Clean Me Up Program by CGAM

CGAM – Silver Water Products – The Clean Me Up Program

Sufficient Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals are no longer available in our food supply; they have been removed by hybridization of our plants and both chemical and mineral depletion of our soils. What can our bodies do but get sick without enough nutrients available?

See below where you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY  by William J. Foreyt

To remove parasites from the body we need to cleanse the blood and the bowel with: Silverwater, Enzymes, Colloidal Minerals, Greens, Dulse, enzymes, also look at : Serrapeptase, and Vermox (dewormer).

Instructions for Clean me up Program

The following ”CLEAN ME UP PROGRAM”  has proven to be the best protocol for cleansing and removing  parasites from the blood and bowel:
1)    Take 6 drops of Lugol`s Iodine in 3 oz of regular water – first thing in the morning. You have to be able to eat shellfish (ie not be iodine allergic!)

2)    After 15 – 20 min put 6-8 oz of Silver Water into a blender.
3)    Add 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of Silver Water Stabilized Greens (Phyto Food) to it.
4)    Take 8-10 capsules of Ultrazyme Plus (enzymes)– open them up and sprinkle them unto the smoothie.
5)    Add ¼ level teaspoon of Serrapeptase to the mix.
6)    Blend it all up and drink – At your own convenience (just for taste and texture) add any fruit or vegetable juice to it – If you add orange juice you might want to switch out the Silver Water and drink it by itself.
7)    Add 1 Tablespoon of Coconut milk powder to make it a delicious smoothie.
8)    Dulse is salty in taste (1 teaspoon per day) – you can add it to the smoothie – or eat it sprinkled over a salad or soup – experiment with it.
The Ultrazyme Plus, which de-worms the blood and tissue, is a combination of Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals. Silver Water has been known to kill bacteria, viruses as well as ameba found in the feces of the parasites which live in the blood and bowel. Silver Water Greens (Phyto Food) and Dulse (seaweed) are incredible rebuilders of the blood and tissue, and help sharpen the thought processes. Serrapeptase has been known to clean the blood and reduce inflammation.  Your “CLEAN ME UP” Program is on the move.
CGMA – Silver Water Products – The Clean Me Up Program
Sufficient Enzymes and Colloidal Minerals are no longer available in our food supply; they have been removed by hybridization of our plants and both chemical and mineral depletion of our soils.

9)    To Deworm with Vermox: After 30 days of the above mentioned protocol- people have reported great results by taking Vermox (active ingredient Mebendazol).

You will need to purchase 4 kits, which contain 6 of 100 mg tablets per packet totaling 24 tablets)  they have a package of 30 tablets for about $15.00 – or go on the web and look for vermox – generic – 24 tablets – remember you are the END user.

Take 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 3 days, then wait 10 days. Repeat this procedure for a second round and then wait again for 10 days, for this you can also improve your diet with the use of supplements as patriot power greens that really help with this as well. The final 12 Vermox tablets are taken as follows:  2 tablets morning and evening for 3 days (your third round) – after this you should be good for 6-12 months.

*you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in
** order the book by calling 1-800-862-6657 or by visiting the website @           ISBN # 9780813824192
***There are so many diseases disabling adults and children alike, caused by parasites that it is not practical to list them all, but I would like to say that our future seems to be severely threatened realizing that:

I salute you in your journey to the FABULOUS ENERGY
that this GOOD HEALTH protocol brings!

1.    ULTRAZYME PLUS: 1 BOTTLE                               $63.00

2.    SILVER WATER:   1 – 256 fl. Oz [2-gal jugs ]             $110.00        (Shipping estimated $30 in the USA)

4.   DULSE  SEAWEED: 1 – 1 LB CONTAINER                   – $63.00

TOTAL COST OF 30 day “CLEAN ME UP” KIT———–  May depend on shipping it to your address,
5.    Add: LUGOL’S IODINE: 1 – 1 oz bottle of Lugol`s Iodine 2% solution                            =        $  20.00
The role of iodine in human nutrition and disease prevention is well established.
6.    Add: SERRAPEPTASE:  1 –  7 oz jar of proprietary blend of Silverwater Greens  and Serrapeptase     =        $  55.00 each bottle

SHOPPING CART = Reiki Ranch Cube Cart <<<Place your order – Reiki Ranch Store <<<

1 Qt of Silver Water

The Clean Me Up program is better used with the CGAM Body Charger

You sit in a chair with your feet on the metal screen. Or you can use the optional silver cloth to pass the negative ions into your body. Call for pricing on the machines for charging the body with negative ions.


Disease Symptom Elimination Program by CGAM

The connection between parasites and disease is undeniable, and no one knows this better than Wayne Rowland, who overcame deadly health challenges, including two types of cancer, by (1) eliminating parasites (2) deworming (3) submitting his body to healing frequencies (4) maintaining a healthy gut and boosting his immune system. His program translates incredibly to other people suffering from incurable diseases. He shares his Disease Symptom Elimination Program with the world in an effort to help others do the same.

To remove parasite-related disease symptoms from the body, we need to kill the parasites, build gut health and immunity, and cleanse the blood and bowel using Silverwater, Enzymes, Colloidal Minerals, Greens, Dulse, enzymes, DMSO, chlorine dioxide, and dewormer.

What is included in Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program?

First of all, you will need at least 2 ounces of Lugol’s Iodine 6.6% to cover the first three months. If you can’t get 6.6%, 5% will work. Take three drops in a glass of water first thing in the morning every day of the program. You may choose to continue to use the iodine daily following the challenge based on your results. Do not take iodine if you are allergic to shellfish.

You will also need a water purification drops kit. This is a two-part kit (Part 1 and Part 2) that makes chlorine dioxide when combined in a one-drop-to-one-drop ratio. You will use three drops of each (Part 1 and Part 2) every hour for 8 to 10 hours each day over the three-month period.

The following items are to be consumed regularly every day over the course of each month. This is a one-month supply:

  • Bio-Dyna-Zyme
  • Ultrabiotic Plus
  • Ultrazyme Plus
  • Silver Water Stabilized Greens
  • Purple Dulse Seaweed 1 lb.
  • Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO 16 oz.
  • Horse dewormer in the plunger tube
  • 3 quarts of Silver Water

The above is consumed each month, plus 10 cases of Silver Water, which is to be used as a healthy drinking water replacement and should be taken purely, i.e., not added to other substances to make flavored drinks, coffee, tea, etc. The healing frequencies are fused into the Silver Water. Avoid drinking tap water for this three-month period.

Once the three months are complete, keep taking any remaining products until they are all gone.

Try to eat a healthy diet free from heavily processed or parasite-egg-or-larvae-laden food. Though this is not a requirement, your results will be exponentially greater if you are able to make this adjustment.

*you can find the proof that diseases are caused by parasites in
** order the book by calling 1-800-862-6657 or by visiting the website @           ISBN # 9780813824192
***There are so many diseases disabling adults and children caused by parasites that it is not practical to list them all, but I would like to say that our future seems to be severely threatened realizing that:

I salute you in your journey to the FABULOUS ENERGY
that this GOOD HEALTH protocol brings!

SHOPPING CART = Reiki Ranch Shopping Cart <<<Place your order – Reiki Ranch Store <<<

1 Qt of Silver Water


The Disease Symptom Elimination program is better used with the Wayne Rowland Body Charger

You sit in a chair with your feet on the metal screen. Or you can use the optional silver cloth to pass the negative ions into your body. Call for pricing on the machines for charging the body with negative ions.