has proven to be the best protocol for cleansing and removing  parasites from the blood and bowel:
1)    Take 6 drops of Lugol`s Iodine in 3 oz of regular water – first thing in the morning. You have to be able to eat shellfish (ie not be iodine allergic!)

2)    After 15 – 20 min put 6-8 oz of Silver Water into a blender.
3)    Add 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of Silver Water Stabilized Greens (Phyto Food) to it.
4)    Take 8-10 capsules of Ultrazyme Plus (enzymes)– open them up and sprinkle them unto the smoothie.
5)    Add ¼ level teaspoon of Serrapeptase to the mix.
6)    Blend it all up and drink – At your own convenience (just for taste and texture) add any fruit or vegetable juice to it – If you add orange juice you might want to switch out the Silver Water and drink it by itself.
7)    Add 1 Tablespoon of Coconut milk powder to make it a delicious smoothie.
8)    Dulse is salty in taste (1 teaspoon per day) – you can add it to the smoothie – or eat it sprinkled over a salad or soup – experiment with it.
The Ultrazyme Plus, which de-worms the blood and tissue, is a combination of Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals. Silver Water has been known to kill bacteria, viruses as well as ameba found in the feces of the parasites which live in the blood and bowel. Silver Water Greens (Phyto Food) and Dulse (seaweed) are incredible rebuilders of the blood and tissue, and help sharpen the thought processes. Serrapeptase has been known to clean the blood and reduce inflammation.  Your “CLEAN ME UP” Program is on the move.
CGMA – Silver Water Products – The Clean Me Up Program
Sufficient Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals are no longer available in our food supply; they have been removed by hybridization of our plants and both chemical and mineral depletion of our soils.

9)    To Deworm with Vermox: After 30 days of the above mentioned protocol- people have reported great results by taking Vermox (active ingredient Mebendazol).

You will need to purchase 4 kits, which contain 6 of 100 mg tablets per packet totaling 24 tablets)  they have a package of 30 tablets for about $15.00 – or go on the web and look for vermox – generic – 24 tablets – remember you are the END user.

Take 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 3 days, then wait 10 days. Repeat this procedure for a second round and then wait again for 10 days, for this you can also improve your diet with the use of supplements as patriot power greens that really help with this as well. The final 12 Vermox tablets are taken as follows:  2 tablets morning and evening for 3 days (your third round) – after this you should be good for 6-12 months.

*you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in
** order the book by calling 1-800-862-6657 or by visiting the website @           ISBN # 9780813824192
***There are so many diseases disabling adults and children alike, caused by parasites that it is not practical to list them all, but I would like to say that our future seems to be severely threatened realizing that:

I salute you in your journey to the FABULOUS ENERGY
that this GOOD HEALTH protocol brings!

1.    ULTRAZYME PLUS: 1 BOTTLE                               $63.00

2.    SILVER WATER:   1 – 256 fl. Oz [2-gal jugs ]             $110.00        (Shipping estimated $30 in the USA)

4.   DULSE  SEAWEED: 1 – 1 LB CONTAINER                   – $63.00

TOTAL COST OF 30 day “CLEAN ME UP” KIT———–  May depend on shipping it to your address,
5.    Add: LUGOL’S IODINE: 1 – 1 oz bottle of Lugol`s Iodine 2% solution                            =        $  20.00
The role of iodine in human nutrition and disease prevention is well established.
6.    Add: SERRAPEPTASE:  1 –  7 oz jar of proprietary blend of Silverwater Greens  and Serrapeptase     =        $  55.00 each bottle

SHOPPING CART = Reiki Ranch Cube Cart <<<Place your order – Reiki Ranch Store <<<

1 Qt of Silver Water

The Clean Me Up program is better used with the CGAM Body Charger

You sit in a chair with your feet on the metal screen. Or you can use the optional silver cloth to pass the negative ions into your body. Call for pricing on the machines for charging the body with negative ions.


I killed Lyme Disease Spirochetes by Purifying my Water

I killed Lyme Disease Spirochetes by Purifying my Water, September 28, 2013

This review is from: 4 Oz. Water Purifier Set – For Purifying Water

My husband and I both had Lyme Disease — caused by spirochaete – parasitic or free-living bacteria, pathogenic to humans and other animals. From our studies… My husband and I found out that — Lyme disease to one degree to another is present in 98% of the people in the USA. We read in Tesla magazine that Lyme disease was an gov. laboratory engineered operation called Paper-Clip, and allowed to be released on the US people. Lyme is very hard to detect, Lyme is resistance to antibiotics and Lyme is highly contagious. Roi has had Lyme for at least 10 years that we know, but it acted like Fibromyalgia, MS, Desert Storm disease, gulf war illness. It can be airborne, and carried by any person by direct contact, as well as: biting insect to man, beast or pet.Lyme disease can affect the skin with rashes, painful joints, heart trouble, muscle pain like Fibromyalgia, and a breakdown in the nervous system. Lyme has over 300 symptoms and it often the cause of many other diseases. After 1 month on the Water Purification drops (MMS), We both feel happier, more energetic and the neck joints, wrist and finger joints, shoulder sockets, knees, ankles, etc., are feeling good again. I believe that our joints were infected by a micro organism of the Lyme disease and the solution helped free us up as it killed he bacteria in the water of our bodies. Additionally, we’d also installed the best whole house water filter in the market. Roi’s testing for Lyme disease is down to only 3%. He’s 85 years old and is able to be active again and able to enjoy life. He acts like a he’s 40 years younger! That’s a blessing!What I don’t like about the product is the taste. It tastes like chlorinated water. The water purifier is a lot easier to take now that they have the 50/50% citric acid activator. A person has only to work up to 3 drops an hour… and they can make a plastic container of the stuff — drinking a mixed amount each hour for 8 to 10 hours a day! (You no longer have to mix the WP each hour of the day)We also take a super green food — a phyto-nutrient – Silver Water Greens – that we mix ourselves with fruit juice. We take 5 to 10 caps of Silver water brand “Ultrazymes” a day. Getting well is a process. There is no silver bullet, but keep reading and studying alternate health remedies and supplements you can find at sites like, if you do all this, soon you will also start feeling younger again!!

We blogged about it on our ReikiRanch blog where we help others with alternative health remedies and energy healing.


Disease Symptom Elimination Program by CGAM

The connection between parasites and disease is undeniable, and no one knows this better than Wayne Rowland, who overcame deadly health challenges, including two types of cancer, by (1) eliminating parasites (2) deworming (3) submitting his body to healing frequencies (4) maintaining a healthy gut and boosting his immune system. His program translates incredibly to other people suffering from incurable diseases. He shares his Disease Symptom Elimination Program with the world in an effort to help others do the same.

To remove parasite-related disease symptoms from the body, we need to kill the parasites, build gut health and immunity, and cleanse the blood and bowel using Silverwater, Enzymes, Colloidal Minerals, Greens, Dulse, enzymes, DMSO, chlorine dioxide, and dewormer.

What is included in Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program?

First of all, you will need at least 2 ounces of Lugol’s Iodine 6.6% to cover the first three months. If you can’t get 6.6%, 5% will work. Take three drops in a glass of water first thing in the morning every day of the program. You may choose to continue to use the iodine daily following the challenge based on your results. Do not take iodine if you are allergic to shellfish.

You will also need a water purification drops kit. This is a two-part kit (Part 1 and Part 2) that makes chlorine dioxide when combined in a one-drop-to-one-drop ratio. You will use three drops of each (Part 1 and Part 2) every hour for 8 to 10 hours each day over the three-month period.

The following items are to be consumed regularly every day over the course of each month. This is a one-month supply:

  • Bio-Dyna-Zyme
  • Ultrabiotic Plus
  • Ultrazyme Plus
  • Silver Water Stabilized Greens
  • Purple Dulse Seaweed 1 lb.
  • Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO 16 oz.
  • Horse dewormer in the plunger tube
  • 3 quarts of Silver Water

The above is consumed each month, plus 10 cases of Silver Water, which is to be used as a healthy drinking water replacement and should be taken purely, i.e., not added to other substances to make flavored drinks, coffee, tea, etc. The healing frequencies are fused into the Silver Water. Avoid drinking tap water for this three-month period.

Once the three months are complete, keep taking any remaining products until they are all gone.

Try to eat a healthy diet free from heavily processed or parasite-egg-or-larvae-laden food. Though this is not a requirement, your results will be exponentially greater if you are able to make this adjustment.

*you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in
** order the book by calling 1-800-862-6657 or by visiting the website @           ISBN # 9780813824192
***There are so many diseases disabling adults and children caused by parasites that it is not practical to list them all, but I would like to say that our future seems to be severely threatened realizing that:

I salute you in your journey to the FABULOUS ENERGY
that this GOOD HEALTH protocol brings!

SHOPPING CART = Reiki Ranch Shopping Cart <<<Place your order – Reiki Ranch Store <<<

1 Qt of Silver Water


The Disease Symptom Elimination program is better used with the Wayne Rowland Body Charger

You sit in a chair with your feet on the metal screen. Or you can use the optional silver cloth to pass the negative ions into your body. Call for pricing on the machines for charging the body with negative ions.


What to Do About Aches and Pains? Could it be Lyme Disease?

Do You Have Aches and Pain? Why do you have them?

And How to be Pain Free Again!

A disease that used to be rather rare is now commonplace.  It is usually misdiagnosed and therefore treated with the wrong medications.

What to do about aches and pains?

What to do about aches and pains?

You can get Lyme Disease from any biting insect and close contact with anyone who has it. It is very contagious. In some families, everyone has it to some degree, even the dogs and cats.  The unique thing about this bacterium is it either causes over 300 different diseases on mimics over 300 different sets of symptoms. Some of the sets of symptoms are so far out doctors will tell you it’s all in your head. (Not a real sickness and you may be labeled:  Psychosomatic).

It seems to settle in any weak place and therefore cause way different symptoms in each person. They thought I had fibromyalgia along with rheumatoid arthritis while my wife had severe digestive problems. Because of the vastly different symptoms very few doctors, either natural or allopathic, would even guess we both had the same disease.

Remember intimate contact with someone who has it (a kiss etc.) will transmit the bacteria.  What if your dog licks your face, mouth? The dog could get it, too!

This spirochete, screw shaped bacteria has spread all over the world.

This spirochete, screw shaped bacteria has spread all over the world.

You don’t have to be bitten to pick it up from another person: it can even be airborne! Any mosquito, fly or gnat that bites you could be injecting you with this bacterium.

I got mine from a mosquito bite and my wife got it from me. Yes, it is very contagious to all family members.

It was nine years after I got the mosquito bite that healed a lot different than usual that I figured out what was wrong.

I thought I might have one of many different neurologic disorders — fibromyalgia, psychosomatic disorder and this one, too —  neurosyphilis.


These are some of the symptoms below:

  • Subtle cognitive problems, difficulty with speech
  • Difficulties with concentration, mood swings
  • Fatigue, tiredness, poor stamina
  • Weakness in the legs, leg pain, stiffness of joints or back
  • Shooting pains, numbness, and tingling in the hands or feet
  • Irritable bladder, internal pain
  • Panic attacks and anxiety
  • Arthritis affecting the knees, legs, ankles, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrist
  • Nerve pain radiating out from the spine
  • Numbness in the limbs or facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)

The proper name of this disease is Borreliosis but it’s commonly called Lyme disease, named after the town where it was first diagnosed. I know the myth “You get it from a deer Tick”, but that is mostly urban legend. Most people disregard the possibility of this disease because they haven’t been out in deer woods.

“Lyme disease is a great masquerader, which makes getting a proper diagnosis of Lyme a real challenge. Lyme can cause symptoms in multiple organs, including skin, heart, nervous system, joints and muscles and gastrointestinal tract. Involvement of the lungs, eyes or urinary tract has also been experienced,” reports Leo Galland, M.D.

I never gave Lyme disease a thought because I didn’t get a tick bite.  After we finally knew, we tried many things that were supposed to kill that bacteria off but all they did was slow it down somewhat.  I’ve since talked to dozens of people who’ve spent thousands of dollars and 10-20 years trying to get rid of this tough little corkscrew shaped bacteria with few results. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and actually has now spread worldwide.

How did we luck out? Continue reading below”

By Herb (Roi) Richards, co-author of book How to Attract Wealth in its 8th printing, Graduate of the College of Life Science in Health and Natural Nutrition, Laser Reiki Master, and author of numerous health related articles.

DSCN2250We lucked out and got rid of all aches and pains — for only $25.00 by taking simple water purification drops. We purified the water in our bodies thereby killing the bacteria causing the inflammation and sickness!

(this is the continue of the Spirit Journal Article, Seattle, WA)

 Price of the treatment – only $25 plus $7.9 shipping for the US. Go to the web site or call us to order. Tel. 360-748-4426. Or click here: The Reiki Ranch Store – the shopping cart!

We lucked out and found a mineral solution to aches and pains — you receive a 6 months to one years supply for just pennies a day!  It has been called Water Purification drops for around 80 years. Jim Humble re-discovered it as a supplement several years ago and has written two books on it.

A friend told us about a water-purifying product that’s now commonly called “Master Mineral Solution” or MMS. It costs around $25.00 for about a one year supply so it’ll never be a mainstream accepted healing agent (there’s no money in it). What does this mineral solution produce that kills all bacteria, fungus and viruses?  I researched the end product: Chlorine dioxide where it was discovered in 1814 by Sir Humphrey Davy and has been used in swimming pools, water purification systems, washing down animal caucuses in meat processing plants and used for making stream water safe to drink by hikers and backpackers. Make your bones and muscles stronger with the best SARMS stack.

It has been used to purify water supplies for over 80 years especially in Europe and as a pill or kit for campers and explorers to take with them. It’s known to kill most all pathogens so it doesn’t matter what you were diagnosed with, it’ll probably do the job and is almost free!

Water Purification Drops also called MMS consists of two products that are mixed together at the time of use. (Two small bottles: Sodium Chlorite 28% and citric acid). Combine 1 drop of each in a dry glass for 20-30 seconds and they become a short lived mineral solution called Chlorine Dioxide that will purify water no matter where it is. You will need to add a glass of water to the solution before drinking because in its pure stage it is very caustic.  The Reiki Ranch Store – the shopping cart! for WP/MMS

Since our bodies are between 70% and 80% water it’s a perfect way to kill off all the nasty little microbes that set up housekeeping in the human body. I understood the body makes some chlorine dioxide, just not enough to cope with today’s world. If you have a bad infestation of any kind of pathogen, heavy metal etc. you only use a tiny amount (one to three drops of each bottle product) dropped together in a dry glass, mix it, wait 20 seconds and it’ll go from clear to a nice yellow color. Now it is ready to put in water and use.

After taking it for just two weeks my hands that had been swollen for two years would fully close again – I could make a fist with both hands. The swelling in the knuckles went down and so did the pain. Both me and my wife used the water purification drops for a little over two years. We actually continued quite a while after the symptoms went away to make sure all the little critters were killed. We’re back trail riding on our off highway motorcycles again I bought a helmet and some articles there are somewhat pricey & worth it – AGV Helmets. I still don’t have all my muscle strength back 100%, but it’s a far cry from being the invalid I was. We take a small maintenance dose once or twice a week now to take care of anything we might pick up in our everyday life.

Arthritis Be Gone with MMS – Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints – article taken from the Internet

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that lacks collagen deposit. What is eating up the joints?  Could it be little spirochetes – proper name for the screw like bacteria that causes syphilis, relapsing Fever, Lyme disease, Seven Day Fever, Leptospirosis Spirochetosis, Swineherd Disease, Leptospirosis is an infectious disease, intestinal Spirochaetales- higher bacteria; slender spiral rodlike forms, Treponemataceae – small spirochetes some parasitic or pathogenic and perhaps many other hard to treat diseases. Some of these spirochetes have taken up their homes in the joints and may be the cause of so many joint replacements? Many old people start to experience such painful joints especially when they try to stand up after a long hours of sitting or if the cold season is around. There are actually many anti-inflammatory medications available now but most of these will contradict with other medications such as meds for heart problems. Taking so many medications causes major problems. While taking chlorine dioxide in your water has no ill side effects and it will kill these syphilis like bacteria causing the pains and your joints can heal themselves again.

MMS (Water Purifier Drops) is way different from taking other supplements and drugs. It has the most powerful components that will not only kill the little bugs that cause diseases but it could also help boost your immune system in many other ways. This is very much advisable for oldies as they are now more prone to get infected because of their poor immune system and low energy levels. MMS has very negative electrical charge in its ionic field and will find and destroy anything that is anti-life in the body. It will help fight off diseases and infections.

For people experiencing arthritis, they can still take their medications while taking MMS. It will not interfere nor cause any side effects. Just make sure to take MMS 3-4 hours apart after you take your medications. Many people who have arthritis claimed great results just after they take their first MMS dosage. One person’s rheumatoid arthritis swollen hands were able to close after only 3 weeks of taking the MMS.

By Herb Roi Richards, an internationally published writer, who is well versed in Alternative health and well being.

Check out the MMS/water Purifier product here:



MSM #1 – Organic Sulfur- 1/2 lb

MSM Organic Sulfur one half poundProduct Information

Organic sulfur. Pure Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane also known as Dimethyl-Sulfone. This is the Micro Pro powder without any fillers.  The world’s purest and best selling MSM and the only MSM used in U.S. published clinical research. Others charge $15 to $25 a half pound for this same quality.. 8 oz bag.

  • White crystalline powder, Characteristic bitter taste, Soluble in water. Store in cool and dry place, keep away from strong light and heat.
  • MSM is a source of biological sulfur. Bulk Ingredient for formulation, health finish product R&D, cosmetic product, or any other use purpose.
  • Fresh, 1 to 2.5 years shelf life available.
  • There is not any additive or filler inside.

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8 Facts about Sulfur you may not know:

  1. Sulfur (chemical symbol S, atomic number 16) is one of the most important trace minerals on earth (around 5th most important) and is required for food production and a healthy body.
  2. Sulfur is an essential element for all life.
  3. Sulfur is required to regenerate our cells and if our body lacks Sulfur then our cells deteriorate and do not regenerate in a healthy manner, hence we become sick and illnesses such as cancer and heart problems occur.
  4. Since 1954 chemical fertilizers were MANDATED by the US Government. Fertilizers containing ammonium nitrates and sulfates were used by farmers since being MANDATED, however, these fertilizers lack bioavailability and appear to have broken the Sulfur cycle in those countries that use these fertilizers.
  5. Since 1954 the rate of disease in the US has increased by approximately 4,000% (percent) with a resultant decline in health, wealth, mental acuity and quality of life.
  6. A study referred to as “The Sulfur Study” is expected to demonstrate a connection between the lack of Sulfur and the inability of cells to regenerate in a healthy manner. Final results are expected to be released very soon, but preliminary results highlight that all modern diseases can be attributed to mineral deficiencies.
  7. Diseases that never seemed to exist in our Grandparents time now grow at an unprecedented rate and the quality of our food has been greatly diminished.
  8. Our bodies comprise 4% Sulfur but do not store or make Sulfur. We should be getting the Sulfur we need from the foods we eat, however, since 1954 the use of chemical fertilizers has apparently broken the Sulfur cycle.

Organic Sulfur is a critical bio-avalible form of sulfur that has been  missing from our diet since 1954. The introduction of synthetic chemical nitrogen based fertilizers by chemical companies in the 50s has had a profound  negitive effect on our health.  Sulfur and its mineral compounds have been chemically  stripped  from the soils of commercial farming. This has  caused a sulfur deficiency in plants and so in humans and animals,   Our bodies depend on the uptake of bio-avalible sulfur and its related minerals through the eating of  fruits and vegetables. Animals and man don’t store sulfur.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

The health of the body human is dependant upon all of the minerals which must be bio available and were until we started interrupting the natural cycles of these minerals. Cellular Matrix Study believes the sulfur cycle is broken and until we return to a more organic form of agribusiness we will need to get our sulfur from other sources. Organic Sulfur is the source we are presently researching and in doing so are looking for new members to join our observational study

MSM has been studied for over twenty years at the Oregon Health Sciences University Hospital in Portland, Oregon. In my medical clinic at the University Hospital, I personally have used MSM with thousands of patients in my practice. A few years ago I published my experiences with MSM in my book “The Miracle of MSM. The Natural Solution for Pain”. This book was published in 1999 in the United States. More recently, I have written a comprehensive review of the science and therapeutics of MSM (“MSM, The Definitive Guide”, 2002)  by Stanley W. Jacob, M.D.

  • MSM #1 – Organic Sulfur- 1/2 lb.


  • Product Code:MSMP6

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